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The Saida Grundy story is the gift that keeps on giving. If you haven’t heard of her by now then you’re just not paying attention. The newest hire to be a professor of sociology and African-American History is basically the anitchrist on social media. She’s tweeted out TONS of racist things, and on Facebook she mocked a white rape victim with the hashtag, #whitegirltears:
And the best part is, BU is standing by her. Ya got that? A person who has never taught at BU, and whom they could easily cut ties with in a split second, is being protected by her employers more steadfastly than Tom Brady is by his.
Well today we have yet ANOTHER chapter in the Saida Grundy chronicles. This time it involves her previous career as a criminal when she was charged with identity theft, malicious use of telocommunication services, and using a computer to commit a crime. The Boston Herald’s report is italicized and Turtleboy’s rational thoughts are bolded:
Troubling tweets disparaging white male college students may be just the tip of the iceberg for incoming Boston University professor Saida Grundy, who has a history of Internet misdeeds, the Herald has learned.
Grundy used the identity of a Virginia woman in a jealous fit over a man in late 2007 to create online accounts in the woman’s name, including one on an adult website for people looking for trysts, according to a police report obtained by the Herald under a Freedom of Information Act request.
Grundy got one year of probation after pleading guilty to malicious use of telecommunication services, a misdemeanor, according to online court records and Dan Dwyer, the court administrator at Washtenaw County Trial Court in Michigan. Two felony charges, identity theft and using a computer to commit a crime, were dismissed.
The cyber harassment took place in December 2007 when Grundy was at the University of Michigan, where she earned a master’s degree in sociology and a doctorate of philosophy in sociology and women’s studies in 2014.
The victim told police in Charlottesville, Va., that someone was creating accounts in her name and posting her personal information online, according to the police report.
A detective traced the suspect, identified as Grundy, to Ann Arbor and reached out to police there.
2007 huh? What was that, eight years ago? Saida was 24 years old at the time. A grown adult. At this point it’s pretty clear that Saida Grundy is more than just a bigoted hate-mongerer. She’s just a plain old asshole. When you get on her bad side, this is what she does. The white rape victim who had the audacity to get upset about being raped pissed off Saida so she laid into her. White college kids pissed her off, so she called them all a “problem population.” This woman stole her man, so she made her life hell. This is more than just what she does. It’s who she is.
During an interview with detectives at her home in May 2008, Grundy said she had never met the victim but “this was a jealous thing regarding another man,” according to the police report.
Grundy had stopped seeing the man when she left for graduate school but they “started seeing each other again” in December 2007, and she suspected the woman and he “were back together,” the report said.
“I was crushed and hurt, I had a lot of stress and jealousy, I wanted to do something, so I made a profile for (her) on an adult website,” Grundy said, according to the police report. The website, fling.com, is for adults looking for trysts, the report said.
“I was crushed and hurt, I had a lot of stress and jealousy.” See what she did there? She just pulled a Lisa Dyer. Apologies aren’t really apologies when you try to rationalize the shitty things you do.
Grundy said she downloaded photographs of the victim from the man’s email, telling the cops she got into his account by guessing his password. Grundy also admitted that she created other online accounts in the victim’s name “just to annoy her” and so “random junk mail” would be sent to her.
When the cops told the victim that Grundy was “extremely jealous” of her and had posted her information on several websites, the woman said she had never met Grundy, the report states.
“I got a lot of junk emails from strange men seeking a sexual relationship,” the woman told the police, according to the report.
Look, we’ve all been heartbroken before. It’s part of life. But normal adults get really drunk and text their ex-boyfriends. You know who does something what Saida Grundy did? A Goddamn psychopath. An unstable human being who will go to any length to fuck you over if she doesn’t like you. These type of people don’t change. It’s who they are.
Just think of what she’s capable of doing to a student who dares challenge her racially charged bigotry in class. They’re completely fucked unless they sit there and nod their head as their professor, whom they pay $68K a year to teach them about her version of “sociology,” tells them how evil they are for being born white.
In a statement Wednesday night, Boston University said: “A number of years ago, when she was a student at the University of Michigan, Dr. Grundy made a mistake. She admitted the mistake, accepted the consequences, and brought closure to that case. Eight years later, we do not see any reason to reopen it.”
When reached on her phone Wednesday, Grundy said she “didn’t have anything to say right now.” She has not returned texts or emails for comment. Grundy gave a statement posted on boston.com yesterday that said: “When this incident occurred I was 24, and exercised the poor judgment of a heartbroken 24 year old. I took accountability then as I do now. I hold true to the lessons learned, and my life has since moved on.”
