
Springfield Winner Drunk, High On Crack, Hits And Kills Pedestrian, Gets Taco Bowl Drive Thru, Says He Thought He Hit Cardboard Box

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MassliveRobert A. Loranger sounded outraged.

“Why wasn’t I told this?” he asked police Friday after learning he had struck a pedestrian, not a cardboard box, and that the pedestrian was now dead, according to an arrest report.

Surveillance video showed Loranger’s 2013 white Cadillac leaving the crash scene on Page Boulevard around 10:40 a.m. Minutes later, the car — with heavy windshield damage — pulled into a nearby Taco Bell restaurant on Boston Road, the report said. 

“The vehicle used the drive-through lane to place a food order before leaving,” Springfield Police Officer George H. Jacques wrote.

Within an hour, police tracked Loranger to his home on Wrentham Road. After finding hair, blood and body tissue embedded in the windshield of his car, officers arrested him and held him over the weekend, the report said. Inside Loranger’s Cadillac, cops reported, officers recovered a metal pill bottle attached to a key chain with crack cocaine in it. Cops said Loranger’s breath test recorded a blood-alcohol content of .136. On Monday, Loranger, 66, of Springfield, pleaded not guilty during his arraignment in Springfield District Court to motor vehicle homicide while under the influence of alcohol. He also pleaded not guilty to leaving the scene of a personal injury accident, negligent operation of a motor vehicle and possession of crack cocaine.

Loranger was taken into custody Friday afternoon shortly after Harry Fernandez, 51, of Lester Street, was struck and killed crossing Page Boulevard near Stewart Glen Drive, according to police. Following his arrest, Loranger’s blood alcohol level was measured at 0.136 percent, well over the 0.08 percent limit for driving, the report said. Speaking to police at Baystate Medical Center, Loranger repeatedly said the damage to his car was caused by items falling from a box truck, not a collision with a pedestrian, the report said. At the hospital, he gave “long rambling answers before nodding off into a semi sleep-like state,” the report said.


Wow this guy was a ticking time bomb ready to go off. Good thing he wasn’t smoking weed. That’s dangerous!!! But seriously, this happened at 10:40 AM. What kind of savage eats Taco Bowl that early? He had to have known he was going to jail and he wanted to get his last meal in right? And this animal chose Taco Bell? Thank God he’s off the streets.

I don’t know how to feel about this. On the one hand it’s tragic and sad because an innocent person died. On the other hand this guy is so ridiculous you can’t help but laugh at him. I mean, he actually acted mad when someone told him that he killed a guy. Like he didn’t know the difference between a cardboard box and a human being. Because apparently cardboard boxes break your windshield and leave a trail of blood on your car. That’s the story he wanted the cops to believe.

Meanwhile this guy has a metal container filled with crack cocaine attached to his key chain. If you are that big of a crackhead that you’ve attached a secret container to your keys so that you have crack with you at all times, then there is no hope for you.


Anyway, according to this guy’s Facebook page he’s recently retired from Tufts Medical Center, and his plan is to “pamper a beautiful young woman.”


Those are noble retirement plans indeed. It’s just gonna be kind of hard to do that from a jail cell.



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4 Comment(s)
  • whatevuh
    September 14, 2016 at 9:24 pm

    This guy is actually only 26 yrs old

  • Kevins 9 Iron
    Kevi bashed in my skull
    September 14, 2016 at 4:19 pm

    Crack is a helluva drug!

  • September 14, 2016 at 11:54 am

    The police arrested a white dud, must be a racist black or Latino cop that did this
    Protest planned to block Page Blvd
    White people will be chaining themselves together
    Dam racist Black and Latino Police
    White Live Matter. WLM

  • Cocomom
    September 14, 2016 at 10:50 am

    Something tells me this isn’t his first Operating Under…

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