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The Brockton Enterprise recently did a puff piece on the greatness of a Stoughton High School feminist club called, “U-Knighted Feminists of Stoughton High School.”
Melanie Ingrao was brought to tears. The history teacher had no idea what to expect for the first meeting of a budding feminist group at Stoughton High School, and anxiously walked toward the doors of Room A307 after school Wednesday. She stepped inside, looked around and couldn’t help but cry. One-hundred fifty students, maybe more, packed the meeting room. Girls and boys filled the chairs, lined the walls, and even sat cross-legged on the floor. Ingrao and the half-dozen teachers who organized the group were speechless.
“My heart was so full,” teacher Mollie O’Connell said. “I’m so proud of them for showing up and seeing this as a positive thing.”
The new club, officially known as the U-Knighted Feminists of Stoughton High School, had been generating buzz throughout the building for weeks with its viral Twitter campaign and posters in the school hallways. It’s about feminism, students say, and discussing topics like sexism and equality. But it’s also something more simple that that: having a safe space to talk about those subjects thrust into the mainstream with the #MeToo movement.
After an introduction from organizer and English teacher Jenna Kelly Wednesday, students broke into groups to write down what they hoped to discuss in the future. Some thoughts were hopeful (“Inspire to be a better person,” read one), and others were serious (“Violence against women” or “Prejudice and racism.”) Where the discussion ultimately leads is up to the students, Kelly said. They hope to meet every other Thursday, she said, starting Feb. 1. That first discussion is expected to center around “Music and Media,” with teachers Janean Ruschioni and Jillian Goldberg leading the program.
Kelly said more sensitive future topics, like sexual harassment, consent and body positivity, will have five teachers (including one guidance counselor) in the room. Wednesday’s inaugural meeting also included a fair share of boys.
Senior Mike Anderson said he went to the meeting to learn something.
“Me and a lot of guys don’t really know what feminism is,” he said.
Check out this article by @jdpelletier_ENT about the first meeting of the @Feminists_SHS group, which drew 150 students to A307 last week: https://t.co/eFZtkX8Kj8
— Jeffrey Pickette (@jpickette) January 21, 2018
Can’t help but respect this kid:
Senior Mike Anderson said he went to the meeting to learn something.
“Me and a lot of guys don’t really know what feminism is,” he said.
HAHAHAHAHAH!! Oh yea, me and my boys didn’t know what feminism was so we wanted to come here and hang out with a room full of 150 coeds. I’m definitely buying that one. Definitely.
Sorry kid, but this isn’t get you a date to the prom. You’re just gonna have to sit there and listen to the lecture you about the patriarchy. But let’s suppose for a second that he really didn’t know what feminism was. Let me explain it to you briefly:
Feminism was a good thing because it got women the right to vote and established the idea that it was OK to be a career driven woman whose priorities ran counter to the established roles that society has defied for women.
Then feminism lost its mind because they handed it over to a bunch of short haired psychopaths with hyphenated last names who don’t wanna shave their pits, think that abortion rights are the thing women care about above all else, hate on women who choose to exercise and care about their physical appearance, align themselves with winers like Linda Sarsour, and generally like to victimize themselves as much as possible by perpetuating myths about the causes of the “wage gap.”
And that is exactly what this club has turned into. Here’s something they tweeted out the other day to Marylou’s Coffee Shop, a chain that recently opened in Stoughton:
This is the problem with feminism. The crazies take over and they start attacking other women. And of course they believe that Marylou’s idea of beauty is “bogus,” because by the looks of it many women who work for Marylou’s shower daily and actually care about how they look in public.
Let’s see the letter…….
Just to be clear, teachers at Stoughton High School who run this club OK’d this letter. This is an official school account that teachers involved in the organization use:
That letter is why feminists can’t have nice things. Let’s break down it down to go over everything that is wrong with it:
“As a diverse, beautiful group of young people who do not all look busty and blonde, we feel strongly that the image you’re portraying highlights only one stereotypical type of beauty and fails to promote equity.”
Nothing says feminism quite like putting other women down for being physically attractive. And as you can see, Marylou’s only hires blondes:
These women fit the stereotypical type of beauty, and fail to promote equity. In other words, where are all the misterable slopbucket cat ladies who hate the world because they never got invited to the prom and blame the patriarchy?
“We feel so angry. Your business does not feel inclusive or welcoming. We demand that you explain yourselves, change your business practices, and hire people who look like us, who aren’t just an object for you to place behind your pink counters.”
