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If you’re on social media right now then you’ve obviously seen this story already, but it’s insane and disturbing. A reporter and her cameraman were shot and killed this morning while filming a live broadcast. While conducting an interview in Moneta, Virginia, 24 year old Alison Parker and her 27 year old cameraman Adam Ward, were killed by an unknown man in all black.
Warning the video is disturbing. Not graphic, but nonetheless extremely unnerving:
No words. Clearly he shot the cameraman first as the camera dropped to the ground and was able to pick up this image of the shooter:
The worst part is that more than likely this is gonna spiral into a debate about gun control. The left will tell you that guns are too easy to get, and the right will tell you that if the reporter was armed to the teeth this wouldn’t have happened. It’s a chicken and egg thing if you ask me. I do not have any solutions to this complex issue, nor do I have any desire to turn Turtleboy Sports into a forum for a debate about gun control, or abortion, or any other topic that polarizes people. We try to stick to topics that 95% of people will agree with. All I can say is that if you live in a country where news reporters have to be armed while conducting interviews, that’s some third world bullshit.
Why did this happen? I have no idea. It could be a terrorist, because they are animals for the purpose of being animals. It could be a jilted lover, considering the cameraman and reporter were killed while the woman being interviewed is alive, albeit in surgery as we write this. The bottom line is that it’s a freak thing that unfortunately could’ve happened to anyone. It’s a reminder to appreciate every second you’re on earth and give the people you love big ol’ hugs on a daily basis.
Editor’s note: The reporter was engaged, but not to Adam Ward as we originally reported. Reports are also coming in that the suspected shooter is a disgruntled former station employee.
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