Saw this video of two wild slambiscuits taking a on a Southie community Facebook group and it was just too ratchet not to share.
You know it’s not your first time treating someone’s fence like a Mexican urinal when you:
- Carry a pee pad with you and leave them behind for the homeowner to clean up
- Do it in broad daylight
- Fear nothing
- Carry on pleasant conversation while doing so
I’m confused how a situation like this could even happen. This isn’t parade day. Were they drunk during the middle of the afternoon? One of them looks like a furloughed Craig’s List hooker who just left a cocktail bar, while the other one looks like she took a wrong turn at Meth Mile and ended up in Southie.
The post was removed from the group because as usual someone felt like the lowest dregs of society should be immune from getting called out for acting like savages.
Yea, how dare the property owner use social media to try to figure out who the vagrants are that left their urine soaked fabric behind. They’re the creepy ones here, not the two skags who dropped trough on someone else’s property and unleashed Hurricane Goldeneye on his fence.
“Dogs and cate pee on our plants daily.”
Really setting the bar high there.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve drained the lizard many a times in public, but you do it in an alley or behind a dumpster like a civilized human being. And I’ve certainly never left behind soiled linen on someone’s property for them to clean up either.
Anyway, it’s a long shot but if anyone out there knows their identities feel free to hit me up on Facebook at Clarence Woods Emerson, or email turtleboysports@gmail.com.
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97 Comment(s)
I have so many questions:
1. What did this owner do to cuntarella and her side ho, rumplecuntskin?
2. Do they not have facilities in Southie?
3. No TP? How uncomfortable to not wipe and go back to your boozy afternoon.
4. Are Miss Skankalot and Queen Mary Wet crotch on LSD? Maybe they *believed* they had hit up a Dunks to break the seal.
Ann Coulter was right, the left is turning our country into a third world hellhole.
To the homeowner.Can you please save the wee wee pad for
me in a zip lock freezer bag? I will pay handsomely for shipping
and handling.
Not realizing the difficulties facing Bob right now,I am sorry if the previous post upset anyone.
“Dogs and cats pee on our plants daily!”
Do dogs and cats leave behind piss soaked rags too? Disgusting pigs.
The things you see when you don’t have your sling shot. Very classy females the kind that you take home to meet your mom
More articles like this please!
Thank you
Dear administrator,
This is your old English teacher. In your article title, what the hell is “Drop Trough”?
It’s “trout” you idiot!
How many years did I hold you back?
Wow your dumber than I am.
Nothing like draining the monster in public.
This is a pretty dumb article. You’ve never had to piss outside before? I bet you have a hundred times, you just weren’t taped or no one posted it for the world to see. You got to let some shit go bro, who cares they took a piss on some millionaires bushes. At the kettlebrook golf tourney, i better not see you pissing anywhere except in the restrooms otherwise i’m filming you and posting it, i’ll be watching.
What’s your address? I gotta take a piss, and a dump as well.
If you really have to go, from one human to another, you could use my yard so that your don’t go in your pants. I won’t film you and post it online.
The crazy thing is Southie is still full of slugrake gutter muppets but a 2 bedroom condo costs like $1mil. I would be fucking pissed if I owned that property with a nice driveway that these slugrake cocksuckers defiled.
I do not know who is worse, the public urinators or the virtue signalling white bitches on FB that defend them.
I’ve been in Southie my entire life, poor middle class Irish family you know the story.The people that own this property are a class act beautiful home. I live down the street my entire life.The neighborhoods changed dog parks, more bars , yoga studios. I miss my old middle class Irish Town, but fuck it my piece of shit, ugly ass house is worth a million. The whole Southie Tough Guy act, is over with. Now you the craziest thing you see, is these two cunts taking a piss on some yuppies house. Fuck these girls probably from Lynn or Chelsea even Revere. But i mean shit i don’t even like telling people i’m from Southie cause everyone watched the departed or gone baby gone and thinks i’m a junkie bookie.But enough of my rant love seeing the social media justice, fuck the Southie Yuppie Bulletin Board. Fuck all the chads that piss on my house on Saint Patricks Day, fuck Rachel Rollins, and most of all fuck people that can’t double park.
