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It’s been at least a week since we’ve gotten an email about someone selling food stamps on their Facebook page. We were due for one of these, and this time it’s out of the beautiful city of Lowell:
Ahhh yes, Myranda Chamberland. The government gives her TOO much, and she just doesn’t know what to do with her inventory. Sure, she could just tell Uncle Sam, “thanks but I’m all set.” But that would require integrity and honesty. It’s way more fun to sell your stamps on the Facebook machine.
It took Jay Smith a few minutes to figure out the scam:
You can find her in Lowell. Shocking, I know.
The best part about it is she’s not even attempting to hide it, or disguise the language. She goes out of her way to make it plainly obvious – you give me $50 in cash, and I will give you $100 worth of food stamps in exchange. You can’t script this level of stupidity.
Obviously this woman made the smart choice to bear children without getting married or having a father figure around. So it’s our job to finance this sort of wicked smart decision making. But she doesn’t really need it, or else she wouldn’t be selling them off for cash. After all, the tattoo guy in Billerica doesn’t accept EBT. And God knows when you’re a food stamp queen you simply cannot ever have enough tattoos.
But please, me more about how rare abuse is with EBT. Because I hardly ever see it. Ever. Things are going just fine and everyone who is using it is doing so for its intended purposes. Those who wish to reform the system are simply hate-mongering bigots who don’t like poor people and don’t want the government to be the nanny state that we all dreamed it would be.
If you have a few minutes and want to report this lovely creature of Lowell, here’s the phone number for the DTA’s fraud department:
1-800-Fraud-99 (1-800-372-8399)
And if you wanna write them a letter, here’s the form to fill out.
P.S. I know shit like this is rampant in Lowell, Lawrence, Haverhill, Methuen, and New Hampshire. We could really use a Merrimack Valley Turtleboy. Let us know if you’re interested.
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
50 Comment(s)
I’m sure her kids will appreciate that stupid baby handprint tattoo on her tit when it’s sagging down to her belt
I never understood tatty tats, it’s creepy to me.
Hi Fiesty. That Bob jerk just won’t stop stalking lol. Anyways I bet you have at least five sexy Tat’s that are for your hubbies eyes only.
Well actually yes…..I have a tattoo of a brown star right on my brown star….. When I was bent over for the tattoo artist I queefed in her face from my rugae then her and I had an orgasm. It was soooo freakin’ awesome.
You’re not Fiesty because she’s straight up. Bob maybe?
You can always tell when I’m running low on Oxy’s because all of my posts are about that Ho Fiesty who is in love with me and wants my body.
Does anybody have any Percocets or Oxy’s they want to sell? I’m getting low.
Correct me if im wrong, but if you get convicted of public assistance / welfare fraud, does it not bar one from recieving aid or benefits anytime in the future???
What’s a “foodstamos”?
I bet many a man hath wrecked his ship upon her rocky shores while entranced by this Sirens song. Not.
Woodrow Wilson bought Myranda’s food stamps and gave them to Stalin. Mussolini admired that.
Paul Larson
I see hard times in her future. We are going to make America great again, Without Her.
It’s amazing to me that all these losers that our hero TurtleBoy features, all can afford a phone and internet. Facebook has to be the biggest cesspool on the internet.
Can’t blame a girl with captialistic instincts.
Do they take foodstamps at Whole Foods? Asking for a friend…
Who do you think is employed by and run the welfare office, hud, ebt & wic programs? Her friends, familia & pimp do. Exactly who will investigate their own constituent? Shit, people like her …are job security for people like them.
I look at a skank like this I just wonder how in the hell have we as a country tirned into this in such a short period of time?
It wasn’t so long ago that the tattooed woman was considered a freak show circus attraction.
Nothing like breaking federal laws and advertising it worldwide.
Oh, so that’s one of the Lowell Spinners. I don’t think this was the Tsongas’ intention.
Trashbag hoe. Would not hit even with Kevins small penis.
Fiesty is however ^^^. She is all about fist fucking other women. She thinks guys would be all sorts of turned on by that. How about disgusted Fiesty you fucking freak homo.
Are you high man?
Hey Bob, why do you insist on starting shit with this Fiesty person? Your comment has nothing to do with the subject.
Short version – he started hitting on her last April and she told him she wasn’t interested. He went off the deep end because he’s a 40 yr old virgin who thought he was finally going to lose his cherry. Now he’s all butthurt from rejection and lashes out at anyone who has ever been laid…which is pretty much the whole world.
Sounds about right!! Fucking guy won’t give up!
