Meet Tyler Nason from Plymouth.
As you can see, he’s the back to back winner of smallest dick in the trailer park. And back in February he beat the shit out of his girlfriend and Chuck Norrised their bedroom door as she filmed it and pleaded with him to stop. According to the victim she took out a restraining order on him and there is an upcoming domestic case. Trigger warning, this is pretty heavy shit.
Crazy part:
Well, there he is – the official mascot for Planed Parenthood.
One face frosting could’ve prevented this. I got the perfect rebound chick for him though.
She’s out of jail, give her a call.
If you didn’t watch the video it’s pretty disturbing. The door is already smashed when it began at 5:30 AM, so he obviously was freaking out and she began filming it. To anyone who says that she should’ve done things differently, or this was at all her fault – you are the problem here. No one deserves that, and no one should have to alter their behavior to avoid being savagely beaten by a rabid animal.
You can tell that she is routinely abused verbally by this ass clown, and I’m sure that’s not the first time he’s hit her. He chases her into the room, calls her a retard and a fat fuck, and then hits her with what appears to be a wallet, before hitting her four more times with his fist. Of course he blames it all on her.
“Stop fucking getting me up. Shut the fuck up!” I’m so done with your retarded ass.”
See? She did this. She got him up. This is all her fault.
He then kicks in the door some more.
And hits her several times again, including in the head on her bed, while she yelled, “Please stop hurting me.”
She screams, “Awwww my face!!”
“Shut the fuck up or I’m gonna choke you. I’m gonna choke you to fuck death. I’m gonna put you to sleep forever.”
He then blames it on her again.
“Wake me up again bitch. That’ll be the last time you ever wake me up.”
Because that’s what abusers do. Nothing is ever their fault. She woke him up. She made him do that.
He then kicks her out of the house.
“You better pack your shit and leave. Get the fuck out of my house or I’m going to beat your head in. I’m fucking done!! I don’t give a fuck. I don’t give a fuck, get the fuck out!! Put your fucking clothes on and get the fuck out!!”
“Stop Tyler.”
“No, I’m fucking done stopping bro. You’re not gonna wake me up at 5:30 in the morning to start shit. Get the fuck out. Get your fat ass out bro.”
And blamed it on her for a third time.
“This is what you wanted right? I told you ten times to leave me the fuck alone!!”
She wanted it. She wanted to be beaten. He’s a wild, uncontrollable animal who can’t be expected to behave like an actual human being.
Pencil dick didn’t just start being an asshole though. He’s been a waste of life for quite some time now.
Have you considered suicide?
But because this is America there’s no shortage of squids in the comments blaming the victim.
Should’ve stopped at “he’s abusing her.” Pretty easy to defend an abuser when it looks like you could eat your boyfriend for second lunch.
Then there’s this dickweed.
That last face you see before drinking your Bill Cosby Coolata.
Anyway, if anyone has more info on this maggot feel free to reach out to me on Facebook at Clarence Woods Emerson, or email
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117 Comment(s)
Monday night he committed suicide.
Pretty heavy scene over here, lots of crap happens because of sleep deprivation when people just ready to blow a casket and completely snap, you can see the guy totally snapped, you can see he is an abusive sleep deprived idiot but also by this video you can just completely see that the chick is playing along with it while totally loosing it almost puking but still going with it and recording it and all that staff – i can say she is not new to situations like this and will softly keeps on instigating them in a friendly compassionate manner
I’ve never wished COVID upon anyone the way I wish it upon him and some of these fucking pieces of shit in these comments.
Honestly, most of you are just as bad as him. You’re the types of people that’d be featured on this site you abuse defending sociopaths.
He will not do well in prison. It will be heavy karma.
Holy White Knight brigade in the comments….let’s keep it real: No one is beating him up. Especially not any beta cucks that have to ask their wife’s permission to have “guys night out”
I appologize for my outburst. Due to social distancing they’ve shut down my favorite glory hole. I’m very ugly and I get real ornery when I don’t eat cum daily.
Dude seriously your just as rude as he is .No women deserves to get hit and she didn’t wake him up he was being a pure ass clown .All men stick together and think it’s ok to put your hands on someone your with wrong.You must have had a bad up bringing because u all think alike.Grow up .
