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A retired school department employee who told police he likes to exercise naked in the window of his front door — because of the sunlight — was arrested Tuesday and charged with indecent exposure a day after police said children on a school bus saw him in action.
Kaushikkumar Patel, 58, allegedly was caught in the act, by a pair of undercover Taunton police detectives, just after 10 a.m. jumping up and down while holding a set of dumbbells in clear view of passersby.
His arrest came one day after seven students on a bus heading to Edmund Hatch Bennett School told their driver they had just seen a “completely naked” man in the front door of his house.
Police say seven students on the bus saw a naked Patel Monday at 8:45 a.m. standing behind the window of the front door of his house, which is located in the upscale residential neighborhood of Nichols Mills.
The driver, police said, reported the incident to Principal Lisa Riendeau, who notified school resource officer Patrolman William Rutherford, who in turn called Detective Sgt. Honorato M. Santos.
Police also said the school’s guidance counselor reported that all seven students were consistent in recounting what they had witnessed that morning.
Santos reported that he set up surveillance at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday near the Nichols Drive house but did not observe anything unusual as “several” school buses drove by.
Santos says he and fellow detective Peter Corr went back to he house together after police received a call just after 10 a.m. reporting that “the gentleman in question was again standing in his front door naked.”
When the officers drove up to the house Patel allegedly was holding two dumbbells and jumping up and down in front of the glass door.
Santos says he and Carr set up surveillance in their unmarked car and watched Patel engage in the activity for at least 10 minutes before they finally walked toward the front door, at which point Patel put on his underwear. Patel allegedly told the detectives he likes to exercise in his front door “because of the sun hitting him.”
How’d you like to be the cop on that stakeout? You sign up to become a police officer, you pass all the tests, you go through the academy, and you get your badge and your gun. And what do they do? They give your big assignment – waiting outside of some dudes house hoping to see him exercising in the flesh.
Now the question is – should this guy have been arrested? Because I’m not gonna lie, I rarely wear clothes in the house when Mrs. Turtleboy isn’t around. At the same time I don’t stand buck naked in front of the window holding bar bells while waving to small school children.
Here’s the thing though – he’s gonna be labeled as a sex offender for the rest of his life. It’s bad enough he has a face like this:
Now you throw the label “sex offender” up there and there isn’t a person in America who doesn’t believe this guy fondled a bunch of kids. So the guy wanted to get some exercise in and work on his tan without getting those annoying tan lines? I thought this was America?? Don’t wanna see naked Indian dudes doing squat thrusts? Mind your own business and don’t look inside his home.
Plus I’m not buying the whole “7 kids told the exact same story” thing. I remember what it was like to be in the 4th grade. One kid thinks he sees something and tells everyone. Next thing you know it’s fact. They all supposedly saw it because they wanna be cool. It’s like when you look at one of those optical illusions where you’re supposed to see a picture jump out at you if you stare at it long enough. I’ve never once seen one of those things in my life, but I always pretended I did because I didn’t want my parents to send me to the special class.
The bottom line is the kids will be OK. As a kid your first experience with old man dong is never pleasant, but it prepares you for what you’re in for the rest of your life.
I’ll never forget the first time Papa Turtleboy brought me to the Greendale YMCA and I had to cut through the men’s locker room. Boy was I in for a treat!! Anyone who has ever been in the men’s locker room at any YMCA in America knows that old dudes like Carlo Baldino literally wait their entire lives so they can stand in the nude in the locker room and have 45 minutes conversations about local politics.
Look, I know we all gotta change in the locker room and shower and everything. But old dudes at the Y enjoy being naked together way too much. You’re only supposed to be a la mode because you’re transiting between outfits. But not for guys at the Y. These old dooshnozzles stand there, have a conversation, and then go and stand by the sink and shave buck naked.
The worst part is they almost always have their towels around their necks. Basically they wanna send you the message that they could easily use that towel to cover up their genitals, but since they’ve put their time in they’ve earned the right to make you awkwardly try to scoot past them without accidentally making contact with their bare skin.
I don’t know if I wanna live in a country where you can’t exercise naked in your own home. The kids will be fine. #FreeKaushikkumar
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5 Comment(s)
In your own home yes… in the doorway where everyone can see you? NO. Have some respect for others. What’s seen can’t be unseen… put on some shorts or close your door!
Come in your own home, private property, and arrest you for nothing. Its one thing if this guy waited for the buses to come around and show he wee-wee. Cops stated buses came and went and they caught him at 10am when there is no school buses and actual good light. This guy will have that title the rest of his fucking life. Can’t be nude in your own house. Police State of America
My policy is if you don’t want to see me naked, don’t look in my window, in my car, or in your bushes.
To save himself a lot of trouble, he can put on a pair of shorts. I can’t see how this could become a sex-offender issue, though.
Why is this even a big deal? If the sight of someone nude in THEIR OWN HOME is so traumatizing, you aren’t having the right conversations with your kids.