Sex Offender Driving “God School Bus” In South Shore Wouldn’t Last Five Minutes With Busgate Parents

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Bostonmagazine – A minibus that belongs to a registered sex offender, and is painted with pastel colors and the words “God Bus” on the back, has residents in parts of Cape Cod and the South Shore on edge, with some going as far as trying to track the vehicle owner’s every move. The bus, owned by John J. Stangl, a registered level three sex offender who is listed as “homeless” in Hyannis, has been spotted in Kingston, Plymouth, and Yarmouth during the course of the week. The white vehicle is plastered with bumper stickers, and patterned curtains cover the windows. The words “God Bus” can be seen in large letters on the bus’ rear door exit.But it wasn’t until officers in Yarmouth posted an image of the bus on November 6, as a warning for people to “be vigilant” in the event that a crime is committed, that interest in Stangl’s whereabouts escalated in the surrounding communities. The picture and accompanying information about Stangl and his presence in Yarmouth was shared more than 500 times.


Is there a bigger pansy ass sex offender than this guy with the God bus? Hey ding-dong, no one’s impressed that you’re driving your little pedophile mobile through Kingston and Yarmouth. What’s the worst that’s gonna happen to you there? Angry soccer moms will shake their bread rollers at you? Retirees will tell you that back in their day homeless sex predators didn’t drive around in school busses covered in pastel colors? Driving around the south shore and rubbing the fact that you’re a sex offender with a child-bait school bus is as weak sauce as you get because you know you’re never really gonna be in physical danger.

Here’s an idea – bring your little God bus down to Vernon Hill. I double dare you. We’ve got parents here who will kick the shit out of you if you take too long to let their kids off the bus. How long do you think your God bus will last on Perry Ave? I give you about three minutes before the mob has disassembled the whole thing for scrap metal. If this had happened in Worcester it wouldn’t even be a story anymore. The Vernon Hill chapter of MENSA would’ve taken care of this guy two days ago.

Oh yea, and this guy’s not even TRYING to come across as a dangerous predator who isn’t trying to pick up your kids for a ride on the God bus:


Worst. Sex Offender. Ever.

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