I’m a dude and I love cock. Balls keep my chin warm. I’d also never hit a woman as I find them gross and icky.
Also, whatcha doing latter? I’m fat horny and easy. Just your type. Come on me Give me the 8===D
It’s part of their culture…sorry i thought Tyler was black. This kid deserves a beatdown.
That was hard to watch. What a fucking piece of human filth. He deserves to be beaten, skinned, tied to a tree then beaten again. Leave him there until he dies.
I see some comments about her “provoking him” and saying things to get him to lash out. She most likely did this so she could catch him on video being the POS he is. She was scared shitless of him and this definitely isn’t the first time he beat her or the worst beating she’s received.
I also see comments about the house. I wouldn’t hold it against her too much. If you’re living that existence do you really have the will to take care of the mess. Also, not that it matters to you but that bitch ass pussy could’ve easily helped with the cleaning.
This woman was broken and scared she’s obviously been like this for quite awhile. She needs to get out of there and get help. Unfortunately battered women like this tend to become dependent on their abusers. They are led to feel it’s their fault and will protect POS’s like this.
My god she’s annoying.
Also: Typical Pats fan.
It’s called Stockholm Syndrome. Unfortunately woman think their guy is going to change or she’ll change him. This guy is too far gone to be changed or saved. He needs to be someone’s bitch in Concord State Prison for 3-5 years. When he gets released he’ll be a chunky chowder guzzling toilet.
This is a tremendously SAD story. One of the most sad stories I’ve ever seen. We have the saddest stories in America unlike any other sad stories seen before. It’s incredibly upsetting Tyler did this and he will be held accountable. This wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the tremendously corrupt Obama administration. Tyler needs to get back to his incredibly tremendous trailer park.
You’re a peice of shit just like him
The comments here should shine a light for girls and women on the fucked up psyche of at least 50% of the male population. Most are batterers, abusers and have ‘0’ respect for you. When they talk about ‘women being treated equally’ the first things to come out of their mouths is, ‘so I should be able to punch her then’. Men hate you. They hate what they cannot control. Go to school. Get a career. Makes lots of money. You do NOT need this shit.
How dare you!!!!
Fuck both of them.
Has anyone else noticed the intelligence level that Tyler Nelson has other than me? It may be equivalent or even exceed an ivy league debate? I’m not used to being unemployed, and I am quite certain that you are. Have you noticed the economy is closed? Well because it’s groundhog day for you year after year. Well you might be aware due to the fact that all the regular stores you rely on for stealing are closed. Granted this must increase the government assistance checks you receive. I’m basing this strictly on the lack of thought you have before writing comments. Quick news flash because sports may be boring to you, but they may cancel this upcoming NFL season. No worries you can always purchase either a Ray Rice or Rueben Foster Jersey. I could care less which way you swing, but when you justify this behavior I would not be surprised if your daily activity consists of either pitching or catching with creeps online lol. I don’t judge, but any Court that you walk into for beating the shit out of either a female or transvestite that you finagled somehow. Good luck using the defense of blacking out in anger for being woken up without a strap on in your ass with zero lube as your alarm clock. This just won’t cut it. Inmates will have sympathy so no worries. Congrats you hit the jackpot if that happens! You’ll start living the dream with three hots and a cot. Protective custody will be heaven.
I am being straight-up here…can someone please explain why I’m supposed to feel sorry for this chick? I mean, yeah, the kid is upper echelon trash, but she’s the one dating him. There’s a myriad of good guys out there, but she ignores them to be with this twig-tickler. Why should I have any sympathy for her?
Because women can’t make up their fucking minds if they want to be treated equal or put up on a pedestal and admired for their beauty. Fuck them. They can be weak pieces of shit just like their sperm donors. If I ever threatened my wife, or even punched a door out of anger, I’d be out on my fucking ass. Strong women don’t take shit from assholes. He is the biggest douchbag I’ve seen in a while.
Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls… if you have fights with your significant other then move on. I bet the make-up sex is great, but I’ll take getting along with my partner 24/7 over 15 minutes of fake love every time we fight.
