
Taunton Soursnatch Chicks Proudly Go Out To Eat And Do Not Tip Because Only Materialistic People Care About Money

Taunton Soursnatch Chicks Proudly Go Out To Eat And Do Not Tip Because Only Materialistic People Care About Money

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This viral Facebook post about shitty tippers is making the rounds……

Uh-oh, looks like someone got a visit from the Brockton “no tip”  Trap Queen.

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Just kidding, this chick’s not from around here so she didn’t reveal the name of the bad tipper. It just infuriates me to no end that these savages think they don’t have to tip when they go out. And that’s exactly what you are if you don’t tip – a savage. These people need to be mocked and ridiculed until they correct their ratchet ass behavior. It’s not a game. This is real life for waitresses. They get paid $2 an hour because it’s assumed that tips will make up the majority of their revenue.

So every time you decide you’re gonna give a shitty tip, you’re basically telling the waitress that they are your slave. They will do work for you and you will not compensate them. And since they can’t say anything back to you, we will. We will shame you to no end.

Enter this broad with a door knocker to her mouth glued to her nose:

Ariel Braley is from Taunton, and she seems to think that ratchets like her are exempt from basic unwritten rules of human decency:

Hey here’s an idea – if you can’t afford to tip, don’t eat out. You can still actually consume food without sitting down at a restaurant. You should know this since you work at D’Angelos:

It’s OK though, because Momma Ratchet taught her she didn’t have to tip:

“The world isn’t all materialistic, there’s fun and beauty everywhere without money.”

Translation – I’m too much of a cheap fuck to tip you, so I’m gonna feed you a line of bullshit about enjoying the free things in life instead. Unfrigginreal.

It’s OK though because back when they were growing up in the homeless shelter they went out for TGI Friday’s all the time:

Translation – we were dirt poor, but we didn’t wanna live like we were dirt poor. So to make up for it we stiffed over waitresses whenever possible. Thanks Mom!!

Oh, and if any of you hoes has a problem with MADUKES not tipping either, you can step off because she worked her ass off: 

Translation – every time the first of the month rolled around we celebrated by blowing all our EBT points at Applebee’s and leaving the waitress $1.50 in nickels.

It’s OK though, because money doesn’t matter:

Of course she works at D’Angelo’s, where she is guaranteed an hourly wage, so that’s easy for her to say.

She had a cheesehog supporter too:

Shut your cock holster you vapid sewer guppy pass-around .

We don’t know everybody’s situation? You’re right. But your shitty life situation isn’t the waitresses’ problem. It’s yours. If you can afford a $100 tab but not a $20 tip to go along with it, then you don’t get to go out and eat. Of course the truth of the matter is you can afford it, you just would rather spend that money on blunts and condoms. LOL. Just kidding. Based on the litter of children this unwed side chick has spit out already, she wouldn’t know a condom if you turned it into a water balloon and shoved it down her cake hole.

She wasn’t done sharing her infinite wisdom:

Heather, the only thing you’re applying for is more food stamps. But the word you’re looking for is “implying.” And no, I’m not implying your mother did not raise you right. I’m outright stating it. You were raised by a gutterslug and you turned into one yourself. You should be forever blacklisted from eating out at any restaurant in which the food comes to you.

Ariel is apparently planning on visiting anyone at work who disagrees with her no tipping philosophy, just so she can fuck them over:

Which seems patently unfair, especially since Ariel’s likely gonna be seeing a lot of tip (albeit it mostly of the mushroom variety) in the coming years:

Oh good, she can afford blunts, but she can’t afford to pay a working mother a living wage.

Look, when your party is big enough at a restaurant there’s automatic gratuity. It should be this way across the board. At the very least you should automatically add on 15%, and anything the customer wants to leave after that is welcomed. This way you can still give money for outstanding service that goes above and beyond while guaranteeing that these hoodbunnies don’t fuck over the waitress with their ratchet policy on tipping.