Oh yea, a group of high school kids with a Twitter account has the right to “demand” how a private company handles personnel matters. This successful business model should “change business practices” because good looking, happy women are offensive to angry and disgruntled junior feminists. Marylou’s should “hire people who look like us.” For the record, this is “us” (also an overrated TV show):
There’s nothing wrong with any of those girls. If you put them in a Marylou’s uniform they’d look exactly like the women who work there.
What’s disgusting about this feminist group is that it’s run by teachers. They’re the ones facilitating the conversations. They’re the ones likely brainwashing these girls to be mean spirited little pissants, who think that feminism means, “attack taxpaying small businesses that normal people enjoy.”
“You should have enough confidence in your product to allow it to sell itself. It also makes us question the quality of the product. Do your employees have the skills and/or know-how to make good coffee, or are they more focused on maintaining their looks in order to meet unrealistic expectations? Are you trying to sell good coffee or are you trying to sell sex? Right now it’s unclear.”
Translation – good looking women are incompetent. They don’t have the “skills” to put the right amount of beans in a coffee filter. Only ugly women are capable of brewing coffee, because they’re not distracted checking their makeup. Clearly Marylou’s is only interested in selling sex. It’s basically a whorehouse. It’s not like they’re active in the community all over the south shore, building relationships with first responders in pretty much every town between Walpole and Wareham.
According to this school sanctioned group run by adults, those two girls in all the pictures are stupid bimbos who don’t know how to make coffee because they’re too busy making themselves pretty and starving themselves for bathing suit season.
“You just opened up in our community, at Stoughton’s Cob Corner, and we will certainly be telling our peers not to give you any business because of the infuriating message you promote about beauty standards and inclusivity. We hope you change your message, and then we will too.”
I mean, this is just plain hostile. If they truly wanted to get their message across they should probably consider not perpetuating every stereotype of the short haired hyphenated last name feminist that has ever lived.
Here’s my question – where’s the letters to Club Alex’s? Ya know, the place in Stoughton where women get paid by horny guys to take their clothes off so they can build up material for the spank bank? A place where where women are treated like actual objects of sex, and don’t give you a coffee at the end of their performance.
Either way, if the Stoughton junior feminists and their faculty advisors really wanted to empower women they would be supporting them and encouraging them to do whatever makes them happy. If you wanna look pretty, then look pretty. If you wanna use the physical gifts God gave you to get horny dudes to fill the tip jar, more power to ya. If you wanna go to the gym and get your hair done because you feel better about yourself when you’re confident and you know you’re looking fresh, then you go girl.
But as usual feminism has turned into women belittling and looking down on other women who see the world differently than they do. The ironic part is that they accuse women at Marylou’s of being pretty on the outside, but ugly and worthless on the inside. But in actuality it’s the angry feminists who are ugly on the inside, and often ugly on the outside too. It’s a deadly combination.
Their Twitter account reads like a diary of a woman whose husband just left her for his 25 year old secretary. You’ll notice that all of these tweets we saved before the Super Bowl so we could blog about this later have disappeared:
Don’t worry thought, we got screenshots:
Katy Perry is now sexist too? This is a woman who basically ran Hillary Clinton’t campaign. But she’s anti-woman because she starred in a commercial that satirized chips and fake tits.
Oh for fuck’s sake. “Think like a man,” obviously means that women should do the things that have led to men making more money women in the workplace. Ya know, to close the “wage gap.” But of course they found a way to be victimized by this, because this is what their teachers are teaching them.
God forbid a men’s product market itself in a way that will lead men to purchase it. Because we all know that men don’t want beautiful women throwing themselves at them. Attractive women are a bad thing. Fupasloths and public discussion of your cycle are good things.
Oh, and men who praise their girlfriends for being physically attractive are evil:
This is what they’re doing in school? Going after Nick Jonas for a hit song? Here’s the lyrics that are so offensive:
It’s not your fault that they hover
I mean no disrespect
It’s my right to be hellish
I still get jealous
Cause you’re too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That’s why (that’s why)
I still get jealous
In other words, he’s complimenting his girlfriend for being so beautiful that he can’t help but be jealous that so many men lust for her. The horror of it all.
And of course Robin Thicke’s gotta go:
Just don’t tell that to Miley Cyrus, another “feminist” who campaigned for Hillary Clinton.
I’ll tell you who is inspiring though – Ke$ha:
She never uses sex appeal to market herself to horny men.
And top top it all off look who they’re inviting in to school:
Planned Parenthood!! Look, I’m not here to talk about my thoughts on Planned Parenthood. But the fact of the matter is that Planned Parenthood is a publicly funded political group that has no business being in the public schools. It’s no different than inviting in the NRA or a gay conversion therapy coach. This is not why public schools exist.