Are you fucking kidding me??? The reason why she probably stayed so long is most likely because the relationship did NOT start with him beating tge piss out of her in fact im pretty confident it started off with him putting her on a pedestal and being prince charming.. You hear what he says to hear in those videos or even just reading the notes uncle wrote.. That is a prime example of most abusive relationship.. It never happens over night.. It is something that these assholes groom into thier partners.. Notice the “i wouldnt have to kill you if you didnt wake me up ” ya know the whole victim blaming thing.. Very common trait in pussy fucks that think beating their wives/girlfriends os normal part of everyday when they dont get their way.. You you dumb fuck are probably just as much a pussy as this fuck if you cant comprehend that these fucks play the most mind fucking mind games and have endless empty promises.. Prick
So you’d have me believe that the boy in this video —I’m sorry, BOI in this video— was at some point NOT a see-through heap of trash? Sorry, not buying it. Sure, I know that happens in a lot of situations, but this particular one…? Nah. This isn’t “American Psycho”, this f**kwad is obviously worthless.
You’re spouting the same “believe all women” sh*t that the Dems are conveniently pushing aside while Hillary endorses Abuser Biden. Women are strong…except when they’re not. Believe all women…except when it’s convenient. This is all disgusting. My point is that nobody denies this BOI is worthless garbage, lower than a game of limbo; that’s not actually up for debate is it? But it’s fairly easy to see how this could have been avoided IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE. But you go ahead and vote for Biden and keep letting people off the hook. Meanwhile, some kid who tried to date this chick is getting up for work at 6am, doing everything right, and has/will never put his hands on a woman. But he doesn’t have that edge that she’s looking for, now does he?
No, the good kid that liked her was a geek as far as she was concerned. She wanted the tough guy, like she imagined the father she never met was like. The tough guy pulls your hair while he’s fucking you doggy-style. That’s what these bitches seem to want. If your man wants you to call him “daddy” while he’s sticking his dick in your ass after spitting on it for lubrication… get the fuck out now.
They’re both mental fucking midgets. No more “poor me” for any girl who subjects herself to this. We learn about abusive relationships 24/7 in the movies or on TV today. Lifetime Network. All day, every day.
The abuse did not start with this video, yet her she is… still.
Not every relationship starts out like this he probably was high off something but that doesn’t leave room for no excuse on his part .I know women can also be abusive along side of men.But in this hand she didn’t deserve this and doesn’t need to be beat down by others cause she didn’t walk away.Men like him are sweet at first then when they finally have you they feel they can do what they want .This guy needs to be found and hung by his balls and beaten.
people should be wiping him off the bottom of their shoes, and those gutless clingers who remain friends with this pink punk are bigger pussies than he is, another child who can’t be a man.
Wake that dude up from a drunken stupor and that laundry on the floor’s getting pissed on. Even if he can see the bathroom from where he’s standing it’s still getting pissed on. Is that why she woke him up?
Piece of shit. I hope he dies. I hope someone notices him and rocks his jaw.
There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody.
fucking pussy faggot
Remember to when Turtlenoy broke real new? Too bad he had to burn all those brides along the way. This site really is shit these days.
Shut up, Bristol
“Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask.”
“nothing to worry about”
he doesn’t see the need “in the immediate future” for the US to implement travel restrictions domestically because of the outbreak.
this was just jumping from an animal to a human, and it wasn’t spread from human-to-human
Dr. Fauci, Trump’s main medical/epidemic advisor, said yesterday that 200,000 Americans could die from COVID19.
Stringent travel restrictions imposed on inbound flights from China to contain the coronavirus outbreak become “irrelevant” in a potential pandemic because “you can’t keep out the entire world,”
Is it just one guy making all these posts?
Didn’t there use to be bunch of contributors?
Yo Turtleboy thabks for putting thie on blast, now shes gonna get an even worse beating in the middle of the night when she is skeeping!
How drunk are ya boy?
This probably isn’t really Tyler’s little bitch ass but if it is, you’re a sad pathetic excuse for a human being and a huge pussy and I’d also the shit out of you if I ever saw you.
Ya know this really is the boyfriend’s fault. If he would have beat the bitch right the first time, we wouldnt be in this position right now. Every bitch needs a good beating to keep those dick craving cum dumpsters on track! I know since the lockdown started my bitch may have a fee black and blues, but shes a hell of a lot smarter now!