I would pay good money to get them to do that on top of me. Maybe its just the German in me talking
I think they’re probably feral bitches in heat. Unspayed females are more likely to urine mark. The home owner should call animal control if it happens again. If they can catch these street dogs they could get them some veterinary care, and possibly adoption at a shelter. If there is no hope then they can take them to their “Uncles Farm in New Hampshire” with the others.
Smell the magic…
2 Modellos each and half a deck of Newport 100’s if they sprinkle on each other.
Definitely would both
I’d start off with a tossed salad then for a main course a spit roast with a creme pie for the finish
Whore drop your draws and go for yours.
Now on my command hit the dance floor.
Jump to the rythmr jump jump
Come on snd sweat sweat let the music take control let the music move you.
Yeah, I think they charge double for that, Cotton!
This must be reported my Mayor Marty’s gestapo board Yes there were 6 ft apart when watering the bushes but no mask naughty naught .If they wear a mask I have some sunflowers that need watering so the can be golden as can be.
Where do they think they are? San Francisco? Granted, this is also another liberal shithole, but comeon….
Hi-de-ho good neighbor. I think your visitors had asparagus for lunch.
Hey Wilson how are you? Haven’t seen.ypu in a long time!
I’ve shrunk some in my old age. I can no longer see over the fence.
Hey Wilson I meant to ask, did you drill those 2 glory holes in my fence?
Well, the Stinging Nettle and Poison Oak grew in nicely this Spring.
I like to watch.
I volunteer to take a couple logs on my chest.
What’s the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean?
You don’t pay $50 to have a garbanzo bean on your face!
Hate to say it, but I laughed audibly at THIS one, too.
Wonder if they knew that was poison ivy.
The weak snowflakes who comment on that page are mostly trolls from all over the USA..
I would gladly lay on my back with an open mouth and be their litter box.
That is AOC and Sandra Bernhard. Case closed.
Many places have closed their toilets to customers during the pandemic. As an avid runner, I have had to do that as well. I’m usually in the woods though. Those ladies are probably day drinking post college grads that are prepared to pee outdoors…. hence the pads. It looked like an alley way/semi private driveway. It’s not like they did it on the sidewalk. I see nothing wrong here. How dare you!!
Prob just got done satisfying Johnny down the road and had a few hard seltzer’s and couldn’t control themselves. They look like outstanding and classy ladies.
Greta which is the worst name. Can I come piss on pads on your property. Please send me your address.
Why were their piss cutters blocked out? They didn’t care if anyone saw.
If we can’t see it, it didn’t happen. Fake news.
and to think, someone, somewhere is probably gonna be fucking that later . . . ewwww
I usually pay double for that action, wood and would.
Wicked pissa
I don’t care who you are that’s funny right there
They’re a couple of Pissas…
It’s so much easier when you don’t wear underwear.
This was normal but I understand we’re a Jewish pedo/rapist country now. I think a kike lost a bet they don’t pay those cheap fucks.
I also understand what gerbilling is now that I have a new lover in my life, sorry I haven’t been keeping up with the comments.
You shouldn’t have blocked them out with emojis. I would have been more then happy to watch those girls drop their pants
I’d let one or two of them pee on me.
Southie changes little over time…
These ho’s ain’t working Columbia Point
Who expects someone named Mikaela to think that taking a piss in public view is wrong?
Just flushing out the evidence from their last trick
A jogger and a spic. Color me shocked. We need covid and/or sickle cell to knock a few more out.
You’re actually hoping they get a terminal illness, what a douchebag you must be.
I don’t agree with what they did, a little public shaming, which is what they are appear to be getting, should do.
I bet even money this is Jewmerica.
Considering Covid1984 had taken out 0.0098% of the world’s population, I wouldn’t count on that one doing much.
Ladies!…..If your going to leave a paper trail in front of cameras make the best of it by leaving grunt brownies. It would be worth the charges!
I second this sentiment!
I like the brown one, but I thought Southie was all Irish and they beat up darkies? It’s a new era, diversity I guess. Anyway I would do the brown one sober and the other one after a 6 pack and a shot;)
Either you are not from around here, or you don’t get out much, but that Southie you described has been gone a long, long time now. We’re talking 70’s, 80’s.
