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AP: The parents of a 19-year-old Westboro, Massachusetts, woman who was raped and killed in 2012 are fighting to keep details about her past sexual history from exposure to the public.
Seth Mazzaglia, 32, is serving life in prison for a first-degree murder conviction in the rape and killing of Elizabeth “Lizzi” Marriott, a student at the University of New Hampshire. His case is going through the appeals process. A Friday ruling by the state Supreme Court could open previously sealed documents relating to Marriott’s “alleged prior consensual sexual activity” that form the basis for Mazzaglia’s appeal.
The state’s rape shield law helped keep the information out of the trial. New Hampshire’s attorney general won a stay Tuesday in the records’ unsealing.If the records eventually are released, Marriott’s parents’ are asking journalists not to report on details of her private life.
“My child has been murdered; her ability to speak and provide context has been silenced by this monster who has no regard for human life,” the victim’s father, Bob Marriott, said at a news conference Tuesday. “We deserve our privacy to be respected.”
In a unanimous order to unseal the records, the Supreme Court justices wrote that keeping them sealed would conflict with the public’s right to open court records and proceedings. A rule change adopted in January makes it easier for the high court to unseal documents made private in trial court proceedings.
Chris Johnson, Mazzaglia’s appellate public defender, said Tuesday he could not comment because the matters remain under seal.
During his trial, Mazzaglia denied raping and killing Marriott but he said he helped cover up her murder. Mazzaglia’s girlfriend at the time of the murder, Kathryn McDonough, testified that she lured Marriott to Mazzaglia’s apartment as a sexual offering, and that Mazzaglia strangled Marriott when she refused his advances. McDonough’s sentence for her role in the murder is set to end in July.
I really, really hate this shithead. What the hell is wrong with our legal system? This dude murdered a 19 year old woman. Took her life in cold blood. Had a trial and was found guilty. He’s put her family through hell and back. And now he gets to publicly humiliate her and she’s not even alive to defend herself? Something is very, very wrong with this picture.
I’m just sick of our legal system working harder to protect the rights of murderers and career criminals than they are to protect the victims. Guess what asshole? You’ve had your day in court. It’s over. You’re never, ever getting out. And if you do wanna appeal your case, then the basis of your appeal has to revolve around something that doesn’t involve publicly humiliating the family of a dead girl.
What makes this even worse is that he’s doing it with a public defender. The taxpayers are paying for this charade. I’m so sick of people whining about how hard prisoners have it in this country. This was Seth Mazzaglia before he killed Lizzi Marriot:
And this is him after being in jail:
America is the only country on earth where fat people whine about being oppressed. Newsflash – if you just gained 70 pounds, it means things aren’t that bad. This is a problem most of Africa wishes they had.
Lizzi Marriot didn’t ask to be murdered. She didn’t volunteer to have her sexual life thrown out for the world to see. And any news outlet that publicizes these details should be burned to the ground. This case embodies everything that is currently wrong with our legal system.
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17 Comment(s)
I’ll buy a cartons of smokes for any inmate that rapes him in prison.
I’ll make it three cartons for anyone who shanks his roly poly ass.
This is really fucking unbeleivable. First off, like TB said, I can not believe that we are paying for this asshole defender to do this. Get them out of there.
2nd off, how can anyone who is human think its ok for this family to have to go through this. Like many posters have said before this, any woman can live her life how she wants. But if she fucking says no, it means NO. Plain and fucking simple.
Sadly the double standard still exists. Woman whore or man whore, who really cares. Shouldn’t matter one iota. I am free to fuck whoever and as much as my little heart desires. If I say no or my partner says no, it ends, otherwise that is rape. Simple. Tight ass virgins need to stop worrying about others sex lives and/or judging them. As for releasing this girl’s info, none of anyone’s business. Murder is murder, don’t drop the soap fatboy!
This asshole shouldn’t have been allowed to live long enough to get fat.
Prison inmates for murder, rape and pedophilia should get one meal per day and it should consist of gruel with maggots 2 days a week, plain gruel the other 5. They need protein at least 2 days a week.
This guy, those scumbags that raped and murdered Jeffrey Curley. What good is catching psychopaths if we don’t put them to death immediately?
According to the quote Turtleboy posted, the unsealing isn’t about protecting the rapist, it’s about letting the public have access to the court records so the public can know whether proceedings were fair or not.
Sorry Jay. That’s just the legal way of saying, “We really want to make this woman out to be someone who consented to sex on a regular basis and perhaps paint a picture that she was promiscuous.”
It happens frequently and they obviously can’t outright state the real reason behind the request.
A woman can have sex with 11 guys at the same time on a Tuesday morning but if on a Wednesday night a man forces sex, and she DOES NOT want to engage, then it’s rape. It’s nothing else but rape no matter what she did in her past. No matter how anyone feels about her past, at that moment he raped and killed her. I’m sure she didn’t consent to that because if she had, he probably wouldn’t have killed her.
Sigh. I hope they stay sealed. She was a young woman… I can’t imagine the pain the family is going through.
The supreme court justices were the ones who gave the reasoning, not the defense.
Sorry again Jay. Appeal was filed by his public defender, itnwas grossly redacted so far out of his asshole and made so unclear to what the grounds of appeal were… Safe to gently assume her past sexual history was one of them seeing as how it was topic of discussion amongst Supreme Court.
Her history should remain private, period.
This guy is a fucking scumbag. So is his accomplice. They both deserve some type of prison justice. I hope it happens soon. Fucking scumbag.
She was only 19!
Keep the records sealed.
If a man had been the victim his past never would have been suppressed in the first place. This guy is guilty, but over half of all rape accusations are false, and the press protects the accuser’s identity whilst plastering the man’s name wall to wall.
Over half of all rape accusations are false my ass. Tell me more about the red pill and how it’s so hard being a guy.
We have it awesome. We pee standing up, we’re good at sports, can fuck without judgment, and don’t have periods or need to give birth.
Don’t forget that you dont have transgendered people pushing you out of contention in sporting events.
I know a hitman, goes by the name of street sweeper death reaper. Reasonable prices, check Craigslist. For real. 100z.
Well said.