If this was a fair world, both of these shitheads parents would be locked up, beaten and the key thrown away for producing 2 shit heads. However, it isn’t a fair world. Blame this on the parents or sperm donors and receptacles of course. Also blame current culture, hip hop/rap music. Bitch listens to kiss, 94.5, 96.9 encouraged by shithead mother. White Mike Tyson thinks acting black is cool, listens to kiss, 94.5, 96.9 wants to be a thug. Wannabe finds thuggette, acts the thug, thuggette repeats what’s she’s seen in her life thinks its normal. Rinse, recycle, repeat. Generation after generation. Wouldn’t be surprised if thuggette has multiple baby daddies of different colors and denominations. I’m supposed to feel sorry for thuggette? Fuck that. She chose that thug, her sperm donors/receptacles chose the ratchet lifestyle and so on. All of them are leeches to the governments tit and that’s what they want. Future democrat voters.
Well said. This is exactly why we, the United States of America’s people, are fucked.
You couldn’t have said that better. Future Dumocrat is right.
Holy shit. This is my cousin!!!
This shit bag needs a beat down but that is one stupid broad. She’s egging him on and she’s doing it on purpose. Both of them need help.
My take… They are both obviously insane. Look at the apartment. That tells me all I need to know about her. He’s a piece of shit for sure. I’ve been ripping fucking mad at bitches before, like catching one in the act fucking her ex on my bed in my apartment that I 100% pay for. That’ll make you want to bash someones brains in. I didn’t. I did slash the tires on both of their cars. That made me feel better.
Anyway I digress…. this woman beater met some other hairy soaking wet clam to stick his dick into and wouldn’t go back out with her, so she’s pulling this shit. That’s my take on what probably happened.
My first thought was exactly this. The status of that home: Shambles.
I know I make my wife clean the apartment before I make her look like Nate Diaz on film.
These motherfuckers aren’t getting their $250 security deposit back.
Josh Abrams gave his poor father corona virus . Should have stayed home like I told you to, Josh. Tisk tisk
all of you defending this kid are fucking weirdo woman hating incels.
a man NEVER hits a woman.
don’t matter if you want to, or if she deserved it, if she fucked your best friend… only boys and pussies act on it and hit a woman. she had her phone not a fucking weapon. self defense is the only excuse to put hands on a woman.
quit being pussies and “mens right activists” yal are scumbags just like the piece of shit in the video. if I knew this kid id be at his house right now. I hope someone gives him a beating he deserves.
fucking pussies, the lot of yal defending him or making excuses. fuck yal
Every time he walks away she re engages with him in a sick game of taunting then abuse, taunt then abuse. A couple of fucking weirdos, lock him up and avoid her like covid.
I know what it’s like to be in a physically abusive relationship. She’s lucky he hits like goddamn pussy, cause I’ve literally seen stars from being punched in the face. And there is no way she’s afraid of him. When you’re truly scared for your life you shut the fuck up and get the fuck out if you can. You don’t stand there and mouth off like she’s doing. And when she started recording he should have trashed her phone. Rule #1 of abusers: no witnesses. By no means do I condone any of this behavior and this guy is a total shitstain, but this whole thing stinks. Just my opinion, from living the real thing.
It’s true when somebody is hard core violent you go out the door half naked or out the window you don’t say a word you run for your life barefoot in your underwear through snow with only one idea of getting away. Glad she got it on video he might get 6 months.
She deserved it.
Sounds like you need a good beating to knock some fucking sense into you. But then again you’re probably just like your bro Tyler here, would never fight a man because you’re a little pussy. No reason to ever hit a woman unless your saving someone else from bodily harm. Get a life pussy!
you’re an Incel bitch if you think putting hands on a woman is ever fucking ok.
idc if she fucked his fucking father, you dont hit women. how is this still a fucking argument?
youre the type of kid that probably ONLY fights when its a woman or a child.
fucking scum.
If bitches want to be equal, they should expect to take a punch if they run their lying mouths.
