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RBG has had a really busy week of searching the Internet for proof of rampant racism and then posting the links he find to the Communities United Collective Facebook page. The other day he discovered that racists were burning down black churches in Missouri:
Wow, that’s pretty shitty!!! The problem is that RBG is trying to incite a race war where there isn’t one, because as it turns out these fires were set by a black man, named David Lopez Jackson:
Ooops!!! I’m sure these pastors and RBG will be issuing a public apology for intentionally trying to start a race war by coming to the conclusion that a white guy burned these churches down. LOL. Right.
We all know there won’t be an apology. That’s because people like RBG exist for one reason and one reason alone – to divide us along racial lines. But we don’t buy into that. We’re too busy loving everyone and revealing the truth. Don’t burn down churches, and don’t try to start race wars and we won’t have to expose you for being an asshat.
P.S. Only white people think it’s not OK to whip four year old children with a switch:
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5 Comment(s)
Yeah, because that seventeen year old girl was an innocent victim like AP’s kid. Great logic Bobby.
He looks like a race baiting fool. Thanks for exposing this lie
This website is quickly becoming the In City Times. It’s become a mode for you personal vendettas against people.
Doubt it, TB isn’t a slut like Tirella.
Don’t let that face mask fool you. That arsonist is white. Al Sharpton said so. And, we all know Sharpton is a seeker of the truth.