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We’ve made a lot of notable enemies over the years at Turtleboy Sports. St. Bonaventure University, Buffalo, the Circljerk, and people who like the Big E are some of the more notable foes. Now you can add the entire town of Colrain, MA to that list
Because apparently our blog about the nudnik who was arrested for driving drunk all over the Mohawk Trail on his rims, has rubbed Colrainians the wrong way:
So much Colrain butthurt. Newsflash – Turtleboy Sports reports facts only. This is what Colrain you see when you drive around Colrain:
It’s a dumpy looking town. That’s a scientific fact. Embrace it and own it. To make matters worse there isn’t a Walmart for 30 miles because Franklin County has so many hippies who hate capitalism and are obsessed with protecting random animal’s breeding grounds.
It’s only a town of 1,500 people, but as you can see, Colrain blowback is nevertheless quite a sight. Anyway, it got us thinking. There’s 350 other towns and cities that are not Worcester in this state, and we’d like to start profiling them. The more random the better. Fox 25 News does a Zip Trip, where they pick a town in Massachusetts to visit and they show you around town. Here’s our idea:
- Turtle riders nominate their town for a Turtleboy zip trip.
- Turtleboy staff takes a bone ride out to check out your town and 5-10 other surrounding towns.
- We take pictures and rank them in order from nicest to crappiest.
We’ll go to Rhode Island, Connecticut and parts of New Hampshire too. Leave a comment on here or on Facebook, or email us, or send us a message on Facebook if you think your town should be the next Colrain.
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
Want to have your business advert seen by over 1.2 million people per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.
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45 Comment(s)
Holyoke, Turner’s falls, millers falls and Northampton…
I live in Franklin County and am originally from Worcester County. It’s unfortunate that Colrain is getting this insult, because it is not a bad place to live. A few photos of some run down houses and one fire damaged place do not describe the entire town. I rate it higher than Worcester, that’s for sure. If you want to do articles about the worst places to live in Massachusetts, you should, for the sake of accuracy, stick to the urban trash pits.
You can only make so many blogs about Worcester before turning your sights to the outlying trash pits.
Peru Mass 😀 I think it’s got a population of 12.
That’s a place? Dafuk!?
i think it a good place you don’t have all that bullshit like in town i have a sister brother in law nephew and his family liveing there they seen to like it verry well opions are like butholes everybody got one
Do they speak English?
Never heard of that town before now. And I’ve spent 30 years of my life here. Who GAF what they have to say? Sure, let ’em grouse, but this only helps these from the hinterlands.
Nearly 36 years a slave (to living in Worcester County) and I’d never heard of Colrain before TB called it a dump.
I see nothing wrong with the pictures except for the one house that burned and hasn’t been fixed or torn down yet. Turtle boy is obviously out to piss people off. I too grew up in and love Colrain but Turtle boy doesn’t deserve any satisfaction! He should be ignore because he clearly doesn’t have a clue about anything and only writes trash!
Butt hurt is not covered by Obama care
Looks like the butthurt continues in the comments section
population of colrain: less than 2,000.
turtleboy’s followers on facebook alone: over 20,000.
Every down has some houses that need to be condemned.
It’s just that some towns have a lot more than others.
Maybe the Town of Colrain needs to start a GoFundMe page.
Orange… we are surrounded by Warwick wendell new salem erving and athol!
Go to Framingham!
Go to Grafton MA.
Instead of just pictures you need to make a drive-through video with this soundtrack: http://youtu.be/1WqazleR3FE
Bunch of hicks. Also never heard of it before the article.
Turtle boy I dare you to come to Colrain and make your visit known .let’s see how stupid you are!
I love the “you don’t know his/her story” comment people. You know what? I know the story that was written by the police in their report of the events and the newspaper etc. If you don’t want people judging you for being a f-up, don’t get arrested and have articles written about your stupidity! Its simple… ridicule is the consequence of your drunk, ridiculous actions… get over it!
Of course my first inclination is to nominate Sterling, but you have profiled it this year in the towns you’d consider moving to.
But if you really want to profile an odd town, go with Barre… specifically South Barre, all the run down old mill houses… VERY interesting mix you’ll find up there
I have lived in MA most of my 25 years and I have NEVER heard of this town…. And by the looks of it, it’s no wonder why.
I can almost hear the banjos playing through those pictures!
I want a detailed expose on Spencer. Place is absolutely depressing, so many abandoned buildings. It’s like a meteor hit the place in the 50s and it never recovered.
Come to Milford, MA!
Johnston, RI
I nominate Spencer, if you have the nads.
Do they all have to go to the public library to post on the internet LOL You better hope they all dont load up in a rusty f250 and come to the big city to hunt you down after you insulted a town no one knew about
First of all I grew up in Colrain and just cuz some ass took pictures of a few houses that looked run down doesn’t make it a dump of a town one of those houses a family lost everything to a fire so don’t judge what u don’t know! And second we may come from a very small town but while u r on line talking shit like a little teenager we r all at work pulling 12 hour shifts so pull ur ignorant head out of ur ass and don’t judge a town on bullshit hear say!
That burned house in the center of town, yeah that was my house you amphibious piece of shit! It burned on thanksgiving in 2009. You only post the facts my ass, there is in fact a Walmart in Franklin county. That’s some redneck shit to complain about, no Walmart are you for real? Coltain started a nation wide tradition back in the late 1800’s in which the first American flag was raised over a schoolhouse..pretty sure every school in the country does that now. You say dumpy hillbillys, I say trendsetters. Hills!
Erm, turtles are reptiles, not amphibians. Stay in school.
I didn’t say amphibian… I said amphibious, you know, “water dwelling”
It caught faux years ago and it still hasn’t been torn down? Yeah – THAT doesn’t scream derelict shithole or anything.
Well if you’re all working twelve hour days, I can see why nobody in town has tome for yard upkeep.
You gotta go to Winchendon – Place is magical.
Ahh, good old Winchentucky.
Barre MA
The article you wrote was funny but I can understand why the residents are pissed. It would be like me wrting about what a dump Worcester is by comparing to where I live down here in Georgia!
Chris that’s all you ever do on here
Well then don’t.
For a town that has never heard or cared about the T. B. There seems to be a lot of these yokels who commented about it
Do Rutland, MA next.. pretty boring town imo tht I’ve had the pleasure of growing up in.