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A few months ago we wrote this blog about a Leominster man named Josh Sanderski who was kept off the ballot for State Representative because he didn’t have enough signatures.
Of course he then alleged that the clerk kept him off the ballot because he lead a double life as an amateur gay porn star named Cody Giacasso.
Anyway, he didn’t end his campaign as a result of that. He continued to blame the city clerk for his own fuck up and graciously accepted campaign donations from several people. But here’s the problem – according to the OCPF he received zero donations:
Anyway, he abruptly decided that he was gonna drop out of the campaign this week with a since deleted Facebook message:
So why did he drop out? Why is this at all newsworthy? Well, a couple days before doing so he posted this picture on Facebook of his newest love connection:
If Turtleboy can’t unsee that then neither can you. Probably the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t get the MILF reference though. Is that some sort of pet name? Or did he mean to write “MILC” – Mom I’d like to choke. After all, Josh Sanderski was arrested in 2011 for choking his own mother
Anyway, this is probably the real reason this dingbat “dropped out” of a race he had a 0.0% chance of winning. Because he thought posting nude pics of his new boy toy would get him in trouble with the evangelicals. No way the Christian Coalition was gonna get behind him now. Honestly, it’s not even a big deal. This would’ve happened a million times to Barney Frank if Snapchat were around in the 80’s.
To me the real messed up part is that he took everyone’s money and ran. We’ve spoken with several people, all of whom gave at least $50, including local business owners. Oh yea, and he never reported that money to the OCPF. We don’t know all the odds and ends about campaign finance law, but I’m pretty sure the whole point of it is that you’re supposed to report your campaign donations.
Anyway, rumor is that Josh is moving to Utica to be this guy’s official sidepiece (notice loverboy is wearing a wdding ring). Something tells me he won’t be paying any of that money back. Oh well, guess he can start over in New York and scam a whole new community. After all, he’s really good at playing the victim, which is basically 99% of what politicians do in 2016.
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21 Comment(s)
He is gross, just a pudge of fat!
Am sure if he did win somehow. He would find like-minded buddies in the State House and beyond.
Pretty sure he worked for Pat’s Towing
First initial thought: That’s gay.
And Councilor wannabe Kevin, your thoughts?
I heard that he faked orgasm by pulling out then spittin’ on the guy’s hairy back!
Quick observation. The second turtle face is very small. Was he tiny or flaccid? Or was he pointing his mediocre boner straight to the camera so there was nothing to cover up? Also, why does his boyfriend have so much hair on his back? So many questions that will go unanswered.
Question: When did you last wash that rotten gash between your legs? How can you stand to be in the same room as yourself? How many times have raccoons followed you home? Is that rotten swamp registered with the EPA as a Superfund Site? Can you even smell your own shit or does the raunchy crotch overpower it?
I won’t answer those questions until you tell me how many times you have attempted to suck your own dick out of sheer desperation. Your stomach must be sore from trying. You must he dying from neglect. So much that you probably sit on your own hand until it’s numb so when you jerk your pigtail sized dick you can pretend it’s someone else instead.
What a sad way to live. Go get laid you uptight faggot.
Haha. I’m getting to you.
You’re a rotten cunt. That’s why you talk about everyone else’s defects. Because of your slimy, smelly, shitty gash.
Who are you going to badmouth next?
You are getting to me? Lmao. Not even close! You have been following me for over a month, sad and pathetic. I wonder what I said to hurt your little feelings.
I’m going in the pool now because my life doesn’t consist of following people on TB every second of the day. Maybe the chlorine will wash my rotten Vajay. You are welcome to come over, I will tie bricks to your body and push you off the diving board anytime.
Love you baby. See you later on tonight. Try to man up a little bit with your hurt feelings. No woman likes a man who acts like a pussy.
Ah three ball. The only people you are getting to, are the innocent people trying to read the blog that get assaulted by your rude vagina comments. I would try to guess who you are, but that would be damn near impossible. You have the mentality of Kevin Lynch, the maturity of Jennie Chenkin, the sexual experience of Triggleypuff, the hatred of Clive, and the intelligence of GianCarlo. As far as we are concerned, we will just consider you all of the above. Either way, you are wasting your time. In case you haven’t noticed, we don’t give a fuck. I have little to no feelings whatsoever, and Fiesty thinks it’s funny that you are so obsessed. I’m sure that my comment will be followed by a hundred fake professor comments, and another hundred three ball vagina comments, and that will just be proving that you are a super pussy whose sensitive feelings we must have hurt. Either way, makes us feel good at a job well done. Fucking pussy. Bwahahaha!
You stink. Take a douche with sulfer to kill whatever VD took hold of your snatch.
You know, three ball. I have a lot of friends in the psycho business, oops, I mean, field of therapy. What you are doing here, it’s called PROJECTION. Here, allow me to explain. You, yourself, are embarrassed of your genitals, so you are projecting that onto someone else. Maybe the other guy is right. Maybe you are Ashley. I saw that picture of your daddy the judge. he looks like someone who would hold you down and scrub you with a toilet brush.
Getting to her? Seems like wishful thinking to me. She got the best of you. Time to leave dickwad.
Frank, ya can’t reason with stupid! 🙂
A sad way to live is you. Take a timeout from your catty junior critique of everyone else. Use the time to fumigate your rotten box.
Good questions! We need FBI Director Richard Cummy to investigate! I’m sure he will take a long, hard look at the evidence and weigh the merits of the case in his hands. Not sure if he will need to determine who is the server in this relationship or if it has been wiped clean but I’m sure we will get an honest opinion. If he does a really good job maybe he will get a chocolate star on his record!
Now he can run for State Rump in the area. Doesn’t need a any signatures for that and I’m sure there are many in Fitchburg willing to donate.
This is the kind of thing that’ll come back and bite him on the ass big time.
He likes getting bitten on the ass…