
Retired Cop Who Killed A Black Man Who Shot Him Eviscerates Colin Kaepernick In Viral Facebook Post

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In 1996 in Norfolk, VA, (home of superintendent Melinda Boone) a police officer named Chris Amos was on bike duty when he was shot by a 19 year old black man who was running away from them because they wanted to arrest him for selling drugs to kids. When Officer Amos fired back the man died.

Officer Amos was put on paid leave and had to do extensive rehab in order to come back to work. But he did not have to get shot in order to get paid leave. It’s standard policy for any police involved shooting to be investigated, and for the officer to take time off while doing so. But since cops are also human beings, who have families, bills, and mortgages, it’s kind of important that they get paid while this is happening.


This is what idiots like Colin Kaepernick don’t understand. Kaepernick’s big beef in his rant about how oppressive America is, is that cops who shoot black men get paid “vacations.” When in reality this is just standard procedure that allows people to feed their families while due process takes its course.


Well Officer Amos is now retired. He’s actually a pastor, and a pretty bad ass one too:


The priest in my church is not strapped like that. But if he was I’d probably think twice before missing Sunday service. Anyway, Officer Amso wrote this open letter on Facebook to Colin Kaepernick that has gone semi-viral. And it’s pretty awesome:

By Chris Amos, a retired Norfolk Police Officer wrote the following: An Open Letter to Colin Kaepernick

Dear Colin, Guess you have been pretty busy these last few days. For the record I don’t think any more or less of you for not standing for the National Anthem. Honestly, I never thought that much about you, or any professional athlete for that matter, to begin with. I’ve read your statement a few times and want you to know I am one of the reasons you are protesting. You see I am a retired police officer that had the misfortune of having to shoot and kill a 19-year-old African American male. And just like you said, I was the recipient of about $3,000 a month while on leave which was a good thing because I had to support a wife and three children under 7-years-old for about 2 months with that money. Things were pretty tight because I couldn’t work part time. Every police officer I’ve ever known has worked part-time to help make ends meet.

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You know Colin the more I think about it the more we seem to have in common. I really pushed myself in rehab to get back on the street, kind of like you do to get back on the field. You probably have had a broken bone or two and some muscle strains and deep bruising that needed a lot of work. I just had to bounce back from a gunshot wound to the chest and thigh. Good thing we both get paid when we are too banged up to “play”, huh? We both also know what it’s like to get blindsided. You by a 280- pound defensive end, ouch! Me, by a couple of rounds fired from a gun about 2 feet away, into my chest and thigh. We also both make our living wearing uniforms, right? You have probably ruined a jersey or two on the field of play. I still have my blood stained shirt that my partner and paramedics literally ripped off my back that cold night in January. Fortunately, like you I was given a new one.

Speaking of paramedics aren’t you glad the second we get hurt trainers and doctors are standing by waiting to rush onto the field to scoop us up. I’m thankful they get to you in seconds. It only took them about 10 minutes to get to me. By the grace of God, the artery in my thigh didn’t rupture or else 10 minutes would have been about 9 minutes too late. We also have both experienced the hate and disgust others have just because of those uniforms we wear. I sure am glad for your sake that the folks who wear my uniform are on hand to escort you and those folks that wear your uniform into stadiums in places like Seattle!


I guess that’s where the similarities end Colin. You entertain for a living, I and almost 800,000 others across this country serve and protect. Are there some bad apples within my profession? Absolutely and they need to be identified and fired or arrested! But you know what, the vast majority do the right thing, the right way, for the right reason. Did I mention that seconds before I was shot, an elderly African American gentleman walking down the sidewalk, turned to my partner and I as we rode past and said, “Get them.” Get who you ask? The thugs terrorizing an otherwise good and decent neighborhood, home to dozens of good, decent African American families trying to raise those families in communities not protected by gates and security guards. No these folks and families depend on America’s Law Enforcement Officers.

Colin I have buried 7 friends, killed in the line of duty and three others who have committed suicide. I have attended more funerals than I care to remember of neighboring departments who have lost officers in the line of duty, during my career. Law Enforcement Officers with different backgrounds, upbringings, and experiences united by their willingness to answer the call to protect and serve their fellow citizens.

Colin I am sorry for the endorsement deals you may lose and the dip in jersey sales, but please know you will NEVER lose what these men and women and their families have lost. And so whether you stand or sit during the National Anthem or not means very little to me. As for me and the men and women on whose team I was privileged to serve, we will put on our ballistic vests, badge, and gun, kiss our loved one’s goodbye, for some tragically for the last time, and out into a shift of uncertainty we will go. We will continue to protect and continue to serve and we will be standing at attention Colin, not just for the playing of our National Anthem, but far more importantly for the playing of Taps.


