
Plymouth Snaggle Snatch Gets Her Ass Savagely Handed To Her After The Guy She Called Out For Crappy Driving Sees Her Post And Breaks Down Why She’s An Attention-Starved Liar 

I guess she thought she was in England.

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How many times have you seen the obnoxious “open letter” posts on Facebook? What about the ones where someone said another person was driving like an idiot? Instead of moving on like a fucking grown up – the person making the post shames some random human in a community group in an attempt to”vent.”

I’m just going to say this – if you make one of these posts I want to punch you directly in the face. You are a waste of oxygen and everyone should laugh at you. You should be banned from the Internet and driving. I hate people who do this. I will automatically assume it was your shitty driving that caused the issue.

What we usually never find out the other side of the story. Why? Because the chances of your stupid post finding its intended target, with millions of drivers, is next to impossible.

That’s what one scenester snaggle snatch named Diana Lee Hirt decided to do when she posted this dumb fucking post on All Things Plymouth.

What an attention seeking vag beast this broad is.

Her eyebrows look like a skidmark left in someone’s underwear. If Jason Mraz had tits he would be this girl.

Oh, so you think that because someone is pulling out of a gym they are automatically on roids? What a hosebeast.

Now, what Diana didn’t know was that the guy who she pissed off had seen the post, and since dirty Diana deleted hers, he started a new one.

Meet Adam Figoli. The driver referenced in the twat mop’s post. He basically had her soul for breakfast and ripped her apart like the savage he is. Just a regular dad taking an hour for himself in the morning before having to go to his job. Not a cat lady, who clearly can’t get laid, making up stories.

I think it’s fair to say I liked him immediately. Not only does he break down the speed forensics for us (I know the area and he’s right. No way could you get to that speed unless you had something significantly sportier.) He also throws Twatty McEyebrows right under the bus for being a stupid driver and breaking the law.

People began to celebrate that these two star-crossed drivers had figuratively collided.

Amazing guys. You were the highlight of the thread. 

It took no time for someone, or a joint-named couple who share a Facebook because one of them obviously cheated, to tag the two in question. Snaggle Snatch probably never saw this coming. Like I said, the chances of finding the person who slighted you is damn near impossible. It didn’t matter. Diana wasn’t going to stop being a loud-mouth fake victim and admit she was wrong.

No, Diana. You aren’t even close to awesome. You’re so thirsty for attention and head-pats that even you have to make jokes that you’re a 20-something cat lady and get fat-shamed on Tinder.

All of those likes aren’t for you. It’s for the Taco Bell.

Yeah…. the fight continued….

But not before she was clearly defeated and played the “I’m so done with this conversation” pussy bow out.

I love it when people get called out on their shit. I love it even more when they started the whole thing and then pretend like they don’t have time to argue. Remember, she was the one who went and posted the nasty initial post. Now that she’s getting her ass handed to her she’s “seriously done.

So, let this be a reminder to you toolbag millennials who think the world stops for you; it doesn’t. If you decide to call out a regular guy because you are too good for the traffic laws – the Turtle Bus will mow you down. Which may explain your eyebrows. -ponders-



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35 Comment(s)
  • Plymouths Plug
    May 12, 2017 at 9:23 pm

    see where they both fucked up is going to powerhouse thats the trap spot now i be in the back parking lot killing blunts and selling bags fuck powerhouse

  • Murt Burful
    May 11, 2017 at 8:18 pm

    Adam is the dick. Anyone that listens to 98.5 in the morning is not only a dick but a fucking retard. On a side note, eyebrows chick is a slam dunk pump n dump cum dumpster who will keep calling u back for more after every stuffing. kia dude masturbates to touches voice

  • Andrew v
    May 11, 2017 at 4:31 pm

    You are pathetic and a hypocrit, as your shaming someone for shaming someone for writing a random post, here you are writing a random post, I was a turtle boy fan at first but your stories get more aggressive and honestly it gets old, sorry

  • Just Wondering?
    May 11, 2017 at 3:19 pm

    Who used her face (just above the eyes) to wipe their ass?

  • JaBreezian Jayquan Harrison-Bobblecaller IV, Future #1 Draft Pick
    May 11, 2017 at 11:18 am

    Okay, I am calling BS on here. Let’s be real. She’s better looking than the usual degenerates on this website.

    Also, while her whining was gratuitous and pointless, isn’t the entire millennial generation guilty of doing this stuff daily? You could write ten million similar stories per day based on millennial Facebook griping. She didn’t smoke crack or commit a crime at least.

  • Pops Zadania
    May 11, 2017 at 11:05 am

    Honestly, if this is the worst thing that happen to these 2 fucktards today, these must of both had an amazing fucking day. Fucking First World Problems

  • No thank you
    May 11, 2017 at 10:41 am

    Come on. This was so boring.

  • Strata
    May 11, 2017 at 8:12 am

    DianaLee, is your life that meaningless and irrelevant that you lie for attention?

    • True Reality Speaks
      True Reality Speaks
      May 11, 2017 at 6:18 pm

      Pretty much sums up all Liberals, especially the SJW types.

  • Fact Checker
    May 11, 2017 at 7:37 am

    I would like to thank Diana for replying to Adam that there “wasn’t even any grass in sight” when he accused her of having to have cut across the grass to get to the parking lot. “No grass in sight” outside of a suburban gym in Plymouth? Yeah, I don’t think so. It confirmed my suspicion that she is both completely full of shit and completely unaware of her sorroundings.

    • KimberlyS
      May 11, 2017 at 11:08 am

      I got a little confused when she started saying that he yelled at her as she was walking into the place. Does that mean that he hung out, waited for her to park, get out of her car, and start walking to the entrance? Is she a super-speedy parker? Did he circle the block?

