Turtlegram: A local woman who has appeared on the Dr. Phil television show is slated to be arraigned Tuesday on three counts of reckless endangerment of a child after police allegedly found her twins and their sibling, all less than 10-years-old, home alone on a snow day. Police, after consulting with elementary school personnel, began to believe that Shaina Fontaine, 32, of 20 Central St., was leaving her young children at home after she began working at a care facility in town, court documents show.
Officer Craig Charron wrote that the children catch the bus at 8 a.m. but Fontaine starts work at 6:30 a.m. and leaves the house at 6:15 a.m. He went to Fontaine’s apartment on Dec. 17, a snow day, and with a caretaker for the building and his body camera running, attempted to talk to the children, court documents show. Charron wrote that he found no adult present and one of the children pushed him, and recorded the encounter while shouting at him to “get the hell out” of her home, another threw a glove at his head and the third told him he was hungry. He noted that the apartment was in disarray.
Police, in court documents, wrote that they believe the children had sometimes been left for several hours while Fontaine was at work. The school had contacted the state Department of Children and Families, court documents show.
Fontaine was a guest on the Dr. Phil show in 2018 after her mother expressed concern that an “online medium” was running Fontaine’s life. On the show, Fontaine said she moved to New York with a man she met through her online advisor, Dennis, who also appeared on an episode and claimed to be God’s messenger. She also told Dr. Phil McGraw, a clinical psychologist, that she may have seen fairies inside her home. During the show, McGraw referenced a police report from Warren officers and it was revealed that she’d used a social media ruse to make people think she’s poisoned her roommate.
West Brookfield police said they also learned that the three children walked ¾ of a mile to a friend’s home while their mother was at work one day and, they said, the children could not contact their mother at work because her cellular telephone had to be placed in a locker during her shift. Charron wrote that Fontaine would sprinkle a line of powder near the doors and tell the children they were not to cross it.
I’ve actually seen some people defending the mother with excuses like these:
“Yea, but, at least she was going to work. She could’ve been sitting around all day collecting welfare.”
“The kids were old enough to be left at home for a little bit.”
If that isn’t some lowered expectation bullshit then I don’t know what is. A lot of people work and have to deal with snow days. What’s not acceptable is to say “fuck it” and sprinkle fairy dust on your front yard so the crotch fruits don’t abandon ship.
Everything I need to know about this skag can be learned by listening to what her poon polyp told the cop:
“one of the children pushed him while shouting at him to “get the hell out” of her home, another threw a glove at his head.”
Little kids don’t throw shit at cops unless they were raised by gutterslugs. My crotch fruits would hide in the corner if a cop came to our house. These kids are full blown ratchets already and they haven’t even hit double digits yet.
Of course the real red flag can be seen by watching her episode of Dr. Phil, which is absolutely insane.
To review. She was willing to uproot her life and move her three raw dog trophies to New York because this guy told her to.
Dennis. Because of course is name is Dennis. And with that I already know everything there is to know about Shaina Fontaine. Anyone stupid enough to get life advice from a shady online medium should never, ever be allowed around children. Watch this video of him being exposed by a channel with over a million subs, or check out the Facebook page dedicated to exposing him to go down the Dennis rabbit hole.
He charges $100 an hour to meet with him too.
She claims that she was gonna move to New York with this chudstuffer because Dennis told her that the spirit told him to leave.
Then she asked Dennis to ask spirit if her Mom really believed in spirits.
Shockingly Dennis said that the spirit said she did.
Therefore it must be true, and Grandma can never see the crotch fruits again.
Because Grandma is the crazy one, not the chick paying $100 an hour to talk to a con-artist who thinks he communicates with Jesus.
Oh, and Mom says one of the fuck trophies fell out of a window.
Bet Dennis didn’t see that one coming.
According to Mom she also left her a cucumber with a pleasant message attached.
OK, that one was pretty good.
Dennis tells her that fairy says she’s Pocahontas.
So basically that means she’s qualified to be a United States Senator from Massachusetts.
A great way to show that you’re mentally stable and capable of tending to your herd of poon polyps is by threatening to pull their grandmother’s hair out on national television.
Then there was her story about the Facebook post where she said she was drugging her roommate. That one had the audience confused.
Turns out it was all en elaborate test. She wasn’t Facebook friends with the roommate, but she wanted to see who the snitch was on her Facebook page that was giving him info on her. Or as she put it, “getting the snake out of the grass.”
So she posted a picture of herself pretending to dump a laxative into his roommate’s drink.
She knew that if her roommate found out then she knew she had a spy on her friend’s list.
Totally normal social experiment of mother of three conducts to see if she has a spy on her Facebook roster.
When the cops showed up at her door she realized that the spy was Mom.
The Dennis interview was priceless too, especially when he does a reading for the cameraman.
He’s hearing issues with the guy’s mother.
Real long shot there, considering the man’s mother was probably pretty old.
Except she was dead.
But what he MEANT to say was, she was sick before she was dead.
What are the odds that a dead person was sick before dying? That almost never happens. Except that one backfired too.
So what how does he get himself out of this one? Simple –
Just call his dead Mom a liar.
And then there was her arrest at Summerfest in Monson in 2012.