Oh really Turd breath. You should not have gotten involved with this one. And no fuckface I was never “hitting” on her. Ever. I was in fact looking out after her in here when everyone else was fucking destroying her in her first fucking month of commenting. I felt bad like the dumb ass sucker that I was at the time. What a colossal mistake that was.
Well now I can see why that was happening because Fiesty is a dumb ass fucking asshole that is why. And people are still coming after you aren’t they Fiesty. Fiesty – you are not happy unless you hate someone. Anyone and for a reason that you will just simply make up. You are one sick and twisted motherfucker and an insane hardcore dyke. I feel bad for your husband. Does he know the real you?
Hush Bob. The two people stalking me on here back then were you and Marie Guilmette. You pretended to be those people bothering me so you can swoop in like a savior to stick up for me. I didnt know it then but I see it now. You and Marie were the only people back then stalking me under SEVERAL accounts to make it look like I was being ganged up on lol. You are both made for each other. There is no way with my personality would I ever need you to stick up for me. I pretty much verbally rape you frequently here.
Bob you keeping saying I have all these enemies but I don’t man… It’s obvious you’re posting under 2 or 3 names like you always do! Back to refreshing for down votes too. That’s either you or Marie, that heroin junkie used to do it to you for 30 minutes at a time. I always thought she was a fucking weirdo!!
Bye bye toothless junkies!!
Man oh man Fiesty if the rest of world takes a right hand turn you just gotta go left don’t you. That is it with you isn’t it.
You say – “You pretended to be those people bothering me so you can swoop in like a savior to stick up for me.” I say – You could not be so far off from reality and that is a fact. Commenters were bashing the shit out of you back then and you know it. Shit they still are. But of course in your stalking mind set “they” are all me. Wow.
And in the spirit of chivalry not being dead I did mistakenly stand up for you and made several enemies in the process and destroyed any amount of a decent characteristic. All because of you. The very people I used to shoot the shit with in here now hate my fucking guts. All because of you.
So what do you in return? You shove it all up my fucking ass. Who fucking does something like that? Who?
An asshole like you does something like that. And it will be entertaining when I see you do the same to that one friend of yours in here and how he will react when it happens. Good luck to that dude.
And it will happen.
Oh and I love this one – “The two people stalking me on here back then were you and Marie Guilmette.”
You, the pill freak, and that weird junkie fuck Marie had the perverted hots for each other. Here on a sports blog? A family oriented sports blog. Really?
It was unnerving watching you two dykes go at it with each other. Very fucking weird and not the right blog for shit like that. Go to “the lazy girl’s 69.com” or some shit for shit like that. Not here.
Observation: Isn’t it unusual that no other woman in here speaks to you or even comes to your aid? You know why that is? Because they are fucking embarrassed by you and want nothing to do with you. You make women look fucking stupid which they are not. But you do take them down.
Maybe Reddog would get a fucking stiffy on shit like this, he being up your ass like you love it, but most would, in my best guess, think you are fucking disgusting and a fucking skank at best. Plain and simple.
HEY!!! I am not a toothless junkie. I still have all my bottoms. See???
I was going to give him a pity fuck, but he has an unbelievably tiny penis.
Sasha baby you would not be disappointed. Maybe if you somehow didn’t like throwing your head back and arching your back that is. But hey what can I say that will never happen because I am happily married. And my wife’s head back and arching back and those awesome moans is the fucking bomb!
Although Fiesty still thinks she has a shot at this. Sorry Fiesty – aint going to ever happen my little stalker…
The only arch in your wife’s back is most likely from her scoliosis and certainly not from the size of your tiny member. Tell your little hunchback that I said hi.
Ok Ms Sasha Smart Ass. Perhaps you’d like to explain how a blow up doll can have a scoliosis hunchback condition when that would require a spine. I bet you slept your way through science class you little red headed whore.
It’s true. I have the smallest pecker you’ve ever seen.
I didn’t say I fist fuck women I said I would do it to your wife just as punishment for your bitch boy behavior on here. Believe me when I tell you I have no interest in fisting women especially your wife. A fisted vagina is a disgusting vagina. Yuck.
Anyhow, go fuck yourself, ect.
Bandanas of all sorts and a lesbian no makeup look is all that you and your sweet love Marie is all about. I fucking love this past exchange:
“Dude, you are seriously turning single white female on me. I understand, you’ve got a crush, and I’m rejecting you… but just fucking expose me already.