Additionally, not all women are pro-choice. When the Stoughton teachers do this:
They’re making it clear that girls who are against abortion aren’t real feminists. Very inclusive and empowering.
Just to be clear, the Stoughton Public Schools are not just allowing this club to harass local businesses, they’re also endorsing it on their Twitter page:
Congratulations to Stoughton High School for getting a thumbs up recognition in today’s Brockton Enterprise Editorial Page for the new U-Knighted Feminists Club! @SHS_Knight @SHSKnight_News https://t.co/IxofcxaaEW pic.twitter.com/WDFC1mEyi9
— Stoughton Schools (@StoughtonPS) January 28, 2018
They have since issued a statement since the town caught wind of what was going on at SHS:
The teachers “got swept up with the kids and the tone is aggressive.” In other words, instead of being adults they encouraged the students to attack a small business. But it’s OK because their intentions were good.
The bottom line is that we have always supported public schools and always will. Public school teachers do God’s work and their services are invaluable to the community. But teachers who endorse and support stuff like this are what give teachers everywhere a bad name, and that’s a shame.
52 Comment(s)
They DO realize that there was a strip club located in Stoughton where you can take a shower with your favorite stripper you can see XXX porn stars they have feeding so you can get up close and personal with your viewing and they have private rooms where you can get filthy lap dances. And I don’t see them protesting that they’re just complaining about girls who are completely closed In an honest day’s work trying to sell some people freaking coffee. talk about hypocritical they’re mad at the coffee girls but the strip club where there’s prostitution and pimps and drugs and women are actually probably being Abused and subjugated they haven’t said a peep about. Get the fuck outta here!
Showers hmmm… Turtle Boy reader needs to investigate!
Strippers are the ultimate feminists, they know the true power is Pussy and they aren’t afraid to use their Pussy Power!
This could never be a case of one screwy over-excited adult, misleading young people in an unproductive way….. never!!
The U-Knighted feminists should visit the Foxy Lady in Providence each sit in the back then the middle then the front row. Experience stuffing dollars bills vs fives, tens and twenties in the dancers clothing.
Most importantly they need to each get 3 or 4 lap dances to truly understand it all. Thennn they can write about their experience in their journals and create a presentation for other students and a web site.
Thennnnn… U-Knighted feminists, can watch each major category of pornography individually and as a group and write about their experiences.
But at no time should they go out with trash bags and clean up the road in front of their school or tutor other students or sponsor a fund raiser for women’s cancers and certainly not for male cancers. The objective is to fight with strangers and create confrontations everyone can feel good about. After all they are knights maybe they should use real swords against their enemies!
Typical haters, trendy lemmings and fascists. Guaranteed there is envy of the hot girls too. Some things never change.
That Mike kid reminds me of an episode of Modern Family where Luke and Manny decide to become feminists and go to the Women’s March to find girls to date.
What do a bunch of 15 year old little girls think they are doing demanding things from MaryLou’s? Talk about entitled. I can’t believe this is a real thing… Maybe leave Stoughton for once and realize not every MaryLou’s is all white people because not every town is all white people
Man, I don’t even drink coffee or live anywhere near Marylou’s but I think I’ll drop in just to irritate these fem-Nazis……
Young men do not attend those meetings.
Feminized soy boys do, however.
Disgusting case of yet more academic liberal indoctrination.
For the record, I could give a shit about MaryLou’s.
Rather than trying to make everyone else conform to your way of thinking, perhaps you should open your own coffee shop, staff it with members of your group and see how well it does. Since the product will sell itself, you should have no problem turning a profit. Open it right next to MaryLou’s.
While you’re at it, open a Hooter’s style restaurant with all body types, create a new feminist fashion magazine and sell it next to other fashion magazines and open a feminist under-garment boutique and place it right beside Victoria’s Secret.
Why not create a new make-over salon for those who might be too pretty by your standards.
Seriously, if you want to do something good for women, stop doing stupid stuff that makes women look like idiots.
LoL, the U-knighted UnFuckables of SHS
turtleboy please check your inbox on your fb page turtleboy forever i have some more info for you regarding this town and groups such as this.
Do these stupid twats not know that Marylous got sued for this same issue back in the day and it was dismissed.
Libs and dumbed down students aren’t known for their intelligence. JS
Can’t wait for Turtleboy to get off the public school train… Most teachers are fine, but if everything was private, most teachers would be great. Public schooling is literally evil by default, it takes agency away from educators and students, putting all of it in the hands of beauracrats.
