A turtle rider sent us a video today from his commute yesterday on Rt 128 during morning rush hour. According to him this SJW in a beatup Corolla tried swerving into his Jeep after seeing a Trump flag waving from it, so he started filming (although we certainly don’t condone filming while driving because it’s dangerous) when she started going full cheesehog on him.
“Go fucking die.”
“Eat my ass mother fucker.”
“Go fucking die, no one likes you!”
I don’t know who that woman is, but I’m confident of two things – 1) she didn’t go to the prom, and 2) she hasn’t shaved her bush since Trump got elected.
And what better way to show you’re a tolerant liberal who cares about the environment than by throwing plastic bottles onto the highway?
And totally safe to not watch the road at all while on the highway so that you can chuck a complete stranger the bird.
It’s amazing what one orange man can do to the human condition. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no fan of of 45, but I’m certainly not going to let him turn me into Scissorsaurus Rex who’s permanently on the rag.
Bonus points if you hate Trump so much that you can close your eyes will doing so.
She looks exactly as we all knew she would. Poor girl needs some dick and some new hubcaps like I’ve never seen before.
And what I need is for some turtle rider to run these plates for me so we can find out who she is and learn even more about her. Looks a lot like 745 SW3 to me.
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88 Comment(s)
SSTG: “I’m no fan of 45…”
Fine, then you can vote for Bernie or the Fake Indian, and if one of them wins, see how that works out for ya.
Who the fuck wants to eat that nasty bitches Twatt I bet it smells like a dead animal you can tell she’s a fucking slob how many empty bottles of 2 Liter sprites does she have in her car this is the America we live in where if you don’t partake in groupthink And conform to the lunacies And wacky agendas of the left you are simply a Nazi A bigot and a fascist isn’t that ironic These sjws need to go where is Jim Jones when you need him he could make them a nice batch of Kool-Aid Well I got a nice pair of concrete shoes for that bitch to come Try on call me it’s 1- 800 cyanide
Appreciate the sentiment, Porky, but it does look like you’ve been subliminally taking sentagraph lessons from reading TBS ratchet blogs… or your keyboard/ keypad lacks a period… or maybe you do? No shame in menopause, it’s liberating, just ask Mrs.C.
The executive leadership team of the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles was frantic. A crisis was brewing, and they needed to respond. No, it wasn’t the situation where it was necessary to find a scapegoat for the failure to process driver violation information from out of state, pertaining to the protected class of “migrants”. That can easily be handled.
Janelle Smallcock-Smucher, a transsexual involved also with Drag Queen Story telling, was adamant, “We need to protect the driver, she’s one of ours”, referring to a shemale recorded as throwing bottles along 128 at rush hour from a motor vehicle. “We need to have the staff mark her registration as belonging to an undercover state trooper, so that other police or registry staff won’t be able to run the plate”.
Nasariah Aliya Chung-Dominguez, presently non-binary, and identifying with the pronoun “per” was equally adamant, “we can’t trust the new state troopers, they don’t play ball the way the leadership does, they’ll out our gal”. And “per” injected another hormone shot.
Janelle was outraged, “HOW DARE YOU CALL HER ‘GAL’!”
Barikah (one name only), brought the conversation to a head. “We can solve this, we instruct our underlings to encode the data identification modifier as ‘witness protection’, and then no one, not even those altruistic new state cop bastards will be able to look up on the registry database who was on 128, rightfully projecting the anger of the people on a CIS hetero white male TRUMP supporter, damn then all to the hell they made up…..”
They sent the order forth, and took the rest of the day off….
This is an easy one. Bring the video to Mass State Police, show them the video and tell them you would like to file charges for assault. I am sure they can help you find other charges that could go along with that, plus the littering fines. This goes public, her employer shit cans her for being a stupid cunt, she gets brutally embarrassed in court and her life is a shit storm for the next 6 months. Bozo the clown is most deserving for her stupid actions
I thought that was Jim Ignatowski from taxi.