We’ve all had shitty service before, and we’ve been tempted to send a message with a bad tip. I have no problem with that. But, there’s a lot we don’t see behind the scenes. If your food didn’t get there fast enough it’s probably not the waitresses’ fault. It’s more than likely because the kitchen is backed up. And if the waitress has a bunch of tables and she forgets to come around and refill your soda, who gives a shit? She forgot. Big deal. Shit happens. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your salary because you fucked up at work. We all fuck up at work once in a while.

But no matter how bad your server is, the food still came to you and you went out with the expectation that a tip would be part of the deal. When you left the waitress or busboy still cleared off your table and cleaned it down for the next customer. Work was done on your behalf, it just wasn’t as good as you hoped. No big deal. You can just leave the 15% they automatically add to your bill and nothing more. Boom. Problem solved.


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40 Comment(s)
  • Drink Slinger
    June 9, 2017 at 12:35 pm

    I’m so glad this piece was included! I’ve dealt with Trampy ass skanks like these on many occasions while bartending in the Taunton area acting a god damn fool, wasting space at the bar, sqwauking about nonsense trying to get attention from the men in hopes of getting a free drink. Trash! Stay home snatch faces!

  • MisterBeast
    June 7, 2017 at 8:53 am

    This one hits close to home.. my fiancé is a bartender. We always say, if you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to eat out. Pretty simple stuff. Just because your single mom mother is raising 4 kids by herself, that doesn’t automatically qualify you for a night at TGIF. In this country, it’s customary tip. If you don’t like it, don’t eat out. If my fiancé had to live on the $3 she makes an hour, we wouldn’t be able to feed OUR kids. How the fuck is that fair? If you don’t tip, you are a worthless bag of dicks, period.

  • June 2, 2017 at 4:23 pm

    And that other bitch ceyhara Robison can’t afford to tip cuz she’s busy ordering the entire menu. Just another bitter fat broke Brockton bitch. Ewww. Talking bout find a better profession sorry not everybody is as good at sitting around having babies and collecting welfare s u hunny. She’s just mad cuz her fat ass could never move fast enough to be a server. And there are restaurants u can go to n serve yourself it’s called a buffet u fat greedy bitch!!!

  • June 2, 2017 at 4:03 pm

    that dumb bitch Heather Michelle also posted “free the homie” when Jason Hodo was arrested for selling heroin, soooooo, yeah

  • June 2, 2017 at 3:24 pm

    First of all your mother clearly had her priorities all fucked up maybe if her lazy as would’ve cooked dinner instead of taking u out u wouldn’t have been homeless. Secondly y is anyone even paying attention to ur broke ass. This broke ass bitch is Bragging about not tipping waitstaff somebody should piss on u. I hope u end up in fast food for the rest of ur life u uncultured no home training white trash bitch broke ass hos I swear level up pussy ass ho get ur money up

  • Not a trashbag
    June 2, 2017 at 2:26 pm

    It’s because of people like this that after I switched to using the Dunkin app to pay for my coffee I started dropping $5 or $10 in the tip jar every few weeks. I used to tip my spare change and the app took that away so instead of making excuses I made a change to my habits.

    I don’t work to make money to tip people but the kind folks that are serving me with a smile every day are working for something too. It’s more important to be kind than to expect kindness from others.

    Tip your next amazing waiter extra (in cash so they don’t have to report it) to compensate for other trashbags like thes classy dames.