If you hit your girl more maybe you wouldnt need to pick then up at the welfare office
I actually like Plymouth, but I stay around the main drag where the shops, restaurants, and beaches are. Apparently the rest of the town has turned into a shithole, I prefer to avoid shitholes. Check out his FB page, he’s got a lot of people who want to kick his ass, he better leave town, Athol, Ware maybe?
To be fair Plymouth is in Massachusetts and outside of a few ultra wealthy suburbs almost all of Massachusetts is a shit hole with the 3rd highest Corona virus infection in the country worse than Cali and Texas what’s up with that? Massachusetts is a fucked up place, it’s New Jersey light.
Statistics are for liers. More testing dip shit.
Liers me is smart cam spell goods liers liers liers numbers arent real
The alphabet is for people who can spell.
This is part of the plan to thin the herd. Those now 58% of the overall deaths are not part of the future. Charlie Parker is doing a good job, we trained him well.
What do you call a bitch with two black eyes?
Nothing. You already told her twice.
Funny how even with clear evidence that he physically assaults her, people STILL try and find reasons to blame the victim, weird.
She doesn’t deserve to get beat….but why is she following him around telling him to “shut the fuck up” and whatever else? She walked by the door about a dozen times. Open it and leave.
It’s not “victim blaming”. It’s pointing out stupid mistakes.
She kept egging him on! Come on she could’ve stayed in the room after the first assault and called the cops. She already had the evidence but instead she kept engaging and filming. She’s was asking for it.
She was telling him to shut the fuck up so the police wouldn’t get called and enrage him even further. You’ve clearly never been in or know anyone who has been in an abusive relationship.
She’s more than paid for her “mistakes” don’t you think?
Extra guac she should’ve been the one calling the cops not egging him on by keeping on engaging him and filming after the first incident she had enough evidence
SHES YOUNG. Easier said than done, I cannot believe you even want to have a discussion on “how much abuse” she should’ve taken and just call the police. EASIER SAID THAN DONE, he’s clearly emotionally/physically abusive, they lived together, can you imagine how small he’s made her feel, but instead you’d rather BLAME her for her waking him up for work because she was “egging” him on, in HER mind she could’ve been pleading hoping he’d calm down. Try looking at her situation with a little bit more of a heart and a different perspective.
She was asking for it??? Are you fucking serious dude? I agree she should’ve called the cops or left after getting some of the assault on video but to say she was asking for it is the same thing as saying a woman wearing a short skirt is asking to be raped. You have a pussy mentality and people with a pussy mentality do and say pussy things
Piece of shit! You know what I did when my girlfriend kept waking me up at 5:30 AM? I fucking moved. You know what I did not do? Lay a fucking finger on her. How those people who are friends with him can support him is beyond me. I suppose you would find it OK also if he hit a fucking child also. Fuck him, fuck his friends who justify what he does and fuck anyone else who thinks domestic abuse is a joke.
According to liberals, if he “identifies” as a woman that makes him a real, actual woman. So this isn’t really a big deal, right liberals?
Good point. I guess someone should ask how he identifies then we can pass judgement. Friggin Liberals, wouldn’t put it past them.
Good point. I guess someone should ask how he identifies then we can pass judgement. Friggin Liberals, wouldn’t put it past them.
You know what. Its getting old. You lay down with dogs you get fleas. Not victim blaming but if you “date” POS lazy fake tough guy wiggers then this us what happens. Fuck his parents too. Where the fuck is her father, uncle, brothers ? Anybody do that to my daughter they would regret the day they were born. Her male family members should be embarrassed. Hope he ODs !
*trigger warning*
I feel nothing for her.
Soo…he’s a piece of shit but she is only slightly better. Her tone changes mid abuse and the real her comes out. They live like squatters. This bullshit isnt new and that weak piece of shit wasn’t putting her in fear as she was baiting for more of his toddler strength punches. The typical, who is worse? Well he is. He physically assaulted her. But to see her as a typical domestic violence victim? Hell no. She has a victim mentality and keeps assholes like this around as an excuse for failures. Next boyfriend willbe a side step not an upgrade I guarantee it.