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder. If this harpie owned a larger vehicle this wouldn’t be so funny.
Bat Shit Crazy liberal women, time to buy a 5 ton military truck equip it with a train-horn and cover it with Trump Stickers.
Tnx for video. Never heard it called Trump Anxiety Disorder, I prefer Derangement Syndrome. Another bitch be crazy.
I thought it might be Alice from the Dilbert cartoons.
But if you Google “Angry Kid” – you’ll find a British animation featuring a psychotic schoolboy – I suggest that this harridan is Angry Kid’s psychotic mother. 🙂
The website is at angrykid.com 🙂 🙂
One of these days, this triggered SLW is gonna pull this shit on someone who really takes offense to her bullshit. On that day, she is gonna meet the business end of a Smith and Wesson pistol.
Holy crap, is that a lost clown from the circus? It looks like a 2003 Toyota Corolla…she should’ve saved those bottle returns for the new moped. What a rancid, angry beaver she is.
That’s a man, baby!
Is that jack white?
Didn’t two hot mamas from Peabody duke it out on 128 a few months ago? — A 64-year-old woman from Beverly has been charged with assault and battery, and disorderly conduct. A 33-year-old woman from Gloucester has been charged with assault and battery on a person over 60, disorderly conduct, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, stopping on a state highway and parking, and assault.
The story doesn’t say where on 128 but I am gonna guess regarding our perp:
a) Comes from Peabody, Methuen area
b) Works as CNA or food service
c) Posts pics with dog filter
d) Visited Encore last weekend
e) Single mother with 3 kiddos from 3 different baby daddies
60 months of rule book 8 hour a day drivers ed classes all pay goes to the commonwealth. Two weekends in the town square stalks.
It’s 10:55pm now and I’m going to bed.. When I’m enjoying my morning coffee tomorrow at work I am optimistic that by then this batshit chick’s identity will be revealed. This needs to happen. When it does, it’s gonna make my day and it’s gonna be some pleasant entertainment..
Putting a Trump sticker on your car is a big F-YOU to the world and you should expect the world to respond in kind. Fuck Trump and fuck anybody who voted for him and/or still supports him.
Ma’am, you should really keep both hands on the wheel while driving.
yah, that’s the spirit, elect a democRAT, throw this strong economy into a tailspin, put all those blacks and latino’s with jobs, back on welfare ! Give illegals free healthcare, education, housing, food, and anything else they want, paid for by YOU and ME You stupid fucking TWAT ! MAGA
Trump continues to take credit for the booming economy Obama handed him. You fucktards are too blind from sucking on Trump’s tiny little orange dick to see reality.
Except for the fact President Trump has lowered taxes and regulations across the board. All of Obama’s job killing policies have been removed.
Putting on that short skirt was a big “FUCK-ME” sign to the world and she should have seen it coming.
Respond In kind by… Acting like psychos and attacking people?? One day you fuckwads are gonna get shot for attacking the wrong person. That day will be hilarious, just like when Trump was elected and liberals collectively became unstable. Keep those tears flowing sunshiiine!!
Assume progressives aren’t also carrying guns at your own peril, Trumptard.
Ooooh ! Scary !!
A liberal carrying a gun !
Baaaaahaaaahaaaahaaaa !!!!
When the next civil war begins, all you Ked’s wearing cucks had better watch your six.
It ain’t gonna be pretty.
Trumptard. How original. You’ll know how much fun it’ll be when the time comes. Til then keep on proving the left is poison to this country.
Waaaahhhhh! Safe space please.
President Trump is not Scum.
Scumbags are people like you and the driver of the vehicle who was throwing bottles and giving the finger to the driver with the Trump flag.
The childish, temper tantrums, violent behavior and inability to control your emotions is a sign of immaturity and a total lack of self control as well as common decency.
People like you are Everything that is wrong with society.
It’s simple if you don’t like it don’t look at it.
No need to get triggered over a difference of opinion.
The only person you harm is yourself by letting hatred consume every moment of your life.