    Not a trashbag

  • Rob
    June 2, 2017 at 8:08 am

    People don’t tip because there selfish not being able to afford it is an excuse everyone knows how going out works you check your money if you are financially challenged and you go out to eat acordingly if you know you can’t afford to go to a restaurant you are hitting up the drive through if your out to eat at a restaurant that requires a server your not checking your wallet when your ordering the extra appetizer that hardly gets touched or the 80$ bar tab you rang up on top of your 200$ meal cause you tell the ppl you are treating get whatever you want not tipping is selfish there is no excuse I have worked in a tip based job off and on for over 20 years it’s good side job and when you don’t feel like working labor based jobs money but sometimes it can be tuff to make it just like waitresses or waiters I make a shitty base pay and relie on tips to actually make money in my job I have to deal with the public in there homes or businesses I have to wait at doors for ppl to answer or walk up several flights of stairs in dark hallways and many different situations that could put myself at risk for that small base pay hoping on tipping customers to get by and believe me it doesn’t always work that way ppl will do anything to get out of tipping they will have there 8 year olds answer the door and pay cause you know I can’t just stiff an 8 year old on the change I got ppl that will say the 1 dollar delivery charge is the tip nope that is a fuel offset because on top of the shitty base pay I’m also responsible for my gas and vehicle maintenance I have a federally funded public agency that will order 100 to 300 in food a few times a week and even though I have to cart everything into there building by myself every time with a smile on my face they will not tip more than 3$ Also don’t have 3 dollars extra in your hand when you are paying me and hand me 1 or tell me keep the change when your order is 14.85 and you hand me 15$ I might smile and say thank you but I’m really hoping you choke on your food I know the struggle and it will never change tips are not mandatory in my line of work but there needed for your server to survive in the job there doing

  • They call me Ponch
    June 2, 2017 at 7:35 am

    I always leave money for chambermaids. I lean on people subtly to throw in on group outings.
    How hard is it to multiply your bill by 2 (20%) and round up for good service and down for bad.
    Don’t eat out 5 x week.
    That’s not the time for frugality.

  • penney
    June 2, 2017 at 6:48 am

    it is really a good thing that you posted your pics… the waitresses that see you coming will NOT give you good service….and if i was a server and you sat down in my section I would drop food and drink all over your nasty asses……..for christs sake you cannot even spell words like patients correctly…….it’s clear you did not pay attention in school either. haha good luck finding a server to care about you because YOU WON’T!!! dumb ass

  • Steven Stover
    June 1, 2017 at 11:10 pm

    How much are we supposed to tip hookers?

    • North Country Turtle Rider
      June 2, 2017 at 1:41 am

      I think $10 and a kiss on the mouth.

    • John
      June 2, 2017 at 6:51 am

      Depends, usually 20 percent.

  • Fact Checker
    June 1, 2017 at 8:47 pm

    If Ariel thinks money is useless I will send her my paypal info. Or you know that money she doesn’t care about could be left behind as a decent tip. She grew up dirt poor in a homeless shelter and is trying to make herself look like Ghandi for subjecting others to the same standard of living. At least that Brockton hoodrat owned up to her utter ratchetness.

    • gina
      June 1, 2017 at 10:57 pm

      I had the filet at Davios yesterday. It was heaven!!!! so worth the $80.

  • Setting It Straight
    June 1, 2017 at 8:16 pm

    Tipping should be used as a barometer of the service received. That’s how I tip and how I will always tip. To expect X amount of a tip regardless of the quality of service is entitlement. I despise places that do that automatic gratuity BS. Who are they to assume that the service is going to be good? Tipping a bad server is like rewarding a child for disobeying his or her parents. They’ll just assume they did good and continue the bad behavior.

    Let me ask you this: if you saw your server spit in your food, are you still going to leave a good tip? If you say yes, then you’re a liar or a fucking idiot.

    • Independent Thinker
      June 2, 2017 at 6:39 am

      She learned her manners from her mother, which just goes to show you — you can take the girl out of the hood, but you can’t take the hood out of the girl, which is why she will always be a loser because of her attitude.

  • Jack Mehoff
    June 1, 2017 at 6:59 pm

    I travel every week, a different city each time. I eat out way too much. My tip starts at 20% and goes up from there unless the server is an idiot. Last week in Tampa I had one server who was fantastic and received a 35% tip on the entire bill (including tax). The next night, same restaurant next to the hotel the waitress was a bubble head and received 18% on just the food. Regardless, I tipped decent amounts to both and tip the hotel maids too.

    There are minimum wage morons like this ratchet who works at D’Angelos because they have no skills, no education and no chance of ever succeeding in life. She bitches about others but has no self awareness of her own failure in life.

    A better attitude, leading by example and anyone working a minimum wage job can become successful. My best friend started bagging groceries for a local chain, he is now Senior VP making over $400K a year.

    Born a loser, act a loser and you’ll be a loser your whole life. Don’t be a loser, tip your server well.

