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If you’re watching the Patriots tonight, as you probably are if you clicked on this blog, then you know by now that the biggest joke of a call in NFL history happened tonight against the Patriots:
As you can clearly see Tom Brady was in bounds by several feet, yet for some reason the refs elected to blow their whistle, costing the Patriots a touchdown. Bills Mafia will tell you that Amendola wasn’t going to score because the Bills stopped playing defense when they heard the whistle. Listen very closely to when you hear the whistle blow here:
This right here is the EXACT moment when the whistle is blown:
As you can see, Amendola has CLEARLY beat his man and this is what lay in front of him:
But hey, shit happens. I actually felt bad for the refs. They fucked up and they know it. We’ve all had bad days at work before where we pulled a major boner and and we want to bow our heads in shame. It was inexcusable, but shit happens. Wasn’t even mad about it because it didn’t matter. There was a 0.0% chance we were gonna lose this game anyway. It’s the Bills at home. Gimme a break. The only thing it put in doubt is whether or not we’d win by 20. It made the game more interesting instead of the usual Patriots massacre of Bills Mafia. I’m almost glad they did it.
Anyway, I assumed Bills Mafia would be thanking their lucky stars that they caught a break and were allowed to play with us for a little longer. But I forgot that this is the saltiest group of naniburgers in all of sports, and naturally they felt THEY were the ones getting screwed on this call:
Inadvertent whistle is the new tuck rule. #BillsMafia
— Jeff Brennan (@derlum) November 24, 2015
That's bullshit! You blow an inadvertent whistle and find away to flag Buffalo??? WOW!!! #BillsMafia #BUFvsMIA
— DJ Cuisine (@ncludacris) November 24, 2015
So you're giving them the catch and 15 fucking yards? #Bills #BillsMafia #nfl
— Andrew Krajewski (@AndrewinPhilly) November 24, 2015
I would LOVE to see the supposed 15 yard interference penalty called on Rex Ryan for the refs fuck up @RefYouSuck #bills #billsmafia
— Megan (@MeganHiggins83) November 24, 2015
Um… inadvertent whistle. Let's say you get the ball here. And we're good, right Tom? #NFL #BillsMafia #BillsvsPatriots
— I just noticed I like to raise my hands in photos (@bflofiresauce) November 24, 2015
They are cheating the FUCK outta us!! #BillsMafia #BUFvsNE
— DJ Cuisine (@ncludacris) November 24, 2015
So the ref incorrectly rules the inadvertent whistle and gives the pats free yards. But there's no fix, @nfl #Bills #billsmafia
— Dr J (@DrHToothrot) November 24, 2015
So you accidentally blow the whistle then also get the call wrong and of course it ends up benefiting the patriots #bradysucks #BillsMafia
— Ryan Hallowell (@ryanjhallowell) November 24, 2015
Same crew…every week#BillsMafia #BillsPatriots pic.twitter.com/fogp7N26zv
— Kenneth Kwilos (@KennethKwilos) November 24, 2015
Like I said, Bills Mafia acting like they’re the victims here is the most Bills Mafia thing I’ve ever seen. They have to play the victim, it’s the only card they know. They are the reason that college kids all across America are whining about privilege and hurt feelings and safe zones. Because being the victim when things don’t go your way is so hot right now. Meanwhile we are the 1%. We don’t bitch and whine when things don’t go our way. We go home and bang the prom queen. When the market dips we double down, buy low, and sell high. Because we are winners and God is always watching over us.
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10 Comment(s)
Stay classy, Buffalo.
Nothing funnier than moment of silent for kid in OCCUPIED territory getting stabbed,his parents are terrorists. However Kraft is a Jew who only loves Jews especially casino mogul Sheldon adelson. The Zionist team always wins its been like this for years.
You’re a knuckle head…. Occupied territory? You should try to occupy a library in what will clearly be an exhausting effort for you to try to understand 2000 years of history.
It would be bad enough living in a toilet like Buffalo, but having to root for the bills on top of it…wow. Brutal. Zero super bowls in…..ever.
Who the hell has a moment of silence for a kid who’s parents are terrorists,we know Kraft only cares for Jews but that was too funny,kid got stabbed in OCCUPIED territory thx to Palestinians getting rid of a future occupier.
Dude…just shut the fuck up. Palestine is not a thing. It’s Israel.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you might need an intervention, and quick.
Amen brah
Maybe the most poorly officiated game ever. Even the announcers who are selected by the NFL had to openly criticize these refs.