Oh wait, that’s right you cant. Once you do, anyone can look me up and see you are lying. Here, let me help you out…
My name is Marie Guilmette. I work as a welding instructor. I don’t have a heroin arrest record, and pretty much everything you’ve said can be proven to be lies. A good number of my students already knew I was posting on here. Some of them have gone shooting with me at the range. My LTC is good until 2020. Everything I own for personal protection was bought from a police officer that I know, legally.
My husbands name is Robert Dulmaine. Good luck finding a single person that hates him. He grew up in worcester. He has many many friends. Having people know who I am on here isnt exactly ideal, but unlike you, there isn’t much I have to hide. Keep telling yourself you are a good person… maybe one day….. nah.
All of these accounts that are harrassing feisty… are actually her, harrassing herself. I walked away weeks ago.
Feel free to look me up and see for yourself. There really isn’t much to find. But knock yourselves out.
You and your brother have been threatening me repeatedly. You harassed the shit out of some guy name Greg Marsden for months, and when you found it it wasn’t him, you never did one thing to make your mistake right. And now you are attacking me and my husband for no fucking reason, went on our Facebook page and took all of my pictures and comments, friend requested our family members and all of this because you told me in private chat that you hired a hacker online to find out who bobnmic was, and I thought you didn’t care if everyone knew and said it in the blog.
You are nothing but a straight up bully who can’t stand when all of the attention is not on you. Boohoo.
I really do have a son who really does have the “issues” that I said he did. He is being legally home schooled, and he goes to appts. every week where they test what he has learned. My little brother Danny really did commit suicide. Thanks so much for making fun of that in the blog, that was classy! “Garnering sympathy with loss”
Now, I’m going to go back to ignoring this bitch, who is only doing this, because I won’t talk to her, and she’s obsessed.
You’re right man, I’m sure Hector Pineiro doesn’t care that you used to work for him, but I bet he would if he knew the whole time you were collecting incriminating evidence against him!
The difference between you and me is, I was posting here for fun, to have a few laughs. You, really depend on this blog. It’s your life. While you were busy harrassing yourself last night, I was cuddling with my family on the couch and watching movies.
Who knows if you actually live in holden. Or if your husband actually owns his own advertising company, or if you went to Clarke university, or any of the other things you told me where true. At this point I couldn’t care less.
Knock yourself out there “fiesty” …. you won’t find me on facebook. You don’t have my phone number. The only way you can actually get to me, is to come to where you know I am. ONCE AGAIN, I INVITE YOU TO DO SO.
That being said, sooner or later all of the turtles will figure out that you have been harassing yourself, and playing the victim to get on the inside. They never struck me as dumb, so I’m guessing that after a while, they will catch on.
Goodbye “Anna” Enjoy all that Karma! If I lose my job over this, I will admit, I’ll be disappointed because I love my job, but believe me when I say I’ll find another. I’m just your current obsession. You and your brother are both unhinged and when you are all done with me you’ll move on to someone else, and there won’t be any of the slightest bit of regret that you did any of it… but you’re such a good person, right? Lmao. A big fuck you to the both of you! I know you aren’t going to stop… you just not an adult yet. You will
Dude, you are seriously turning single white female on me. I understand, you’ve got a crush, and I’m rejecting you… but just fucking expose me already.
Oh wait, that’s right you cant. Once you do, anyone can look me up and see you are lying. Here, let me help you out…
My name is Marie Guilmette. I work as a welding instructor. I don’t have a heroin arrest record, and pretty much everything you’ve said can be proven to be lies. A good number of my students already knew I was posting on here. Some of them have gone shooting with me at the range. My LTC is good until 2020. Everything I own for personal protection was bought from a police officer that I know, legally. My husbands name is Robert Dulmaine. Good luck finding a single person that hates him. He grew up in worcester. He has many many friends. Having people know who I am on here isnt exactly ideal, but unlike you, there isn’t much I have to hide. Keep telling yourself you are a good person… maybe one day….. nah.
All of these accounts that are harrassing feisty… are actually her, harrassing herself. I walked away weeks ago.
Feel free to look me up and see for yourself. There really isn’t much to find. But knock yourselves out.
You and your brother have been threatening me repeatedly. You harassed the shit out of some guy name Greg Marsden for months, and when you found it it wasn’t him, you never did one thing to make your mistake right. And now you are attacking me and my husband for no fucking reason, went on our Facebook page and took all of my pictures and comments, friend requested our family members and all of this because you told me in private chat that you hired a hacker online to find out who bobnmic was, and I thought you didn’t care if everyone knew and said it in the blog. You are nothing but a straight up bully who can’t stand when all of the attention is not on you. Boohoo.