  • Food for Thought
    June 1, 2017 at 6:16 pm

    Why is tipping based on the price of the meal? If I get a meal that cost 25 dollars at say Pub 99 why should that server get less than the server that brings me the same meal but costs 50 dollars at the Sole. Same job but one server makes twice as much as the other.

    • Fact Checker
      June 1, 2017 at 8:56 pm

      Yeah, I wonder why a trained professional who is well versed in complex seasonal menus and wine pairings wearing a fitted tux makes more than an 18 year old highschool drop out running you your frozen mozzarella sticks. It’s like asking why secret service are paid more to drive the president when they’re providing the same service as an uber driver.

    • North Country Turtle Rider
      June 1, 2017 at 10:01 pm

      Oh for fuck’s sake man, here’s how this works. If you’ve ever been to a real nice restaurant, you would understand that the server who works at Denny’ s, 9 times at of 10 wouldn’t cut it Davio’s.

      Follow my points:

      1.) A highly-educated, refined motherfucker, such as myself, demands a higher level of sophistication, attentiveness, and hustle than your typical server will provide.

      2.) The best part of this demand is that I am willing to pay for all of that.

      3.) The folks who work in these higher end restaurants are generally the top 10-15% in their profession.

      4.) Much like every other profession that exists that doesn’t involve a union or the government, the best of best make A LOT more than the average worker. Don’t like it, work harder.

      5.) If you are not willing to pay for the higher level of service that accompanies those higher prices food, that is okay. But take your ass over to Applebees where you can tip an amount that YOU feel is appropriate.

      Now go fuck yourself, cheapskate.

    • Fuckyoubitchimclassy
      June 2, 2017 at 8:28 am

      Then, knowing that, you should just eat at Pub 99. Woooo my head hurts from all that thinking.

  • A Bartender who always TIPS
    June 1, 2017 at 6:13 pm

    Oh HELL no! All these raggedy ass bitches will never be able to eat anywhere but IHOP with their ghetto AF asses. Better not come into my work and not tip me bc I would put them on blast too. 20% at the minimum ALWAYS… unless it’s terrible (and I do mean TERRIBLE) service.

  • Bertha Von Nation
    June 1, 2017 at 5:20 pm

    Let me try to make this simple for you. If you can’t afford to tip, then you should go to McDonalds. I don’t care if you want to “make your kids” feel like they are not poor for a day. They ARE! When my kids were little, hubby and I worked full time and went to school full time, and they watched us struggle. They went without any kind of creature comfort, because we had to pay the bills, and feed them. That made them grow up and never take anything for granted. It made them graduate with honors, go to college, get amazing jobs, and buy their own homes! We never went out to eat! We couldn’t even afford the freaking dollar menu. You know who else is struggling? Servers! Tip or stay home!

    • Andrea
      June 2, 2017 at 1:08 pm

      Omg love this!!!! I bartend and serve food at my job… the cheapness is unreal! I have my amazing customers who make up for it but i still struggle. They say I come to restaurant but don’t ask to be served?? Lmao that’s crazy, you go to a restaurant knowing that you’re going to be served and that the person serving you is working for way less the minimum wage. If you can’t afford ATLEAST 15% on your bill then you shouldn’t be going to restaurants… get take out! We run around for hours on end to make sure that you have a good experience. I’ll never understand people who don’t tip out. Unreal.

    • KimberlyS
      June 2, 2017 at 3:02 pm

      Exactly – show your kids how to work and be responsible! DON’T show your kids that it’s OK to spend money you don’t have or take advantage of other people!

      Good job 🙂

  • Alexie
    June 1, 2017 at 2:37 pm

    Blog that makes money by treating people with callous indiference, blogs about women who treat servers with callous indifference by not giving them money.

    (Same blog that giggles about imaginary lawsuits, and is “suing facebook.” Guess won’t break out his hypocritical imaginary lawsuit jokes anymore — we own Turtleboy’s head now.)

    • peter
      June 1, 2017 at 2:48 pm

      Same blog that is also run by a failed teacher who lives of his mom’s income due to sexual assault charges. It’s a ckusterfuck of the worst kind.

