Social Justice Warriors

Protest For The Kelley Square 4 Trial At The Courthouse Tomorrow Morning

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Huge victory for TB in court today, taking on the NFL and shoving the four game suspension right up Roger Goodell’s ass. Tomorrow’s another big day in court for this TB and the people of Worcester as the Kelley Square 4 Mafia will finally be brought to justice. Naturally their hippie mafiaso comrades will be staging a protest at the courthouse at 9:00 AM tomorrow, to show support for their criminal friends, and likely to intimidate and harass those who seek justice:


“Even though it only lasted 4.5 minutes, protesters endured harassment from people in the intersection, including blaring horns, and some guy who got out of his car and ran down the hill to threaten everyone involved.”

The thought process of a hippie truly is fascinating. They are SHOCKED that innocent people would actually be upset that 20 buttnuts stood in the road with the sole intention of inconveniencing them as they went about their business. I mean, how DARE people honk their horns because 20 overprivileged white kids stood in the road and chanted songs mocking the Worcester Police!!! How dare people be upset that traffic was backed up Vernon Street which impeded an ambulance from getting through. How DARE a tax paying citizen get out of his car and demand that leeches stop blocking the roads that his taxes go pay for.

The best part about this whole charade is that Ed Augustus and Joe Petty offered them clemency. This trial doesn’t have to happen tomorrow. It could all be ended if they simply promise not to block any more roads. But they refused because criminality is just in their blood. It’s who they are. Plus, they prefer to be professional victims. Wonder if Boom-Boom has to cancel her 9:30 Sociology class tomorrow to attend her trial?

Look, it’s a miracle that no one got hurt during this. If they did it for a minute longer people would’ve started getting knocked out and we all would’ve cheered. They’re lucky that Al Dente’s hippie plowing freedomobile wasn’t in the area that day. Cuz Al Dente doesn’t need the court to handle the law. He takes care of it himself.

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You gotta love how these nudniks are complaining that Boom-Boom, RBG, OJJ, and Kreepy Kevin are being “targetted.” Hey asshats, those were the only four regulars that were easy to pick out on the video. Where are the rest of you social justice warriors? Oh yea, hiding. Because you were willing to block the busiest intersection in Worcester but you weren’t willing to pay the price for doing so. And instead of manning up and taking one for the team you’re letting these 1.25 black people take the rap for you. Ask Tovah Ben Shapiro why he’s not manning up and taking the charge? And who the hell are these Oompa Loompas?

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Yea, I’m sure they’ll be there tomorrow. LOL. Most likely they’ve gone through their hippie phase and they’re all working for Teach for America by now. So much for black lives matter.

My favorite part about this whole thing is that the only reason they got caught is because they made the decision to tape it and put it on the Internet. They thought we’d all watch it and become inspired. Instead we all saw it and demanded that these criminals be brought to justice, which they were.

If anyone’s down there tomorrow send us pics!!

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11 Comment(s)
  • oneopinion
    September 6, 2015 at 12:43 am

    Al Dente looks like a plant.

  • Publius
    September 4, 2015 at 7:29 pm

    Failed to get photos. So few people it would have been too obvious.

  • Wabbitt
    September 4, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    They keep invoking Dr. King, but he was willing to go to prison for his beliefs. These pussy ass buttnuts can’t even stomach being in holding.

  • RJ
    September 4, 2015 at 9:22 am

    I’d just be curious to see where their line is for what’s allowed and what’s not allowed. Like, if they wanted to block the intersection for a month, is that ok? How about a week? A day? An hour? All those lines are arbitrary. You can’t block the road, period. Doesn’t matter if it was for 4.5 minutes, 4.5 days or 4.5 seconds. Just because you’re pretending to be upset about something that happened a thousand miles from here doesn’t give you the right to prevent people, who did absolutely nothing wrong I might add, from living their lives.

    • Devils Mouthpiece
      September 4, 2015 at 10:14 am

      Great point RT: Because as hippies, they crave attention and that’s all its about. Me, me, me. I don’t know if their parents ignored them as children, or they have watched too much reality TV and think they need to act the like the Kardashians to get it. In the end, they care more about the attention vs. actually doing anything productive, like shower, get a job and make sense to normal people.

  • Chris From Georgia
    September 4, 2015 at 7:55 am

    These people, and I use that term loosely, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!!! They’re all a bunch of losers!!! throw the book at them!!!

    • Devils Mouthpiece
      September 4, 2015 at 8:45 am

      Or send them to the land of misfit toys!

  • Nanny
    September 4, 2015 at 6:03 am

    What? no boom-boom yoga pants? You’re slipping TB

  • September 4, 2015 at 12:01 am

    MLK would be protesting the holocaust the Americans did in Iraq,Afghanistan,Libya,and now Syria. He wouldn’t care about 4 assholes being treated like anyone who don’t know how to protest.

  • Publius
    September 3, 2015 at 10:24 pm

    9am!! do these hippies work??? ever? TB gonna work to get photos, 11am would be more convenient to working classes.

  • Q-Ball
    September 3, 2015 at 9:06 pm

    “And who the hell are these Oompa Loompas?”

    ROTFLMAO. Oh, TB, you kill me!

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