Grow up!
Stop being consumed by hatred and vitriol it only harms you.
One look at her picture, and I’m beginning to think, hey, maybe the Indian did fuck the Buffalo.
That was just a god excuse for her to empty all the trash on her front seat
Nice princess leia hairdoo you fucking wildabeast. I hope you get exiled to hoth.
What a beastly woman, if that is actually a woman. Even Mr. Thirsty won’t go there.
Bimbos like this idiot only make me want to vote for Trump even more
I’ll never vote for a Democrat again.
Lock it up!
TMZ says Richard Simmons has been in hiding for years. I think we found him on 128.
I can hear him now “Come on girlsth let’s get up a sthweat!”
She is a beautiful, empowered woman. I am so proud her for standing up to hateful Trump supporters. #StopTheHate.
Typical stupid woman tries to throw through the car. The correct play was pull up on the other side of trump guy and pelt his car with shit. She should absolutely be fined for littering, three times. Fucking stupid twat.
wow, so that’s what Richard Simmons is up to these days.
I can smell her thru my computer
That looks like 7A5 SW3 to me. Not a 4.
on a mission to get extra batteries for her sex toy,and you were clearly in the way
Somehow the sex toy went limp.
Send the video to the State Police and the RMV.
She’s a danger to herself and others on the road and should have her license revoked indefinitely.
You can’t just go driving down the street throwing things at peoples cars, that’s how fatal car accidents happen.
This probably isn’t the first or last time she’ll do this.
Oh, Crash. You do make pretty speeches……
Even this Limey idiot knows that the Annie Savoy post is a quote from Bull Durham after one of Costner’s soliloquies (his character is called Crash Davis, twits).
Oh, dear….. 🙂
Why do they always look the same. Trigglypuff redux. Fat, ugly with the black hole of their glamour on full display. Of course they don’t have to put effort into being attractive as the are lesbians who have given up on men. Who knew getting being first to get donked in dodgeball and never being asked to dance or to the prom could manifest itself in such ugliness.
at least her 30 cats love her
Casual Observations
1) That’s one ugly man
2) I can’t imagine the stench inside that car. Have some fucking pride. Jesus fucking trashcan.
3) Assuming > $250 damage (easily accomplished), this is felony malicious destruction.
Any damage to a motor vehicle with intent no matter the cost is a felony. Malicious destruction to a motor vehicle. Just thought you’d want to know. She’s one ugly psychopath
Liberalism is a mental disorder !
If you have ever doubted this fact, this video should be all the proof you need !
Another reason why I’ll NEVER vote for another Democrat..ever!
Until they, as a Party, stop condoning this type of behavior and stop their hell-bent far left idealism, I cannot ever vote (D).
If you are an aspiring political candidate reading this , I apologise to you in advance. But, if you put a (D) after your name..you will never get my vote.
You might be a really good guy or gal, but I cannot reward the Party you represent with my vote.
And until things change, that’s gonna be the way the cookie crumbles .
I recognize her. Its Richard Simmons
So tolerant
How have you not run a story about the road rage incident in Brockton yet, the woman just died. The old turtle would of been all over that immediately!
Agreed. Also would like to point out another crash last week. Hoodrat from woonsockett (duh) named Darren Harris. Luckily only killed himself running from cops on his motorbike. Intriguing connection here, his girlfriend picks the special ones. Before this guy, her Baby daddy of her two kids Timothy Scanlon is in prison on 50 yr sentence for picking up a coked up hooker, then trying to murder her with a screwdriver, and left her for dead in March weather with only socks on.
Look up State vs Timothy Scanlon. This girl’s profile is always awesome on Father’s Day when she pays tribute to such a great dad he is. Even some nice family pics of the crotch fruit and him in a visiting room in the prison. What a winner!
That woman is so ugly that she shouldn’t be allowed to be out in public during daylight hours.
I had no idea that the Mad Max movie franchise was based on Rt 128.
Not the most current one. The OG Mel Gibson ones, specifically the 1st one.
