Social Justice Warriors

Southwick High Grad Kyle Reyes Is Banned From Speaking At Veteran’s Dedication At Alma Mater By SJW Superintendent Because Kids Might Be Offended By His Opinions On Non-Related Issues

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This is Kyle Reyes:

Kyle is a successful entrepreneur who founded the Silent Partner Marketing Company out of Connecticut. He caught national attention a couple years back when they had him on Fox News to talk about how he gave potential employees a “snowflake test” which basically weeds out whiny, lazy people who believe the world must change for them when they are offended while at work, instead of the other way around.

But his company does a lot of great things besides weed out snowflakes:

  • They offer an annual scholarship to an alum of his high school going to college, and to an alum going on to the military to help cover travel expenses to the family.
  • He runs “Operation Innocence,” a nationwide task force which comes up with “common sense solutions” to combat and stop school shootings.
  • Silent Partner Marketing runs marketing  campaigns for schools and universities across the country.
  • They do volunteer work with student entrepreneurship programs in high schools across Connecticut.

Kyle is a graduate of Southwick-Tolland (and Granville) Regional High School. You ever look at a map of Massachusetts and ask, “what the hell is that thing that looks like it’s penetrating Connecticut?” That’s Southwick. It’s a small town, with a small high school in the middle of nowhere.

Southwick Regional is dedicating a foyer in the high school to three of their graduates who sacrificed their lives for their country – William Alamed killed in Vietnam in 1970, Steven Wentworth killed in Beirut in 1983, and Travis Fuller killed in Iraq in 2005. 

For the dedication ceremony they wanted a keynote speaker, and Kyle was a no brainer since he’s very successful and has somewhat of a national profile. So the local VFW reached out to him to speak, which he agreed to do. Normally Kyle charges to speak as it’s part of what he does for a living. He recently was flown to Utah to speak to a high school there in front of 2,000 students.

But because it was his alma mater and because he’s very outspoken about his support for our men and women in the armed forces, he was more than happy to speak at the dedication for free. He was booked and ready to go.

However, after this was announced second year superintendent SJW extraordinaire, Jennifer Willard, began to do some research on him.

She also has a background in counter-terrorism operations. Because as you can see…..

She once saved Paris from ISIS by using a Facebook filter.

Keep in mind that just like MANY superintendents, Jennifer Willard has no connection to the Southwick community whatsoever. She’s a professional climber, who applied for superintendent gigs as close as West Springfield and as far as King Philip Regional in Wrentham. And when she found out that Kyle, who has a deep rooted connection to the community, is a conservative, she decided that he was no longer welcome to speak at the dedication.

Why? Well, apparently because of his views on social issues. This was the actual reason given. Ya see, Kyle believes in the crazy theory that people with dinky-doodles are boys. And just because they announce that they are women and use the girl’s bathroom doesn’t change that fact.


And as a result of his personal views on social issues regarding transgenderism, he has been barred from speaking by both Superintendent Willard and principal Joseph “boy’s regular” Turmel.

Their reasoning? “We promote inclusiveness of the school, specifically students and teachers who may be homosexual or transgender, who might feel uncomfortable because of Kyle’s conservative values.”

Ya got that? Transgender students and/or teacher COULD be offended by his presence. I swear to God, you can’t make this stuff up. Kyle’s mere presence may be too much for some students to handle because of his opinions on non-related topics. And instead of them learning to just DEAL WITH IT, he can’t come anymore.

Keep in mind, he wasn’t going there to give a speech about who should use what bathroom. He wasn’t there to talk about gay marriage or push his political views on anyone. He was there to honor three veterans who sacrificed their lives for their country and happened to have graduated from Southwick Regional.

But that doesn’t matter, because he also has opinions on unrelated topics that the superintendent doesn’t agree with, and some people might find offensive. This is the world we are living in today. A world where the POTENTIAL feelings of one or two students with mental illnesses are more important than your right to disagree with them, even though the speaker wasn’t even going to talking about any of those issues the students MIGHT take offense with. Kyle was literally just flown across the country to speak to a school in Utah, but he can’t even speak at his OWN high school.


Remember, he was chosen largely because of his support for the military and the fact that he is a graduate of this high school, and has a rather large profile. Now imagine if Rachel Maddow graduated from Southwick. What if her personal opinions on abortion offended some students? Would she be cancelled? Of course not. Because Rachel Maddow’s opinions are “right” and Kyle’s are “wrong.” This is the world we are living in today – a world where opinions are no longer really opinions. They’re either true or false. And Kyle’s opinions are apparently all false.

The bottom line is that Principal Turmel and Superintendent Willard have ZERO TIES to this community. The soldiers who died for their country all had ties to Southwick. The VFW who booked Kyle has ties to the community. Kyle Reyes has ties to the community. And these carpetbagging climbers, who more than likely are already looking for greener pastures in bigger school districts (because these people are ALWAYS thinking about the next mov), and really are not invested in the community at all, have banned a member of the community from speaking at his high school. And all because some students COULD be offended by his personal opinions on unrelated topics.

Welcome to America, 2018.

Jennifer Willard: 413-569-5391, email:

Joseph Turmel: 413-569-6171, email:

22 Comment(s)
  • Jerry johnson
    April 27, 2018 at 5:30 pm

    First of all, he was only there to speak about fallen hero’s. All the rest of this rhetoric is moot.