I graduated from SHS in 1989, and sadly, I don’t recognize this school anymore. There was a time when seniors hung signs on the school like, “Budweiser Salutes the Class of 1985” or we enjoyed the “Powder Puff Football Team” and guys stuffed balloons down their shirts to make fake boobs and NO ONE was triggered, offended or cried. I still own real estate here and it makes me sick to think my tax dollars go to support a bunch of liberal, whiny man-hating teachers. Why don’t they do something positive to support feminism and go beat the tar out of the diddler teacher that screwed his student? Oh no, they were “in a relationship” and that supports intolerance. Gimme a fucking break. I couldn’t even finish the story because I wanted to hurl so badly. I am disgusted…….. get a grip kiddos, some of you graduate in a few months and the real world is filled with monsters that embrace capitalism, don’t mind watching scantily clad women and understand things like individual liberties, respect and the value of a dollar and may even yell at you when you make a mistake because sometimes, that is the only way to learn!
Let’s see if I’m tracking here…
A business that seemingly employs all females has been labeled “exclusionary,” because all of the females employed there are seen as “too attractive” by this group of supposed “feminists?”
That has to be the dumbest thing that I’ve read all fucking day.
Feminists are supposed to build other women up; not tear them down, ladies. You should be celebrating the fact that this business seems to have broken out of the “patriarchal” mold that you all seem to decry. Instead, your catty jealousy rears its ugly head, and you cannot resist pissing all over empowered women because of their appearance.
Go back to class, assholes. Playtime is over.
I’d all sorts of pound that dope Asian chick sticking her butt out in the group photo.
What a bunch of angry twats
I don’t appreciate you stealing my picture off social media and comparing me, on the internet for everyone to see, to Kesha and Brittany spears, insinuating I use sex to sell coffee. For a bunch of feminist you stupid women make a lot of hurtful comments to fellow females. You people are trash for writing this article and for making this dumbass comments. There’s bigger things you could be protesting besides a little Coffee company chain.
the blog was written in support of you… careful or you’ll make the feminists think you really are too dumb to make coffee.
All this talk about Weymouth and fighting… has it been cleared by John Hurley? According to his YouTube videos Big John aka E Dub John runs East Weymouth. Seriously, I cannot get enough of his videos, check him out.
Kind of reminds me of Fat Lynchy back in the day!
DeDe is way better looking that these MaryLew girls. You go, DeDe — we are all in awe at your having spanked TB and his anemic FB biz plan.
My daughter is in a social justice club at her school. They help with getting more discussions LGBT in health class, starting buddy programs for students that transfer in the middle of the school year, and helping in general to make sure the entire student body has a positive learning environment. This stuff is bullshit and helps no one. Damn butt hurt sjw’s.
OK, seriously, here’s the deal.
I like to act like a hardass but the truth is that I like to be humiliated. That’s why I keep coming on this site and getting ragged on until I look like a total toolbox. It gives me a hard on when guys tool on me. I secretly fantasize about getting beaten up in front of my girl while another guys feels her up and feeds her his dick. She hates that fantasy but I can’t help it.
So that’s why I try to be all hardass. I want to make a guy good and mad before he meets me so he won’t go easy on me. I’ll bring my girl with me so she can get felt up and turned on by the guys who kick the crap out of me. The best thing would be to get bent over a pool table like a prison bitch right in front of my girl while she laughs at me but that hasn’t happened yet.
Anyway, just play along. I’ve always been this way, but I don’t really know how to go about it. Now you know what I really want. I’m gonna go back to being a hardass now, but you know what I’m looking for. Thanks for understanding, “sidewinders” and “turbos”, LOL.
#TheREALBrianHas ASoftSide
Is it true that you are 5’4″ tall, too, BriBri? That’s what Uncle Randy wrote…
The good news is that if these ladies all hang out together on the weekends away from where everyone else is having fun there won’t have to be any Rock Paper Scissors to determine which guy has to jump on the granade.
Whoever wrote ‘Turtleboy sucks cock’ in the bathroom stall at the Black & White Grille in Spencer is a fucking douche! They probably have you going into the bathroom on video.
Do these ladies want dick pics?
Because, this is how you end up getting dick pics.
dilly dilly!
Benny Wall, are you sick? keep your little chode to yourself. you’re the only person in this universe or any universe that would ever want to see that sad excuse for your manhood. it’s people like YOU who create women like THEM
It used to be that feminism was the movement that empowered women to do whatever they want. Over the years that changed to degrading and demeaning women who don’t think like the self appointment spokespeople for feminism. The founder of Mary Lou’s is a woman. She created a business model of catering to men by hiring attractive young females. It’s her business and if you don’t like it, buy your coffee at Starbucks or Dunkin. This is just another group that is creating victims, not helping them.