I really do have a son who really does have the “issues” that I said he did. He is being legally home schooled, and he goes to appts. every week where they test what he has learned. My little brother Danny really did commit suicide. Thanks so much for making fun of that in the blog, that was classy! “Garnering sympathy with loss”
Now, I’m going to go back to ignoring this bitch, who is only doing this, because I won’t talk to her, and she’s obsessed.
You’re right man, I’m sure Hector Pineiro doesn’t care that you used to work for him, but I bet he would if he knew the whole time you were collecting incriminating evidence against him!
The difference between you and me is, I was posting here for fun, to have a few laughs. You, really depend on this blog. It’s your life. While you were busy harrassing yourself last night, I was cuddling with my family on the couch and watching movies.
Who knows if you actually live in holden. Or if your husband actually owns his own advertising company, or if you went to Clarke university, or any of the other things you told me where true. At this point I couldn’t care less.
Knock yourself out there “fiesty” …. you won’t find me on facebook. You don’t have my phone number. The only way you can actually get to me, is to come to where you know I am. ONCE AGAIN, I INVITE YOU TO DO SO.
That being said, sooner or later all of the turtles will figure out that you have been harassing yourself, and playing the victim to get on the inside. They never struck me as dumb, so I’m guessing that after a while, they will catch on.
Goodbye “Anna” Enjoy all that Karma! If I lose my job over this, I will admit, I’ll be disappointed because I love my job, but believe me when I say I’ll find another. I’m just your current obsession. You and your brother are both unhinged and when you are all done with me you’ll move on to someone else, and there won’t be any of the slightest bit of regret that you did any of it… but you’re such a good person, right? Lmao. A big fuck you to the both of you! I know you aren’t going to stop… you just not an adult yet. You will get there someday.”
Fucking Lesbian dyke homo…
You still struggling with copy/paste I see.
Turd, I can’t believe he actually saves that junkies post..lol. Obviously when a heroin junkie tells a story the first thing I do is believe it! Let me tell you Bob if I was a Lesbian Marie would be the last woman I would ever touch. She’s fucking hideous and by the looks of it, she barely brushes her teeth. She lacks personal hygiene, you should know!!
Aren’t you and Marie fucking??? I thought you two were fuck buddies! I was under the impression that Ms. Marie Guilmette from Athol was sucking your tiny dick with her meth mouth!
Are you done? Tolstoy already published War and Peace.
Yeah…he’s so obsessed I figure he probably has a 1TB drive with every post I’ve ever made from every website I’ve ever visited. That and he probably stalks my fakebook and twitter accounts on the hour looking for that one little tidbit of information that would lead him to me. He wants me so bad, but what would he do once he caught me? It’d be like the dog chasing the car who finally catches it. All he can do is just bark and sit there like a big moron.
Turd – you are pretty high on yourself aren’t you. Why don’t you mind your own fucking business and stay out of this you fucking useless troll. Fiesty is a big girl. She starts the shit in here with me so she alone can deal with the consequences. Who the fuck are you trying to impress anyway? Give it a couple of months and she will be telling you to go fuck off and suck a bag of dicks.
Guaran – fucking – teed. Mark my words.
Fiesty – why don’t you listen to ‘Reading is FUNdamental’ and calm your idiotic drama bullshit down so we all can get back to the articles. You are a disgusting vile waist of space and you have been slowly burning this blog down to the ground since last April.
Prior to your emergence as the blog’s nemesis things were fun around here. Thanks alot for fucking it up. You and your shithead for brains boyfriend. Fucking losers the two of you. A fucking match made in heaven.
I know weed is legal now man… And, I know I really never say this… But you gotta back it down man. I’ve never seen anyone so high man…
I would never say that to Turd, ever. Period…. ever.
I have no idea why you think I would ever turn on Turd he is my friend. Isn’t that obvious already? He is someone who just got tired of you fucking this place up…
Please stop with your attempt to say I would ever turn on anyone. The only person I ever turned on was Marie and that’s because I discovered she was a shitty mother who neglects a special needs kid. Also because she tried to pretend to be a friend of mine for half a year only to try and lure me and my kid. If you fuck with a woman’s kid, expect to get it forever. I mean, u til I get to spot in her face that is. Then I will feel even.
For all I know you two are murderers or child kidnappers.
Fuck yourself, bye.
The Land of the Free ??? If it’s free? Is good for ME!!! Ja!Ja!Ja!Ja!Ja!Ja!
Food is expensive these days and some of us aren’t eligible for stamps so yeah I’ll take that action any day.why would I wanna snitch.
Oh, look…it’s another fucking parasite. What a surprise.
Firsties…………..YES I rock!