      • alexee
        June 1, 2017 at 3:02 pm

        The guy is unemployable at this point, and the ad revenue from his facebook screenshot blog is dwindling.

        It’s truly a victory for society to see this place drying up.

        • Princess Poppy
          June 1, 2017 at 5:15 pm

          Welcome to troll corner…

    • Turd Burglestein
      June 1, 2017 at 5:24 pm

      2 losers commenting on every post…I’d say Turtleboy is the one living rent free in y’alls head. Lemme guess…both of you got ripped for your ratchetness in a recent story, so now you gotta make these pityful attempts at snark to Turtleboy.


    • True Reality Speaks
      Tired of Don't Snitch Pussies
      June 1, 2017 at 8:46 pm

      I see the pussies from DONE have figured out how to type while blowing each other.

    • My dog is smarter than you
      June 2, 2017 at 12:49 pm

      Huh. You still clicked and commented. Each page view is worth money. The stupid is strong in this one.

  • Independent Thinker
    June 1, 2017 at 2:25 pm

    Look here you piece of crap. Servers and bartenders work hard and they put up with a lot of crap from losers such as yourself. They rely on tips in order to make a living. If you aren’t going to tip them, they end up paying taxes on money they never saw, which means they are better off staying home that day or collecting welfare. There’s an implied contract when you go into a restaurant that you are going to tip your server. Of course, losers such as yourself say you didn’t ask them to serve you. Just what in the heck were you expecting?

    • Kelly
      June 1, 2017 at 3:13 pm

      I’m a bartender. Just an FYI, the place a server works for has to make up the difference if u don’t make minimum per hour between your base pay and tips. So, if I work a 6 hour shift and minimum wage is $10 (just using any #) an hour, between my tips and hourly wage I have to report $60 for that shift. If I only make $40 the company has to pay me the difference. So, actually we make minimum wage. M.G.L. Chapter 151 Section 7. So yes, we servers do get a guaranteed wage of $11 per hour.

      • mystressovmayhem
        June 2, 2017 at 1:29 am

        Um Kelly that’s BS Dear. My Daughter has worked both at Legal Sea Foods, and Bertuccis while she went through college. They never made up jack! She left sometimes with $40 after an 8hr shift via paying bus boys, hostesses, and you which I personally think is unfair! You make tips from customers AND waitresses? That’s bullshit! I don’t know who you’re working for but I guarantee you, nobody is making up tips at least in these to places!

        • Kelly
          June 2, 2017 at 3:53 pm

          Not. Bs, look up the LAW which I sighted for you. id post the labor law poster if it was allowed.

          • Team Turtle
            June 3, 2017 at 12:34 am

            Might be the law but I don’t make a penny hourly. Just tips. which I’m not complaining when I’m sometimes bringing in $300 plus on a day shift but not only did I not know this law (been in this business a long time) but have never seen a place follow it.

      • Lala
        June 2, 2017 at 1:55 am

        Yes that is the law but most resteraunts will fire you for under reporting if you claim too little too often. I’ve seen in done.

        • Chris
          June 2, 2017 at 8:31 am

          It isn’t based off each shift… It’s based on yearly pay that you make at least minimum wage. That is the law… BUT each day you make under is NOT that added to your pay check. This is also why many places require a wait staff to work on weekends so they know you have some busy days so your shitty days during the week that could be under minimum are evened out… Also alot places don’t ever worrying about checking so unless there is complaints made to the Government than nothing ever happens.

      • Give that up
        June 2, 2017 at 2:43 pm

        I worked for a few restaurants coming up in Mass and they NEVER made the difference up. In fact , I did this in NY and CT as well, NONE OF THEM gave a shit if I made 10 dollars that night, or 1000. Trust me. The company doesn’t give you a dime. And if cheap ass’s continue to go out and eat and not tip and the server makes 5 percent that night, he/she tips out the busser 1%, bar a percent , expo etc, they probably walk way with 2 percent of the sales that night and of course in mass a huge 2 dollars an hour.

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