  • Rethuglycon
    April 27, 2018 at 12:28 pm

    First Amendment Champs Turtle Sack and Reyes have said the “sniveling brats” of Parkland, FL should STFU and that they have bad parents for letting them lead gun control marches. Hypocrites to the last.

    • Lou P
      Lou P
      April 27, 2018 at 1:50 pm

      Come back for a visit when you become competent in using the English language and know how to compose your thoughts

  • Sloppy
    April 27, 2018 at 5:05 am

    I hear Superintendent Jennifer Willard & the Gay Principal Joseph Turmel both enjoy Ass to Mouth

  • Lost in Southwick
    April 26, 2018 at 11:49 pm

    Sad part is, she doesn’t care. She never has and she never will. I’ve been butting heads with her for two years on a different subject and she won’t help the kids. She only cares about her image. 

    I used to think Turmel was good, but this is bullshit. 

  • Spunky
    April 26, 2018 at 7:06 pm

    Who made these 2 pansies Gate Keepers of Southwick?

  • AesopsRetreat
    April 26, 2018 at 3:53 pm

    Just emailed those two addys

    You Said:
    “We promote inclusiveness of the school, specifically students and teachers who may be homosexual or transgender, who might feel uncomfortable because of Kyle’s conservative values.”

    Yet you banned a speaker because of his perceived views.
    You have effectively removed and forfeited your right to ever use the banner “We promote inclusiveness” statement ever again.

    What you can say hence forward, is: “We are pussies afraid of words because we don’t know how to defend our own.”

    This is why you are so easy to beat verbally. Because you are cowards, and your ideas are too weak to stand up to criticism.

    You may now return to your safe space with teddy bears, crayons and coloring books. The real world is better off knowing you hide in the closet.

  • Liberal CockSucker Views
    April 26, 2018 at 12:32 pm

    New tests for all speakers and job applicants.
    Does the speaker suck cock if yes then invite him if no then reject him
    Does the applicant suck cock if yes hire him if no fire him.

    Did the last president suck cock at Chicago bath houses for years. Yes elect him to 2 terms

  • deflateddoritodinks
    April 26, 2018 at 11:51 am

    She looks like she should lay off the botox for a while.

  • Steven Stover
    April 26, 2018 at 11:35 am

    These types are the most bigoted people there are. Let’s just say this speaker is offensive. Well these bigots don’t believe that transgender people can handle offensive people on their own. That they need the bigots help help in shielding them. That is true bigotry. They do this with black people too. They are so racist. They don’t believe that blacks have the brains to stand up for themselves. Another example of true racism. It makes conservatives sick. Liberals are the most bigoted and racist people ever. And they don’t even see it…..PS Hey kids….Boo the crap out of her at this dedication. Deep down she thinks you are wimps.

    • KimberlyS
      April 26, 2018 at 1:42 pm

      It’s called the “soft bigotry of low expectations” and the illiberal left has specialized in it for years.

  • Rich
    April 26, 2018 at 11:22 am

    Liberals make me sick. So tired of this.

    • Bootstrap Thomas
      April 26, 2018 at 6:43 pm

      Exactly. Without benevolent white SJW to look after them, these bigots believe blacks couldn’t get dressed on their own. “Here, my overgrown black children, let Auntie Honkie boost you up. What would you do without me?”.

  • A. Friend
    April 26, 2018 at 11:16 am

    And yet again, no hyphenated last name. Loser
    Attention snowflakes… We’ve hired a homosexual transgendered disabled minority who believes he or she, may in actuality be a one legged ring tailed lemur! Hooray for diversity! Enjoy kiddies.
    And you wonder why Trump will win again? See above

  • Stunt Penis
    April 26, 2018 at 10:33 am

    I’d bang her while wearing my MAGA hat.

    • Osiris
      April 26, 2018 at 10:45 am

      In the rectum…..dry. Until snowflakes shot out of her mouth.
      She needs a good dicking….can see it in the eyes.
      And the eyes, they never lie……..

  • Dumb bimbo
    April 26, 2018 at 10:31 am

    Why is it always the whitest woman who be a savior? She has no friends of different race but wants to protect the liberal children. Who apparently won’t be able to survive in a mean world. Good job teaching kids it’s.okay to be cowards.

  • Bob E.
    April 26, 2018 at 10:20 am

    Someone needs to notify this woman that she’s not working in Newton or Weston, she’s in a jerkwater blue-collar town that no one has thought about in 60 years. Totally wrong stage.

    • z
      April 26, 2018 at 11:26 am

      As opposed to half the jerk water towns in the Greater Boston area? Or or the jerk water town’s in the Worcester area? There are a lot of expensive houses in Southwick if you get off of Routes 10 and 202. There’s still a lot of high-tech jobs in Aerospace in the Windsor Hartford area. You can be in Windsor in maybe 15-20 minutes. Not a bad commute.

      • Studly S. Muffin, III
        April 27, 2018 at 4:22 pm

        Yeah, I’m sure when sports stars, celebrities, and titans of industry are searching for new homes they all have Southwick near the top of their short list. I wouldn’t put the town in the same league as a Webster or Holyoke under any circumstances but come on, let’s not put a silk hat on a pig either…

  • Lou P
    April 26, 2018 at 10:17 am

    you can also try her mobile # at (413)244-4712

    • turtle rider
      April 26, 2018 at 10:27 am

      she is a public figure, on the payroll paid for by tax paying citizens, and that necessitates she should be speaking to these citizens, that they have access to her and not hide behind a gate keeping secretary

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