      Doesn’t make a lot of sense.

    • no
      May 11, 2017 at 3:24 pm

      I’m actually from Plymouth and know of the exact spot- it’s an awkwardly set up lot and there is in fact “no grass in sight”. But I just want you to know that your ignorant assumption just confirmed my suspicion that you are in fact full of shit and extremely naive… Have you ever even seen the surroundings you are referring to? If not, then how would you even know if there is actually grass or not…? Imbecile

  • Chip Striker
    May 11, 2017 at 1:42 am

    Her fault, his fault, whatever. I’d love to suck her tits though.

  • Duck Butter Jones
    May 11, 2017 at 12:00 am

    Q) Describe Turtleboy’s journalistic model in one sentence or less.

    A) “Instead of moving on like a fucking grown up – the person making the post shames some random human in a community group in an attempt to”vent.”

  • Noseface
    May 10, 2017 at 10:48 pm

    Anyone ever consider that maybe these two are arguing over two completely different incidents that coincidentally occured is the same vicinity?

    Side note: I 100% would love to make a mess on that cute little chubby belly.

  • David cook
    May 10, 2017 at 9:52 pm

    Numb skull she is.

  • Lavender
    May 10, 2017 at 9:29 pm

    “Instead of moving on like a fucking grown up – the person making the post shames some random human in a community group in an attempt to”vent.””

    WAIT! Isn’t that what TBS does?

  • No
    May 10, 2017 at 9:19 pm

    The irony of the author making fun of this girl having no life because she complained about a guy’s driving on social media and then proceeding to do a long thorough drag of this poor girl’s eyebrows… bad driving aside, come on.

  • Mr Butthurt
    May 10, 2017 at 9:06 pm

    She has blowjob eyes. Descent titties but would shield the man weapon from anything else. With that said this is the bitch that clings on forever and falls in love after sex.

    Would not

    • Madcow not Rachel
      May 11, 2017 at 9:02 am

      Nicest set of teeth I’ve ever cum across.

  • Edward Lyle
    Harry Knutsack
    May 10, 2017 at 8:55 pm

    Jesus Christ, Turtleboy really is becoming the Jerry Springer show of internet blogs. SMH

  • The Squire of Gothos
    May 10, 2017 at 8:40 pm

    She’s a Salve Regina girl. Explains EVERYTHING!

  • mystressovmayhem
    May 10, 2017 at 8:36 pm

    This whole post reminds me of that meme of the exasperated asian guy with his arms in the air!
    What in the holy hell was this chick babbling about? For fucks sake Get some dick already Girl! The attention whoring is insane! Really though, this chicks vag is so tight from lack of use, she could crush a strand of spaghetti! Perhaps that’s what this really was hm? Some pathetic attempt to get this guy’s attention.

    • G. Rundle
      May 11, 2017 at 10:09 am

      …. did you just refer to Jackie Chan as the exasperated Asian guy?

      • mystressovmayhem
        May 14, 2017 at 12:40 am

        Lol apparently. Why? Am I not allowed to “Assume his ethnicity?” And here I thought not “assuming his identity was playing it safe”? Now i’m picturing that damned meme again….But as Captain Picard. Happy? lol

  • Sterlingsilva
    May 10, 2017 at 8:26 pm

    First of all, would. Just enough chubby on her.

    Second, we can thank Zuckerberg et al for giving us the wonderful technology to have these stupid ass arguments.

  • Just Stop it, Diana
    May 10, 2017 at 8:15 pm

    Girl desperately trying to save face even though she was totally in the wrong.

    • Strata
      May 11, 2017 at 10:50 am

      Exactly, she is pretty pathetic as she continues her lies.

  • S.R.R
    May 10, 2017 at 7:55 pm

    Crazy eyebrows and Way too many cat’s aside, Ms. Hirt needs to do some serious soul searching, who has the time to call someone out on ” all things Plymouth ” especially something so insignificant? I wasn’t there to witness the supposed traffic infraction but going by the evidence presented on Facebook I believe mr.Figoli he addressed the allegations in a credible and civilized manner and he seems to be a gentleman not an attention seeking, angry,millennial snowflake, so sad they don’t actually melt like snowflakes and leave the rest of us out of your sad attempt to get the attention you so desperately feel you need.

  • Smuddly
    May 10, 2017 at 7:36 pm

    These two just need to grudge fuck each other and get it over with.

  • CLG
    May 10, 2017 at 7:34 pm

    Poor DianaLee buttHirt, she doesn’t even realize that in the state of Massachusetts, anyone taking a left hand turn that results in an accident is automatically at fault for any accident. If you need lines in the road to know whether or not you’re on the wrong side of the road, it’s time to return your license to the authorities, Dearie. Oh, and some man ‘yelled’ at her for her ultrafabulous buttHirt driving skills, she was so bothered she had to whine on social media. Women like this give all women a bad reputation, living, breathing and most especially driving.

  • Fuck this article right in the ass
    May 10, 2017 at 7:34 pm

    I’m sending you a bill for the time I lost reading this stupid article. I got dumber reading it. You better write something good to make up for this shitshow of an article. What the fuck.

    • Tarbash The Egyptian Magician
      May 10, 2017 at 8:32 pm

      Your time is worth less than the postage you’ll spend. Reminds me of an old saying.


      • Tarbash The Egyptian Magician rapes babies
        May 12, 2017 at 8:48 am

        You couldn’t afford my time you deadbeat section 8 welfare shitbag. I’ll drop dirty bomns all over you and your shitty sand nigger dune coon family you Isis loving faggot

        • Tarbash The Egyptian Magician rapes babies
          May 12, 2017 at 8:49 am


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