A 24-year-old Southbridge woman was arrested at Summerfest on Wednesday for permitting an injury to a child after police noticed that her shirtless 2-year-old was slumped over in her stroller with a bad sunburn. Police Chief Stephen Kozloski Jr. said Shaina L. Fontaine was found to be “extremely intoxicated” with the girl, who was lethargic. He said Fontaine “rammed” the stroller into an officer at Summerfest, who was concerned about the child’s well-being. The girl also had curdled milk in her bottle, Kozloski said. This happened around 3:45 p.m., Kozloski said. Fontaine denied charges of assault and battery on a child with injury and permitting an injury to a child at her arraignment Thursday in Palmer District Court before Judge Patricia T. Poehler. She was released and given a pretrial date of Aug. 3, and ordered to abide by any state Department of Children and Families orders. Kozloski said the girl was evaluated by emergency medical technicians at the scene, who were concerned about her sunburn and that she was dehydrated.
And just like she was with her mother, she couldn’t believe the cops had the audacity to question her parenting skills.
“All of a sudden there were cops everywhere. It was a huge spectacle,” Fontaine said. “I was polite to (the officer) to begin with, but I got defensive and irritated. They were making a big deal that I didn’t have water with me . . . They were making a problem when there wasn’t one. I was in total shock that the whole thing was even happening.”
I now fully understand why these crotch fruits grew up to throw things at cops. Honestly, they’re probably better parents than she is. These are some grizzled kids, walking the country roads of West Brookfield and fending for themselves while Mom is off working in….real estate?
The bottom line is this bitch is full gone crazy and has no business being around kids. Anyone who isn’t smart enough to figure out that they’re being conned by a middle aged man who can’t keep his eyes open and says he speaks with a fairy isn’t someone who should be rearing children. Maybe the fairy can babysit next time.
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19 Comment(s)
OMG! I was there the night she tried to “poison her roommate” with a social media ruse. I was dating this dude that had a squatting ex living in his apartment with her two kids. He couldn’t get her out. One night we fell asleep in his bedroom behind a locked door. The cops eventually showed up to check on his well being… We were woken up when she was yelling “Come here and tell the cops you’re fine!!!”. The next day we found screen caps of his family members saying she put laxatives in the whiskey she thought we were drinking (we weren’t). She’s crazy… and obviously I ran away from the dude, too. Too much crazy.
I cannot wait to check out this episode tonight (Thankfully I record them). I nearly forgot about this girl. The whole thing happened in the summer of 2017, by the way. It wasn’t a test because we found the bottle; she was just pissed he’d have the audacity to bring a woman into the apartment she was refusing to leave.
I stopped reading at “Monson Summerfest.”
I am convinced that at one time he owned a van with a mural painted on its side and a waterbed in the back.
OMG this girl has always been batshit insane. when we were like 20 she met some middle aged junkie and tried so hard to get pregnant with his baby until she actually did. she didn’t do drugs but she was still half retarded and oblivious. oddly enough though she has always busted her ass working to support herself
She’s a cross between Edward James Olmos and Robespierre. Hows that, dick?
I use to watch Dr.Phil until he said he was good friends with Elizabeth Warren. that speaks volumes about his judgment
The main picture- she has crazy meth bitch wyes that rival AOC’s.
It’s like a tiger with it spots, it intimidates other animals. Well they don’t intimidate me; all that behavior means you’re crazier than me. And that’s going wayyy out there.
Dr Phil is a phony fat sack of dog shit
And a homosexual
The pics alone say all one needs to know after the caption. Her lying eyes, and his really bad hair, equal one huge cathartic happy fucked up Neuvo Anos fer sure…
Rock on with yo bad self TB! May 2020 bring you less frivolous law suits and many more pieces of fodder to the Darwinian cannon!
That’s one crazy bitch! The smart one is Dennis, he gets people to pay him a 100 bucks to tell them what they want to hear… Fuckin Genius!
It use to be good but he has a bogus scripted show the show about the black girl thought she was white it’s a joke I’m not watching it anymore e
Dr. Phil has turned into one big ratchet show. He has the guests on that get turned away from Maury. The Phil show is 50% ratchets and 50% Phil’s wife peddling her beauty crap and Phil plugging his son’s Dr. website. I used to watch it occasionally. This woman reminds me why I don’t anymore.
Check out her pockmarked skin! The moon has a smoother surface to it. She could be dead for 3 weeks and her skin would still look the same.
Best remedy for this is to take her kids away and put a slug in the back of her head.
Mr. Psychic there looks like he keeps Jack Daniels in business. Put wood alcohol in his next fifth.
Problem solved.
She has crazy eyes.
I long for the good old days before welfare
This douchebag would be working in a mafia run whorehouse sucking cocks to stay alive
As it should be
That’s one crazy broad. Nice to see judges in western Mass are as stupid and ignorant as judges in eastern Mass. How does she have custody of these children your honor? When they are found dead because of poor parenting will the judges be held accountable?
If anyone does listen to the weekly dick masterson podcast, you should. He’s the man.
He was on dr phill like 10 years ago trolling him hard cuz he wrote a book called “men are better than women”. He was obviously trolling and dr Phil fell for it. He’s fucking hysterical.