Oh I see. Now BU is in the business of hiring ex-cons. I love how they’re treating 24 year old Saida Grundy as if she’s 15 year old Saida Grundy. She was a “student” who “made a mistake.” Lots of normal adults go through a phase where they hack into ex-boyfriends emails and make up fake, sexual profiles about his new love interests.
Last week, Grundy, who is black, said she regretted “indelicately” tweeting that white male college students are a “problem population” and that “white masculinity is THE problem for America’s colleges.”
Wait a minute, she regrets the tweets now? BU is using the “she was only 24” excuse for the cyber-harassment. But the racist tweets? Those were made in March, when she was 31. Is she suggesting that she has magically matured during the month of April?
And why does she suddenly regret saying those bigoted things on Twitter? If she didn’t mean what she wrote, then why did she voluntarily write those things? Meanwhile she has hippies like Cara Berg Powers lining up to SUPPORT the things she said. So which is it? Are you gonna let down your hippie supporters or are you gonna woman up and admit that you just plain don’t trust white people and rape victims?
On Monday, BU’s African American Studies faculty posted an online message welcoming Grundy, saying she had been hired after a nationwide search and chosen from over 100 applicants. The post mentioned Grundy’s tweets and said they’ve been “shocked by the number of voicemails left and the hostile emails sent to our office and our individual accounts. … However, most troubling was that among the numerous that were serious expressions of dismay were many vile messages, explicitly racist and obscene, that consider cyber-bullying a substitute for frank discussion and freedom of speech.”
One hundred people applied for her job??? A nationwide search?? And somehow, Saida Grundy, an inexperienced, racist, sexist professor, was the best of the bunch. In other words, if they fire Saida Grundy, who has never taught for a day at BU, they’ll have hundreds of qualified applicants ready to take her place. But please, tell me more about how hard it is for African-Americans and women to get ahead in the world.
It’s 2015. Any normal, well-respected institution is going to do a background check on a candidate they’re considering hiring. Saida Grundy had an open Facebook page and Twitter account, which would’ve led them directly to her hate-filled vitriol. The Google machine would’ve brought you directly to her criminal background from 2007. But BU saw an opportunity to show the world that they’re a progressive institution that doesn’t just hire old white guys. Because being diverse was more important to them than hiring a qualified, non-bigoted candidate.
That last paragraph just proves that the world of Academia is not grounded in reality. They’re “shocked” that they’ve gotten voicemails from people who are upset that they employ a known racist who laughs at rape victims? LOL. Why would any normal person be shocked that this upsets people?
The best part is that they’re trying to turn this around and label those who find Saida Grundy to be offensive, as “racist and obscene.” Ya see what they did there? That’s straight out of Hippie Playbook 101. When you’re confronted with the truth, just call your confronter a racist. Problem solved.
The bottom line is Boston University is supposed to be a real university. And in the real world you don’t get a mulligan when you say racist shit on Twitter. If a student did this, they’d be expelled. If a white person did this, they’d be fired. But since it’s a black female professor, there is literally nothing she can do to lose her job. That’s a fact. But please, tell me more about this “white privilege” and “institutional racism” thing that is keeping lovely folks like Saida Grundy down. Because it’s definitely a real thing. Definitely.
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6 Comment(s)
The story doesn’t mention, was the ex-boyfriend that caused her jealous rage a white man or black man?
This gal reminds me of the Tyler Perry Xmas movie where the lady had been scared by a white guy and then just lied to her daughter about race relations and warped her mind. Told her that her daddy died via white cop, actually ran off with white girl. etc. someone did her wrong, bet they was white.
If BU thinks cyber-bullying is no substitute for “frank discussion and freedom of speech” they would surely be outraged over the rehire of Lisa Dyer, who chose cyber-bulling to punish Janice Harvey and stomped on her right to freedom of speech.
It’s crazy that she can pull this off in plain site. How can anyone deny the double standard? The Boston Globe actually wrote a story that tried to make it all look like a big misunderstanding. I’m not going to go so far as to say that there is a media conspiracy but there is a huge bias. I’d love love to hear the Professor try to explain doublethink and then contrast that concept to how her situation is (not) being addressed. I’m not defending anyone who makes racist comments, I’m just amazed that some do so with impunity.
Saida “The Grundle” Grundy seems to be a special kind of over privileged douche.
I fear that Ms. Grundy is a semester away from a Duke LaCross team type fake accusation.