
State Rep Michelle DuBois Is Now Saying That She Never Said Was Nearly Raped Even Though She Literally Said That 3 Days Ago And The Post Is Still Up

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The other day we published this blog about the never ending joke of a human being, who just so happens to be a State Representative out of Brockton – Michelle DuBois. She basically stole Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford’s alleged sexual assault story in a Facebook post, because she is an attention seeking psychopath who constantly has to find a way to make herself look even more ridiculous. According to her, just like Dr. Ford, there were two guys in a room when she was in high school, one of who was trying to rape her, and the other saved her by jumping out of a closet. But the best part was that she announced that she knew who he was, but she wasn’t going to release the would be rapist’s name UNLESS he was nominated to the Supreme Court:

Well, now she’s apparently denying that she never said such thing:

“No I never typed or asserted I was nearly raped. That’s a lie. There is no need to name anyone. You make everything nasty.”

Wait……what? That’s EXACTLY what you said. You were in a bedroom at a party, NOT DRINKING, when a boy was being aggressive with you and you had to “push the first boy away.” Luckily the second boy jumped out of the closet and “pulled the first boy off of you.” That’s the definition of attempted sexual assault.

She has since blocked us:

And announced that she is only interested in pro-choice boys:

There are no words. You can’t make up this level of stupidity. This woman has serious mental issues, and it’s INSANE that the Bridgewaters and Brockton are represented by such a mental midget on Beacon Hill. You have a chance to get rid of her. I don’t care if you’re a republican or a democrat. This is just plain embarrassing at this point. Vote for John Cruz on November 6th. And vote in the poll below:


14 Comment(s)
  • 2 Tall Deval
    October 3, 2018 at 8:47 am

    I was just wondering how many PRO-CHOICE people are happy with the choice that their mother made. Just Thinking out loud

  • Bruce Jenners Box
    October 2, 2018 at 7:52 pm

    I’m pro choice too, but not in a faggey liberal, women have the right to choose way. I’m more of a let’s make abortion mandatory for certain IQ levels and socioeconomic status

    • Darwinism
      October 3, 2018 at 3:40 am

      In general I’m anti abortion because the unborn person is not part of the woman’s body it’s somebody else’s body. If we don’t protect the most vulnerable people among us, what good are laws that only protect those who are already able to protect themselves. It’s a savage culture that kills fetuses.

      I am strongly pro-choice on weapons, some people prefer a compact .45 while others go for a high capacity 9mm. There is always that cozy feeling of a 12 gauge or the utility of a bolt action. Pro choice is great for deciding between a 4wd truck or speedy sports car maybe a roomy mini van take out the seats and load it up with your gear. Do I want to watch Hitomi Tanaka doing a lesbian scene or Faye Reagan playing connect the dots in a bukake movie, pro choice all the way!

      On the other hand, most people who have abortions are subconciously preventing their defective genetics from being passed. Liberals will abort themselves out of existence.

  • Marty
    October 2, 2018 at 4:49 pm

    This whole thing was obviously an elaborate ploy to get the hero laid like when George McFly knocked Biff out. The closet guy is the real perp.

  • Ray Patriarca
    Poor little Michelle
    October 2, 2018 at 1:19 pm

    Just another crazed, demented, mentally ill liberal Democrat. You see, they cannot help themselves. Most likely a product of our esteemed “higher education” system. Poor thing was brainwashed by other deranged, mentally ill liberal college “professors”.
    They lack critical thinking skills. It’s easier to regurgitate hashtags and slogans than to actually think an issue through.
    Tis the state of the Democrats and the Democrat Party.
    Removed from reality and existing on a diet of hashtags and bumper stickers.
    It’s really not poor little Michelle’s fault.
    She has an incurable illness called Liberalism.

  • Cunt Evaluator
    October 2, 2018 at 10:58 am

    I must be fucked in the head or something because I find her kind of attractive

  • Mom’s Basement
    October 2, 2018 at 10:34 am

    That’s not even how rodeo sex is supposed to go down. The guy jumping out of the closet is supposed to distract the enraged woman by running around dodging and weaving while the first guy runs for the door.

    • Hugh-Bo Mont
      October 2, 2018 at 2:13 pm

      Only if the guy in the closet has on clown makeup or is at least wearing clown shoes. LOL

  • Every Dumb Broad In America These Days
    October 2, 2018 at 10:22 am

    I believe her.

  • The Therapist Got The Notes Wrong
    October 2, 2018 at 9:21 am

    She doesnt remember how she got to the party how she left the party who she was with at the party where the party was who paid for the polygraph and the day it happened. Sounds like she took a course from wacko Ford

  • Ted Baxter
    October 2, 2018 at 7:33 am

    The same thing kind of almost never even came close almost happened to me. Sure lady. She is a politican alright.

  • gtfo
    October 2, 2018 at 6:54 am

    Well, having a 60k+ job with health benefits and a pension where you basically do nothing can make people get all weird. Know what I mean?

  • Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
    October 2, 2018 at 5:11 am

    I never said what I said, the words were exactly the same but they meant something else.

  • Walter "No Thanks Bitch You Too Crazy" Bird
    October 2, 2018 at 2:58 am

    There are some cat lady women even I won’t jam my salami in and she is one of them. She is as flaky as that guy Sen. Flake.

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