Colin Kaepernick will probably never read this letter because his mind is too polluted with his butt buddy Shaun King’s propaganda, but if he did he might actually begin to understand that innocent black men aren’t the ones who are under attack in this country. Cops are. The biggest threat to black men in urban areas are other black men. That’s just a scientific fact. Black lives matter morons will tell you that it’s racist to even mention this because no one ever brings up “white on white crime.” Newsflash idiots – no one brings up white on white crime because there is not a movement in the streets called “white lives matter” that blames the police for violence in the white community. If there were, then Turtleboy and many others would pick them apart too.


Norfolk, VA is an extremely violent and dangerous city. There have been many police involved shootings there over the years, and most of the people killed by the cops have been black men. This isn’t because the cops are racist. It’s because the majority of people who live in Norfolk are not white. And the cops only shoot at people who are trying to kill them.

For instance, in 2010 in Norfolk an 18 year old career criminal named Jamarr Hassell led police on a high speed chase in a stolen car. When they finally cornered him in a field he fired upon them. He was a great person though, and a HUGE loss for society. According to the Virginia Pilot,

“Police said Hassell had outstanding warrants in Norfolk for robbery, carjacking and the use of a firearm. Amos said all the warrants stemmed from a failed carjacking July 7. As the victim escaped, Amos said, Hassell fired a shot but missed. Hassell also had outstanding warrants for violent felonies in Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, Amos said, although neither police department could confirm that Sunday.”

Naturally his friends and family blamed Jamarr for getting himself killed because that’s what happens when you shoot at cops. LOL. Just kidding, they blamed the racist cops for murdering him:

Several dozen people gathered Sunday night for a vigil in the field where Hassell died. They stood in a circle, held hands and prayed. As they cried, relatives called out that Hassell was innocent. Several friends called his death “murder.” “In my book, he was a good person,” said Jasmine Hairston, who met Hassell when they were in the sixth grade. “If he saw you walking in the hot sun, he’d turn his car around and come give you a ride. If you needed help paying your cell phone bill, he’d help you pay it.”

Of course this was before black lives matter was a thing, so unfortunately he died four years before he could’ve been a trending hashtag on Twitter. White people from Cambridge would’ve lined up to support this winner!!


In 2011 two more innocent black men were killed by the racist police in Chris Amos’ town:

On Aug. 20, a police officer shot and killed Marquize D. Martin, 21, minutes after he stole a vehicle at a 7-Eleven on Raby Road near North Military Highway, police said. At a dead end on Minnesota Avenue, the officer got out of his cruiser and fired multiple shots at Martin as he drove toward him, police said. Martin died at a hospital.

On Tuesday, another officer shot and killed Kenneth Lorenzo Smallwood, 20, at an apartment complex in the Oakdale Farms/Denby Park neighborhood. Smallwood had broken into a car at the complex, police said. When the officer responded to a 911 report and got out behind Smallwood’s car, Smallwood backed toward the officer, hitting his car; the officer fired, killing Smallwood, police said.

So every time Colin Kaepernick or any of these other morons references the cops killing black people, there is ALWAYS a story behind it. They try to make it seem so simple. Cops are murderers who kill black kids for fun. But in reality 99% of police involved shootings are justified and avoidable if people stopped trying to kill cops.



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12 Comment(s)
  • October 7, 2016 at 6:15 am

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    September 3, 2016 at 2:32 pm

    This is apples and oranges.
    This officer was involved in shoot out .
    SO naturally right wing media jumps on this like some “Ah HA!” moment,
    THIS is not what Colin’s protests are about
    This officer has no point.

  • Barnyard
    September 1, 2016 at 7:11 am

    He will be the next athletic looser auditioning for Dancing with the stars.

  • Gronkmonster
    August 31, 2016 at 11:13 pm

    Guy knows his carreer is in the shitter..Only way that clown was going to make headlines was to pull bullshit like this…Hope he gets on the field and gets ass raped by a line man on live TV

      September 3, 2016 at 2:35 pm

      DOsome reading.
      He’s retired.
      NO ONE is against legitimate police work,
      He was shot at and responded.
      He’s on a whole ‘nother topic.

  • whatevuh
    August 31, 2016 at 9:24 pm

    Clearly, some black lives don’t matter

    • MakeAmericaWhiteAgain
      August 31, 2016 at 10:03 pm

      None of them do. Which is why this cop is an absolute hero for ridding the planet of a black.

      • Andre
        September 3, 2016 at 5:24 pm

        This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen by a cracker Colin Kaepernick is protesting about unarmed black people being killed and the pussy ass cops getting away with it.

  • White Lives Matter
    August 31, 2016 at 6:41 pm

    Thank you to this police officer for his service, and thank you to him for exterminating a black trash thug.

  • t. fearing
    August 31, 2016 at 4:11 pm

    This was a very good letter. I hope that asshole reads it. It will bring him down a notch or two!!! I Love you guys!!!!THANKS for posing this.

      September 3, 2016 at 2:36 pm

      His letter makes no sense
      and nothing to do with the issue.

  • Ed Augustus
    August 31, 2016 at 3:40 pm

    Smallwood??? Not interested!

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