Social Justice Warriors

Pussy Hat Wearing “Feminists” Are Mad That Backpage Won’t Allow Child Sex Slavery Anymore

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As us normal folk mourn the loss of Backpage for the entertainment and/or sexy entertainment, pink pussy hat wearing feminists are experiencing pure “angst” and outrage because they lost an avenue to get their sloppy Joes smashed by strangers. As per the Women’s March twitter account:

Oh, fuck off! Look, I have no issue with consenting adults doing deplorable things to each other behind closed doors, even if they’re licking grundles for cash. I do have a problem when children and sex slaves are forced into a life of misery made even worse with the convenience of a site like Backpage.

Thankfully, there were some actual thinking human beings who fired back

That shit is tragic and every kind of evil combined. Fuck your feminista feelings, this isn’t about you!

Here’s the deal, it’s called the world’s oldest profession for a reason. Trading bang for buck has been going on since we developed squishy bits. Long before the internet even existed, prostitutes made bank. That shit is even in the Bible! Penguins are actually known to prostitute themselves for pebbles for fuck’s sake. Pebbles! They don’t have access to anything like Backpage and them bitches is dripping in pebbles.

If you’re a hooker who states that BP being taken down hurts your bottom line, then you’re a sad ass excuse for a hoe. FACKS! Selling your hide on the street isn’t less safe than doing it online. You’re just pissed that this puts you at greater risk for being arrested. That’s it, you only care about you. Move to Vegas if you want to be protected. Australia has always had legalized prostitution. These places not only allow you to be a hooker, but also test you to make sure you won’t die from some disease you acquired while grinding on some old guy’s Slip N’ Slide from hell.

If you don’t like how shit is going down in the hooker world, then perhaps you should get the fuck off the internet and lobby for the legalization and regulation of prostitution. That takes actual work though and you don’t have time for that what with all the bollock gobbling and gargling. It also takes brains which sadly, BackpageGirl is lacking

Now, the CEO of Backpage has already plead guilty to conspiracy and money laundering and has agreed to cooperate in prostitution cases. That’s some pretty heavy shit, right there. There’s absolutely no way in hell he didn’t know this shit was happening. We know he knew, but worse yet, prosecutors knew he knew. Nothing good is going to happen to this guy with all the Cum Drop Inn business he contributed to and I don’t feel bad for the guy. Prisoners are going to have multiple field days with his brown eye and I suggest we all donate some grape jelly to the cause.

As for all my Old Faithful hoes still working that shit the old-fashioned way, I salute you!

13 Comment(s)
  • BloodShartingHambeast
    April 20, 2018 at 2:45 am

    Hate to tell the hookers, but prostitution isn’t legal in Vegas either, so don’t bother coming here.

  • Tom Blackburn
    April 17, 2018 at 9:15 pm

    Nailed it, TB. We need the government to step in and start restricting the rights of citizens. Especially these sluts. Should be legal to rape them in my opinion.

  • Mayor Lynch
    April 17, 2018 at 11:27 am

    Thank heaven that there are still dingy, poorly lit highway rest stops…

  • John
    April 17, 2018 at 10:45 am is prostitution central. I renovated a house, fixed two cars, and spent thousands on groceries and vacations before I realized it.

  • Walter "Corkscrew" Bird
    April 17, 2018 at 9:47 am

    I never pay for sex. I just pay for them to leave afterwards. Of course Worcester Magazine condones my style.

  • Rick Shaw
    Rick Shaw
    April 17, 2018 at 9:21 am

    Sex workers??? Maybe now we can call drug dealers pharmaceutical providers. Let’s call them what they are fucking whores.

  • Pink hats are for failures
    April 17, 2018 at 8:33 am

    These women are upset because the backpage was close? If you’re a woman who uses this as a way to get clients and are now bitching that you’re at risk of being hurt on the streets. Shut up. You were just as much at risk doing it online. How many women that have done this service online ended up dead due to a john they met on there. Rather than be happy that we stopped child sex rings, let’s get pissed that the pathetic ones are upset because they have to actually to go out and do this on the streets. Then again, if you wear a pink pussy hat and you’re not even in your forties yet, consider yourself a failure who will never amount to anything. Stay locked inside if you’re okay with little children or teens being force into sex just so your sorry excuse of a life is to afraid to hang yourself

  • Troubled Nostrils
    April 17, 2018 at 8:09 am

    The pussy-hatters have just about worn out the Trump/pussy-grabber narrative, so they are scrambling to find other causes to screech about. Their lives are empty without having a cause on which to foist their pent-up anger over being fat, ugly, and unfuckable.

  • Biggy Shorty
    April 17, 2018 at 7:39 am

    You think that just cuz a girl likes to dress fancy and stand on the corner next to some whores, that she’s hookin?


  • giant font
    April 17, 2018 at 7:15 am

    Is it me or is everyone one seeing GIANT fonts

  • Mother Theresa Hurts
    April 17, 2018 at 1:43 am

    I think it’s a great move. Let them hookers hit the streets like they should be. In my day, we didn’t have this safety net where chicks could be discrete and shop their wares on the friggin internet. We had to hit the boulevard like any other street walker and scout out our johns (watch Duece series, perfect example.) That’s when a john was a john and a hoe was a hoe. They may take some more beatings this way, but hey, at least they are doing it the way it should be done. This pussy ass hiding behind some fake photos and meeting up with clients to be as discrete as can be – should have never happened. If you’re not like Renee Sturgeon and ready to gun a dick on the road in board daylight for your fix and roof money, then honey, you just aint trying.

    • Luftwaffes over London
      April 17, 2018 at 7:16 am

      You’re still a douchebag, British faggot. Your humor is a fucking embarrassment to you and all your lame ass useless country. The queen is still a withered cunt, tea sucks, soccer is gay, and England is owned by Muslims. Go suck off a fucking Frenchman and fuck off this site.

      • True Reality Speaks
        Where Have You Gone, EBoyler?
        April 17, 2018 at 10:31 pm

        Evan Boyler is from Northern Ireland. Poseur Brit that is just a cuck to the House of Windsor.

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