Hoodrat Heroes

Taunton Couple Gets Wasted, Cooks Food, Passes Out, Leaves 2 Year Old Daughter In Smoke Filled Apartment

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The race to win 2015 “Parents-of-the-year” just got a little bit tighter, as two of Taunton’s bright, shining citizens almost asphyxiated themselves and their 2-year-old toddler Sunday night.

This trainwrecktastic couple – Steven Ventura and Lorena Furtado of Taunton, managed to formulate the textbook recipe for disaster during an alcohol, pill-popping binge. First, they popped a few Xanax. Then, in typical Taunton fashion, they got drunk off of nips of alcohol. No, not bottles, nips! Now, as they are feeling woozy and their newborn child is left unattended, Lorena decided to whip up something scrumptious for dinner- “a few eggs in a tin coffee pot in the oven to cook .” Mmmmmm sounds delicious. I mean that’s how you all cook eggs too, right?

Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 1.48.45 PM

At this point of the catastrophe, Lorena threw her delicacy in the oven, and did what every responsible parent would do – left her toddler unattended with food burning in the oven and then passed out in her own bed drunk and high. Meanwhile her soulmate Steven was already passed-out after downing the last few Jim Beam nips. These two need a double date with the Lohan parents.

When firefighters arrived they said the child was exposed to the smoky conditions for over an hour. They eventually arrested Furtado on a multitude of charges, including disorderly conduct after Lorena became antagonistic towards EMTs while in the back of the ambulance with her daughter. The hits keep on coming!

After the arrests were made, police did a routine search of the filthy apartment and found not only was there no food in the refrigerator, but the freezer was completely filled with trash and soiled diapers. Her reasoning?

“They said the explanation given for dirty diapers and trash being kept in the freezer was that it helped eliminate odors.”

You can’t make this stuff up folks. This power couple chooses to spend money on booze and drugs over food for their own toddler?! How very Taunton of them. Furtado was arraigned and released on $1000 bail Monday.

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3 Comment(s)
  • Wheelwright
    July 4, 2015 at 5:52 am

    Why is there bail for these shitbags? Isn’t there a nearby wood chipper that could be put to good use?

    • JS
      July 4, 2015 at 3:04 pm

      Where did they get $1000??

  • July 3, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    I’m calling “bullshit.” You saw this on an episode of “Cops.”

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