Oh and of course he deserves a beat down but the justice is by a woman. Look at his nothing ass, how can any female not put his scarecrow ass in place?
hey jordis fuck you, if it was your daughter you’d have a different outlook. oh and he’ll be corn peepin’ and tossin’ salad too
If my daughter grows up to date a chump like this we wouldnt have a relationship. This is they kind if boyfriend a junkie has. The fact shes a CNA seems….convenient to assume she’s a fuck up. I’m a female, like every woman we all have our “me too” story. I don’t play the victim. Serial abuser boyfriend…you don’t pull out your phone and tape you grab a bat and beat the motherfucker.
So .. is this P.O.S. from Plymouth MA, or from Plymouth NH ?
Need to know where I am sending Mario from the North End.
Guinea wops are the biggest wife beating offenders of all. Have to compensate for their low IQs, hairy backs, latent homosexuality, and little dicks I guess.
Kids never worked out a day in his life so you may ask, how does he stay so skinny with abs?? My answer to you is heroin, lots and lots of heroin
Red Bull and cigarettes
HeyYouWhoMe, you must be one of those do you even lift bro, no personality gym rats who has nothing else going for him. I’m just assuming because of your comment about him never working out a day in his life. Does that really matter? Are you angry that the heroin diet yields better results than your overcompensating gym obsessed simian behavior? I bet the gay church that is gyms can’t open fast enough for you.
Please feel free to go to any gym in America and call everyone gay for lifting weights. You scrawny pussy.
hopefully this shiteater does some time for this, they’ll beat the crap outta him, fuck him up the ass dry and knock his teeth out so he can’t bite anybodies dick when he has to suck all the brothers off all night every night
Look at the stick arms this wussy has. I think some male to male fisticuffs would straighten this kid out.
Josh Abrams it looks like Drew Carey with Down’s syndrome
I believe a Columbian necktie is needed.
You should see what you get in MY house when you spill paint in the garage.
Ayy smoke up Johnny
Shut up bitch and make me a chicken pot pie!
Choke the chickenhead!
She needs the lawyer Mr. Cuban Fojo to put a restraining order on that little weasel.
That’s his specialty.
Sounds like a good problem for ‘Ballisticure” to solve!
Unless, of course, she’s one of the many women who like ‘bad men’…..
For when you must be sure.
A “restraining order” is nice, but it is no match for a “license to carry”, and a .40 Smith and Wesson. (Make it in Massachusetts)
There are versions that will fit nicely in the hand of a woman.
A Walther PPK is a great female handbag equalizer. With hollow points.
Yes, great idea, a James Bond Girl for sure! 🙂
Q: ” Walther PPK, 7.62 mil with a delivery like a brick through a plate glass window. Takes a silencer with very little reduction in muzzle velocity. The American CIA swear by them!”
A ppk don’t take 762 mm so I’m confused as to what ur saying
I think the Minister made a simple mistake, and meant 7.65. He is probably excited by the announcement a day ago, by Springfield, of the new pistol firing the 7.62 NATO round, through a 10 inch barrel. You have to see the video on YouTube.
It’s a hollow door.I’m not impressed.
U deserve to be six feet under u little bitch. Ur lucky it wasn’t my daughter
Is there anybody left in Plymouth who DOESNT have a drug problem?
This kid is a fucking piece of shit
My guess is she’s batshit crazy, but Tyler’s batshit crazier!
No doubt they’re both losers but you can only pity this woman so much, she says she’s endured abuse by this twerp for years. Like jeez lady where’s your dignity? Should have left after the first time. But what the fuck do I know? I’ve never been a part of that world, I’m just some stoned asshole sitting behind a computer.
White trash wigger. I would love to take him for a ride
Instead of waking him up she should’ve caved his head in with a bat while he slept.
Not a big fan of showers are you Tyler ?
I think the fear of soap and water is pretty rampant in Plymouth, I’ve known other unwashed Plymouthonians much like yerself.
I’m not going to victim blame her for getting beaten.
I am going to victim blame her for dating a man who wears anime shirts.
Well said bro
This scuz bucket is lower than a snakes asshole.
Piece of shit. I’ve lived through abuse like this, she’s NOT playing the victim whatsoever.
You better hope and pray that you dont run into me, Tough Guy???
Amazing how the floor has replaced the bureau
I was thinking the same thing a floordrobe if you will