The Fact That The New York Times And Barstool Sports Fell For This Blatant Lie About Patriots Attendance In 2017 vs. 2015 Is Why Turtleboy Is Taking Over The Media

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Every social justice warrior and their mother was sharing this tweet from the New York Times showing the alleged difference in members of the New England Patriots who came to the White House to greet President Obama in 2015 and President Trump in 2017:
Patriots' turnout for President Obama in 2015 vs. Patriots' turnout for President Trump today: https://t.co/OxMEOqZonI pic.twitter.com/pLmJWhOw1j
— NYT Sports (@NYTSports) April 19, 2017
Because everyone and their mother who announced they weren’t going to the White House because of Trump has been given a microphone and front page coverage by the MSM. I really could care less if Alan Branch, Martellus Bennett, Devon McCourty, and Chris Long didn’t have it in them to go the White House because of Trump. It’s their right. It’s also their loss. I don’t care who the President is, getting that sort of access to the White House is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Unless you’re Tom Brady, and then you get invited every other year. But this is America and if they decide their principles won’t allow them to go, then more power to them. I just think it’s dumb. And for the record, I though it was equally dumb when Tim Thomas did it in 2011, and when Brady did it in 2015 (this year at least he had a real excuse).
But, as the Patritots pointed out, this was in fact fake news:
These photos lack context. Facts: In 2015, over 40 football staff were on the stairs. In 2017, they were seated on the South Lawn. https://t.co/iIYtV0hR6Y
— New England Patriots (@Patriots) April 20, 2017
They also pointed out how after the Carolina Super Bowl there was a similar sized picture taken with President Bush:
Comparable photos: The last time the #Patriots won two Super Bowls in three years, 36 players visited the White House. Today, we had 34. pic.twitter.com/Aslvf1RaXU
— New England Patriots (@Patriots) April 20, 2017
Boom. Roasted.
It’s almost as if the mainstream media can’t be trusted because they’re partisan hacks with an agenda to sell the gullible masses. But yea, real news. Definitely.
Naturally not all Patritots fans were happy about the fact that the record was set straight:
Look, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I don’t hate you for being liberal. I don’t mind liberals in theory. I have lots of liberal friends, and in many ways I’m a liberal. But what I can’t stand are people who interject politics into EVERYTHING.
“You guys realize most of your fanbase hates Trump.” Shut your polepolisher Tater Tot. I’m sure the majority of the Patriots fanbase did not vote for Trump. Luckily this is not an endorsement of Trump. It’s a statement of fact that needed to be clarified because the MSM New York Times was trying to make it look like our team is divided along racial lines over a non-political, traditional event at the house John Adams built. If the MSM didn’t lie to the general public they wouldn’t have to do this. The Patriots didn’t issue this statement to defend Trump. They did it to defend the integrity of their team. A locker room divided against itself cannot stand.
People who talk too much politics are the worst people on earth. And I mean people on both the left and the right. Just kill yourselves already because everyone hates you. It’s why so many people don’t vote – because they don’t wanna end up like you. Believe it or not, some people just like our sports. I would take four years of Hillary Clinton ANY DAY OF THE WEEK if it meant the Patriots would win the Super Bowl next year. Anyone who wouldn’t make that trade isn’t really a Patriots fan. They’re just a political blowhard who dabbles in sports when he’s not busy getting in Facebook fights.
Oh, and just to show you how much Barstool Sports has become the Huffington Post Jr, here’s this:
Remember when Barstool Sports was fun? Now it’s just cold, PC takes like this one, and they CONSTANTLY fall for the bait they used to be skeptical about. Whenever a stoolie turns 24 and they realize they can find better porn than some chick from Salem State in a bikini, and since they’re craving ACTUAL hot takes they used to get on Barstool, they become turtle riders. It’s why we’re taking over the blogging game. Had this talentless freckled bitchboy actually done real research he’d find out that the NYT editor was forced to apologize for his stupid headline:
By midmorning Thursday, Jason Stallman, the Times’ sports editor, had taken responsibility for the tweet in an email to The Post. “Bad tweet by me. Terrible tweet. I wish I could say it’s complicated, but no, this one is pretty straightforward: I’m an idiot. It was my idea, it was my execution, it was my blunder. I made a decision in about four minutes that clearly warranted much more time.
Translation – “My brain is consumed with all things Trump, and even though I’m in charge of the most widely read newspaper in the United States, I hit the tweet button before doing even the most basic amount of research because the President literally owns my brain. We are real news though. I swear.”