The smart Southie residents cashed out, sold to yuppies and the dumb Southie residents stayed, got hooked on Oxy and the only thing they beat up is their veins.
Girl in the jeans looks like someone I used to work with, Meaghan Cary from Providence. The gut matches and everything.
Totally would. If these lovely ladies need a place to piss or shit they are always welcome to stop by my house. These gals are obviously a little crazy but they are hot.
And, you’re obviously fucking desperate
Wario Kardashians
Too old for you
“Wario Kardashians”
Wow, another unfunny joke from Common Man pretending to be me and using my name. good one corky. WTF does that even mean? Unlike you, I wouldn’t know a thing about the Kardashians. I only watched that dumb show during the first season, back when when their younger sisters were 10 & 11. After that the whole show just became stale and boring to me. So yeah get a fucking life and try a better joke next time too, faggot.
When diversity hits your neighborhood your Ring cameras become the Discovery Channel.
I left, buh-bye!
On Molly’s FB page, what are those, bullet holes?
The most logical explanation is that they’re hookers. Occam’s razor. Times are tough.
These chicks are classy.
If they weren’t, they wouldn’t have wiped themselves.
Damn…. If only they were 10 years younger, I’d have some pretty good fap material right now.
Those skanks are probably in their mid 30’s. At least try to make sense or be funny if you’re going to continue posting under my name.
Guys, he’s definitely a fake. I can tell because I know the real Spic Tormentor, and he has trouble getting erections. Even when looking at kids in bathing suits, the the most he can get is a 2.5″ chub at best. Long gone are his days of stroking the big 4-incher.
Sorry impostor, he got you good there.
The Spic Tormentor Strikes Back!
Fake Spic Imposter/real Spic Imposter… its just like that old meme about the special olympics… even if you win, you are both still retarded. Pathetically, absolutely, completely fucking retarded lol.
Now that I have everybody’s attention, I could use a good assfucking!
The level of petty you have to be to use that many different devices to upvote yourself and downvote real ST is wildly pathetic. You can give your step kids back their ipads now you psycho
LMAO and you are the one caring about how many likes your retarded comments get, and actually were crying about your “reputation” on here HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA
Oh shit he has a whopping 8 upvotes! Must be some conspiracy with multiple devices lol, dude you are losing your mind over this, just give it up.
I’ve never seen someone care so much and get so defensive about a retarded anonymous internet handle like “spic imposter” before lmao
its spic TORMENTOR you fucking idiot. And you would care this much too if people were smearing your username, and lying about you molesting kids and bringing up false charges from over 7 years ago.
I can’t believe anyone thinks this is ok. It should stay on the Facebook page until they’re identified and dealt with. There’s no excuse for this behavior. Baker and Marty must have some Covid-related additional charges that could be brought against them.
I wear a diaper and I do pee pee in it. Sometime I do do in it also.
I see nothing wrong in that video.
How dare you!
Hit the deck when I come catch wreck
It’s the mad skills, lighting up the fills
For reals, I get mine and take yours
Whores, drop them fucking drawers!
Cue the pearl clutching feminists if these were two dudes doing the same and calling for them to be labeled as (class 1) sex offenders.
Nice gunt on the one with the jeans. Disgusting pigs should be neutered before they ruin some poor kids lives.
They should have peed on my face!
I already drant their squatting urine for breakfast.
it looks I found my future protesting a hole.
When you gotta go …. you gotta go …. Assuming there were no kids around, I don’t see what the big deal is. They are young females, and it’s only piss and not like they took a shit or it was some old creepy dude taking a piss in the driveway.
Pretty sure even if the cops witnessed the girls in the act they wouldn’t have even said a word to them.
he could probably sell the piss pads on ebay with a copy of the video.
You are good with these 2 skanks urinating on private property and then leaving their piddle pads behind? Are you offering to go clean up the mess?
If I came by your mother’s house, where you are no doubt a basement denizen, and then hung the bacon and relieved myself all over the azaleas?
I’ll tell you one thing, you would probably get your eye poked!
Do you leave your used chux wherever you go?
I think the skanky white chick dropped a deuce along with her pee pee