Youtube, “Mad Max 2: First Chase”
The Road Warrior
On my All time all time list.
Final chase scene . . .
How did 3 people not die filming that
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I can’t wait for TB to get her i.d. and social media. Shim is going to have some great TDS material, some full speed virtue signaling and my bet in the 12-18 pet cats range and lots of rainbows.
Of course this trash-o-potomas had a car full of trash.
This is like ratchet Mario Kart.
I was drinking coffee!! Don’t make a funny when I’m drinking coffee!!!
Love to see her reaction when he wins in 2020.
Maybe she will do us all a favor and off herself when he wins in a landslide in 2020!
Hopefully Trump will choke on a hamberder and off himself first. Fucking scumbag.
you should know that every time i see a subaru or prius with any kind of liberal fag sticker on it, it gets keyed or windshield gets cracked. go fist your mom liberal ass fucker
I do the same to shitbox Chevy pickups with Trump and Don’t Tread on Me stickers.
No you don’t tough guy. Go wipe your ass, you smeared crap up your back.
The irony of making fun of a “shitbox Chevy” when:
a) The lady in the video you’re defending drives a shitbox
b) Liberals pretend to be champions of the poor.
LMAO! Good to see you idiots are carrying the torch of hourly liberal hypocrisy. We’d try to make you look stupid, but you do all the heavy lifting for us. So for that, thank you.
Hopefully he doesn’t and you keep shedding liberal tears. Here’s a seventh generation tissue to wipe those away.
Limerick of the Day
This mad bitch, she started to holla
And got very hot under the collar
She got into this state
On Route One Twenty Eight
In a fucking Toyota Corolla
Dick Scratcher, aged Route 128
People voting down my limericks will get a kick in the cunt when I see them next.
As hilarious as it is to laugh at one of life’s premier losers, this is a frightening trend. The Communists are getting more desperate every day that President Trump continues to stand. They are now planning acid attacks on people with whom they disagree.
I never thought we’d get to this point. It used to be that you vote for whomever you wanted and if your guy lost you tried again next time. No more. Any election the left loses is illegitimate in their eyes. The othering of everyone but them is well underway.
This is why TBS needs to mercilessly dox these miscreants. This antisocial maniac does not deserve a place in civil society. What if you had to live next to this creep or sit in the next cube at work?
It’s heartbreaking to have to do this but these people are violent.
Social Media is Cancer
I agree with you in part. If Trump loses this election I’m still going to support and respect whoever is President.
Please dont be Pokahontas tho that would be tough to shake her hand and say ” nice to meet you Madam President” but I still would cuz I’m a fucking American.
You don’t have to even shake her hand, just don’t burn her house down.
“They are now planning acid attacks on people with whom they disagree.”
Really, tell us all about this. Sounds fascinating.
More proof that liberals are mentally ill.
These ppl are legit insane.. They all claim to be so tolerant and want equality but if your opinion even slightly differs from what tgey deem reality they go crazy.and all of a sudden they arent very tolerant
That front plate will get a red R safety fail this year. It’s total bullshit but it pleases me to know that it will happen to that festering clam.
Makes me wanna go out and get Trump stickers for my car! She looks like she needs a good shower too.
It looks like Richard Simmons.
I was going to say the same thing.
It was the George Washington haircut and colored Wife Beater, correct?
No one has seen him in years. People think he’s has had the Bruce Jenner reassignment treatment.
He has, he’s turned into an ugly cunt from Mass. driving a stripper Corolla with missing hubcaps.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Always liked the guy. Nuts, but I liked him.
I literally lost 70 pounds because I once wrote Richard Simmons telling him that his exercises were bullshit that would never work and he took the time to write back and told me to keep doing it; even gave me his meal plan for free. He’s strange, but literally the nicest man in the world.
That Bitch/Witch belongs in Jail. Wow, is she UGLY!
Send the video to the State Police, let them find her and get her off the road.
She looks like a “public transportation” type of gal anyhow.