Anyway, if you wanna see what more people should be like when it comes to politics, just look at the way Gronk handled his business yesterday. First he crashed Spicey’s press conference in the most underrated Gronk video of all time:
Then he bust into the oval office for daps from 45:
I highly doubt Gronk gives a shit about politics. If he voted, I’d assume he voted for Trump, simply because he’s a Buffalo meathead at heart. But if Hillary were President he’d do the same exact thing to her. Because unlike all these turds on Facebook who can’t shut the fuck up about politics for five minutes, Gronk understands how to have fun in life and not walk around with a stick up his ass 24/7. Be like Gronk.
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19 Comment(s)
you guys get 6-7 comments after 2 days per blog. do you guys honestly believe that you are even in the same league as BSS? Your not even playing the same sport at this point. Do you really think that TBS has even 10% of the following loyalty that BSS has with their stoolies? BSS is like the stern show in the mid 90s and, much like HSS, is only going to continue to grow. They have their finger on the pulse of the current and upcoming generations. They do the shock jock radio thing, like you try to, but they are also largely relate-able on every spectrum. Males/females, broke or wealthy, dem or rep, etc (i.e do not alienate large market segments like TBS). They have managed to attract real corporate sponsorship (not scumbag chasing lawyers and gun shops. sad!) and investments while still maintaining the “common man feel” of which is the dick you ride oh so often. They have matured past the smokeshow of the day times you are referencing (they don’t even do that salem state smoke shit that you are talking about anymore, unfortunately) and do not alienate large segments of potential fans with articles that jockride the tiny segment of worcester savages you are appealing to.
TBS Researcher:
“BSS Fans tune in for and hour and 20 minutes to see what they’ll stay next, but the average BSS hater listens for two and a half hours a day.
Pig Vomit (Aidan Kearney): But… if they hate him, why do they listen?
TBS Researcher: Most common answer? “I want to see what he’ll say next.”
Bashing Turtleboy and you steal lines from Private Parts? At least come up with your own thoughts.
Zero credibility.
the original thought was comparing BSS with the HSS while drawing comparison of the cheif turtle editor and pig-vomit from the movie. The quote directly correlated with this original thought. I can tell you were one of Mr. Kearney’s flunkies with your logic. Sad!
You cant even boom, roast barstool without stealing their boom roasted schtick from the office. Be grateful that Barstool blew up so much that it allowed you to ride their coattails to get to where your at and keep trying to poke the bear to get publicity. Unfortunately you are too far beneath them to get a reaction from them. Good try dude.
What???? Who can’t shut the Fuck up about politics? The Kettle…..
TB –
Seriously? Hillary? You’d sell your country out just for another championship? Trading Marxism for a silly trophy is not only wrong it’s irresponsible.
Lay off the weed, it’s affecting your judgement.
Another attempt at “fake news” from the mother of all fake news outlets, the NYT. Pathetic.
Just Democrats being dem rats. My grandfather used to say there are smart people and then there are democrats
Barstool demographics: 14-25 year old males. Who gives a fuck what they have to say? No one with any life experience
More like a bunch of middle-school kids in charge of the media now. Very spiteful at every chance.
I highly doubt Gronk gives a shit about politics.
That’s because he can’t spell “politics”.
If he voted, I’d assume he voted for Trump, simply because he’s a Buffalo meathead at heart.
He likely didn’t vote. Voting is for adults. But you got the meathead part right.
But if Hillary were President he’d do the same exact thing to her. Because unlike all these turds on Facebook who can’t shut the fuck up about politics for five minutes, Gronk understands how to have fun in life and not walk around with a stick up his ass 24/7.
Wrong, if Hillary won he’d grab her by the hips and grind her.
Be like Gronk.
Don’t be like gronk.
He didn’t play a single minute of the game, he shouldn’t have had any props at the WH.
You’re obviously a shitload of fun!
Listen, Linda, listen. Take a fucking hike
I have a sister Linda, shes a cunt. You sound like one too.
Linda, you voted for Hillary, right?
’nuff said.
Libs are douche bags, even more so now that reality is repeatedly smashing them in the face.
And liberal TB – your preference for Hillary and Super Bowls is getting smoked in the vote. Just like your candidate Hillary did.
Always on the wrong side of the truth. When will you accept reality?
Take it down a notch there tough guy!
Linda: CVS sells batteries.
That’s because those outlets are liberal pukes with a huge agenda. Steer clear of womag, telegram and NYT BS, and you’ll be fine.
Absolute classic Gronk. I’ve been cracking up for two straight days following that coverage. Could you imagine chillin’ with Gronk and few cold ones? My God! 87 rocks! GOAT TE!