Like El Rushbo said, they’re feminazis.
well you know there wont be a “Marylou’s” opening in Worcester… unless they do change their business model to hiring only the undesirables.
Also, funny how I met Brian in real life running his mouth but kept saying he was kidding. Dude is the biggest keyboard warrior online. Makes me laugh how he acts tough, yet meet him in person he cries about how he’s just busy and was goofing. Poor Brian. Must sick having a small dick
YEAH realy fucking funny you retard. Never happened pussy. If I ever saw you in person id put my battering ram right hand right through your fat oily forehead douche bag.
Hi Brian, you have a Battering ram right hand? How often do you jerk off to turn your right hand into a battering ram? Do you have a GI Joe king fu grip? Do you worry about strangling yourself? Do you take appointments? Do you switch to your left and pretend it’s a limp wristed stranger? You sound so interesting and tough on the internet, please tell us more.
The other faggot from Weymouth who almost killed his kids, his name is Florian.
That name is so eurofag Richard Simmons would beat him up for lunch money.
I bet he holds hands with Brian Albrecht and skips around Gaymouth. Whats up Brian? You blasting techno and gettin railed by Florian and his black turtleneck fag buds?
Sup Brian Albrecht? You ravin with glowsticks and a black dildo up your ass?
HAHAH GOOD ONE YOU FUCKING LOSER. GAYMOUTH HOWD YOU THINK OF THAT? fucking western mass trash man. You all really are as stupid as you look. How much of your day is spent thinking of me? LOL LOSER. come to weymouth and say something to me, until then shut the fuck up and suck a dick pussy
I didn’t think of you once. Once again, keyboard warrior. When I see you later which I will, you better out up or I’ll rape your ass right in front of everyone. Got that, pussy
Brian, once again. All you do is act tough. Every girl you dated I’ve fucked. Ask them about the men they fucked when dating you. Must suck when you have to resort to acting tough on here. Then again, pedophiles like you who love underage girls always suck. Your ex told.me how.you asked her to always pretend she’s five during sex
I don’t like to hear about that. Mommy says I don’t have to listen. Nuh uh… not at all. I can get a wonderful girl one day. Not at all dirty and scummy and laughing at me like they do at my school. And I’ll be her prince. So there.
Brian, you are the biggest fag of a douche that ever existed.
Behave yourself before you get schooled, boy.
I do NOT have a small dick. It’s perfectly adequate. Mommy says so every time she gives me tubby. And, one day, some beautiful lady will come along and be perfectly satisfied by my absolutely adequate wedding tackle. And, she’ll be supportive and beautiful and not at all mean and calling me names like the girls at my school. They’re poopy heads and so are you!
“Tubby.” LMAO
Fucking gold, man. GOLD!
Noticed how every woman in that group is a 0-1 on hottness. And. Brian loves the cock. He was sucking it last night. Big black cock.
Whats up with that big lawsuit against facebook? How long til your current facebook page is taken down? How long until brett dies, and uncle randy is in jail for sexual assault on a minor and incest? which one of u fucking turbos is going to step up to me and finally meet your maker? THOSE ARE THE QUESTIONS I NEED ANSWERS TO
hey brian i no u u used 2 live in quincy on albertina st n i no ur mom debbie from dot back in tha day
u need 2 stop bein a punk n makin threts wit ur real name ull go 2 jail n u aint bad enuf 4 jail theyl fuck u up
y u playin like ur hard u aint tuff n u no it
u betta stop or u gonna get ur azz kickt bad wtf kid stfu frfr
I used to think typing like this signaled some form of retardation, however, after careful consideration I think they may be advancing electronic communication at an accelerated rate. If they can really understand each other using only half of the alphabets available letters, how long until they are communicating in binary?
yeah, that right there is a bad look for Weymouth. LOL.
nice going Brian
Let’s break it down, bunch of jealous women who refuse to take care of themselves. They blame everything on sexist. Yet, they come off as bitchy. Then, they act like they’re doing good things. Wasn’t aware that Nazi became women. Look, not Mary Lou’s fault the women are cute or gorgeous. Blame yourself for thinking that everyone has to share the same mindset. As for the teachers, you can. They failed at life because they cant do anything that matters. Sad, maybe of they got fucked good for once and not have to like they wouldn’t have that stick so far up their asses