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Sources: Arrest Made In The Rape And Murder Of West Brookfield Mother And Her 3 Children Was The Husband’s Cousin Matthew Locke Who Tried To Make It Look Like MS-13 Did It

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Breaking news in the tragic murder of a West Brookfield mother and her 3 kids:

Worcester County District Attorney Joseph Early Jr. plans to announce that an arrest has been made in connection with the deaths of Sara Bermudez and her three children in West Brookfield. Early will make the announcement at noon at East Brookfield District Court. The suspect is expected to be arraigned Wednesday. The district attorney did not name the suspect in a news release. Bermudez and her three children, 8-year-old Madison, 6-year-old James and 2-year-old Michael, were found slain in their home at 10 Old Warren Road on March 1. Few details about the investigation or the nature of the Bermudez family killings have been released. Death certificates list the cause of death for the family members as “pending.” A source told MassLive the bodies were burned.

Back in March we blogged about Ware womb broom Matthew Locke, who was arrested for lying to police about murder. He attempted to make it sound like the surviving husband, Moses Bermudez, thought it was MS-13 related. Moses also happens to be his cousin. This would obviously get the cops to look at Bermudez and his criminal associations more.

But although Matthew Locke was not charged with the murder, he was a repeat offender:

At the arraignment in Western Worcester District Court before Judge Maura McCarthy, Assistant District Attorney Katie Wildgrube asked that Mr. Locke be held on $25,000 bail and cited what she said was a four-page record in Massachusetts and a criminal past in Maine, where he is on probation. Mr. Locke’s criminal record includes arson, larceny, violation of harassment orders, possession of a burglary tool and having drug paraphernalia, records and testimony show.

The house was lit on fire and he he’s got arson charges. You do the math. Plus, look at this dude:

That face screams psychopath. Since we blogged about him we’ve heard from people around town, and other former employers, that he has a past history of being a erratic behavior. He is fully capable of committing this crime.

Well, our sources tell us with confidence that he is going to be the one named at the noon press conference as the killer. They also tell us that his DNA was found inside the mother and that he raped her and her daughter, tortured them, and lined them up and posed their bodies in order to make it look like MS-13 did it. This has not yet been confirmed by Joe Early’s office, but comes from reliable sources.

Matthew is already in jail on the other charges, and we are told that his brother might also be arrested. Although we don’t know his brother’s name with full confidence at this time, we know he lives in Maine, we know that neither he nor Matthew was in work on the day of the murders, and we know at the very least that the cops are questioning him. Killing four people like this seems unlikely to be a one person job. These are the people who come up when you search for Locke on Matthew Locke’s Facebook page:

This one lives in Maine:

And Andrew Locke does have some Google trophies, so take from that what you will.

I do feel bad for Moses Bermudez. He made headlines two months ago when he was arrested for being drunk and disorderly at a local pizza shop. He also made sexually suggestive comments to one of the employees that made him look like a douchebag who may have had something to do with his wife’s murder. In hindsight he’s probably just really fucked up in the head, since his whole world was taken from him, and his cousin likely was responsible.

The motive at this point is unknown, but hopefully the press conference clears some of this up. We will keep you posted.

8 Comment(s)
  • ML
    September 6, 2018 at 10:46 am

    No rape charges have been charged. And it’s not Mathews brother they are looking for. Matt was with his cousin Mike all night. Just remember the family is at such loss right now, loosing 4 family members and the possibility of it being a family member who did it. “Reliable sources” are not good enough when it comes to this case. People don’t know what it’s like to go through something like this. Please respect the family who’s at such loss.

    • 4 lives
      September 7, 2018 at 6:59 am

      I think people are more concerned with getting justice for the mother and children who are now gone.

  • Justice
    September 5, 2018 at 9:38 pm

    I agree with so many others, TB. Bermudez has something to do with this. Probably hired his psychotic cousin to do it for the insurance money. Sophisticated plan for a Z factor. Poor mother and babies. Rest in peace. Justice will be yours.

    • 100
      September 6, 2018 at 8:26 am

      That’s exactly what I think also. Time will tell. I feel like the father wanted a way out and hired the cousin. It just seems so shady. And it takes a real special sick fk to rape their own niece.. smh poor kids.

  • Seamus Train
    September 5, 2018 at 6:48 pm

    You’re crazy if you don’t think the husband is involved in some way. Where’s the motive for Locke? Probably payment from Bermudez. Bermudez works in California. He probably ha a 20 year old girlfriend in CA and a life insurance policy on his family here in MA. He made quick work of remodeling his house after the murders and is still living there.

  • Judge dread
    September 5, 2018 at 3:29 pm

    Just wow. Rape, torture, and murder of a woman and her three children, then set the house on fire. Well it sounds like he needs a taste of his own medicine.

    Send him to Gitmo. After he has been sleep deprived for a good 14 days, perform live organ harvesting, then send in a starving dog to finish him off.

  • Dana Prescott
    September 5, 2018 at 1:59 pm

    Expand the Quabbin

  • Turtle poop
    September 5, 2018 at 12:19 pm

    Moses is just as bad as this psychopath why do you feel bad for him

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