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We’ve been to Adams before. It’s a real pit. The fact that this would be on someone’s front lawn in Adams is the least surprising thing we’ve ever had sent to us. Anyway, normal people just have to stop getting so fired up about people disrespecting the flag. They’re doing it because they have a right to do it and they know they’re gonna get a rise out of you. So this guy put the flag next to a statue of a boy holding his weiner. Who cares? Does a soldier die every time this happens? Does anyone actually give a shit what some moron in Adams thinks about America? The most disturbing part about this picture is the fact that someone actually bought a statue of a small boy holding his Johnson.
P.S. The fact that the person who took this picture is from Colrain makes me wonder if any of it is even real. That looks like every front yard in Colrain ever.
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2 Comment(s)
I wish my dick was as big as that statue’s. Maybe someone would play with it instead of laugh at it.
Looks like anyone could turn that statue (round circle at base) and take a picture. I wonder if it was like that before the photographer was there.