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Last week the Warwick Police Department posted on their Facebook page a video of a woman at the Burlington Coat Factory who picked up a $100 bill that was dropped by another customer, and then shushed her grandson and told him not to say anything. They referred to her as the “grandmother of the year” and as a result she was quickly identified and arrested.
“The 2017 Grandmother of the Year Award goes to…….this female observed the victim drop a $100 and within a couple seconds walks over and grabs it off the floor,” authorities noted. “She then conceals it in her purse while putting her finger across her mouth to warn a juvenile male to not say anything. His reaction says it all…:0.”
Awesome lesson to teach a child. When you see your fellowman lose something of value, steal it and don’t say nothing. It belongs to you now.
What this proves once again is that public shaming on social media WORKS!! The general public loves to help find these people, so why not use the technology at your finger tips to help them do so?
But since it’s 2018 the Chief of Police felt the need to apologize and took the post down because it hurt the woman’s feels:
The Warwick police chief is apologizing on behalf of his department for a social media post about a woman who stole $100 during a shopping trip at Burlington. The woman was caught on camera picking up the money off the ground after another woman dropped it. She then urged a child not to say anything. The post was featured on the Warwick Police Department Facebook page last week. It came with the caption, “Grandmother of the Year Award.”
The chief was upset after he heard criticism on talk radio.
“It was uncalled for. It was unprofessional. And we need to clean our act up here, Col. Stephen McCartney told NBC 10 News on Thursday. “Sometimes, I think some of our officers occasionally, I don’t know whether they try to get hip to the times, but I don’t consider that hip.”
Oh look, another gutless police chief who acts as a politician first and a police officer second. I understand there’s a lot of great police chiefs out there, but from our time at Turtleboy writing about this stuff I am automatically suspicious of anyone who rises too fast in the police department. I feel like the best cops are the ones out patrolling the streets, not rising in rank and pay grade. I mean seriously:
“I don’t want people, human beings that we come into contact, I don’t want them characterized in any way that subjects them to public ridicule,” McCartney said. “That’s just inappropriate.”
You don’t want them subject to public ridicule? Then why is this on your Facebook page right now?
Because that mugshot is hilarious and you knew that people would laugh at this nudnik’s physical appearance. And rightfully so. He’s a junkbox who robbed a store with a note that said he had a gun. Public shaming helps people hit rock bottom, which then forces them to get their shit together.
The only reason the chief is getting involved with this one is because we’re dealing with a 76 year old lady. But guess what? Age ain’t nothing but a number. A 15 year old told me that back in the 90’s so R Kelly would have sex with her. It would be one thing if she just randomly found the money on the ground in the parking lot. But she actually saw it fall out of someone’s pocket, picked it up, and then taught her concerned grandchild that keeping his mouth shut was the best course of action. Grandma needed to be publicly shamed, and she got exactly what she deserved.
Know how I can tell Grandma sucks? The fact that she’s blaming the cops and the media:
“You know what you did to my name?”
No Agnes, you did this to your own name girlfriend. Now shape, fly right, and tell your grandson to bend the brim of his hat and hopefully your defective ethics gene won’t carry on to the next generation.
12 Comment(s)
Who cares if she’s an old lady that has her feelings hurt?? Young scumbags grow up to be old scumbags. No difference.
Juan Depedro (WNRI 1380) just gave TB a shout-out on the McCartney story. Hour 1, 11:28.
A bad police chief is one that steals from taxpayers by assigning himself all available detail work in order to spike his pension right before retirement. And if he can’t take all of it he assigns what’s left to ranking officers who are nearest to retirement. That’s the kind of chief that should be shamed by turtleboy.
I worked with McCartney at Providence PD when he was chief of Detectives. He was a real hard-ass, serious cop – I had a lot of respect for him there. Sad to see him become another pussy-whipped mouthpiece of the politically-correct liberal-progressive agenda.
That said, what ever happened to “Finders-Keepers, Losers-Weepers” ?
The right thing to do is to return something that you find that doesn’t belong to you.
“You know what you did to my name?”
See, this why I get mildly annoyed when people single out my generation (I’m a millennial) for acting entitled or what have you. Don’t get me wrong- my generation acts entitled. But so does everyone else.
It’s become a societal phenomenon. It’s seeped into every generation. It’s easy to pick on milenials because we use social media more (I gave up using it a couple years ago, luckily) to air our dirty laundry and provide fodder for TB. But everyone acts like this now, it’s disgusting.
Lady, YOUR actions led to all of this. Your shitty, greedy, vacuous actions. Actions you took in front of your grandson, no less.
Know what’s *really* shitty about this? She *will* get off on this, guaranteed. First off, an ADA will probably take one look at this case and decline to prosecute merely due to her age. Which is outrageous. You know a person like this uses her age all of the time to get away with petty bull.
Secondly, IF this went to court- “ I didn’t see it drop, I’m old and have poor eyesight. Prove that I don’t. I just spotted it on the ground. I hushed my son because I didn’t want someone running up to a feeble old woman like me and mugging me for it!”
Since she’ll pry get away with it legally speaking, let’s shame her a bit more.
Awesome post. There is hope after all.
Preach, brother!
When I was a kid I found a bank bag with over $5,000 in it.? My parents could have used that money, but they taught me a great lesson and turned it into the place who lost it. It belonged to a sub/pizza place in town and the owner was so grateful he let us order whatever we wanted.
I can’t even imagine keeping a $5 bill, let alone $100. My insides would be in knots and I would be thinking about the person and what they would have spent it on.
What an evil woman. I don’t care if she is 76 or 24. She is still evil.
damage her good name? My papi tells me this is Dotty Andrade, a long time Providence hooka. Said he remembers her well, said she had her own room at the Civic View Inn. Back in the 70’s, she was a speed queen and would hit the doctors all around Prov and Boston getting scripts for didrex, preluden, and blackies. Apparently, Dotty turned tricks for years supporting her kids and old man. Lets just say, Dotty got some miles on her. damage her good name, make me barf. Mike Taylor
My avó said the same thing. It’s fair to say she ruined her own name many years before this incident.
Mrs. Nesbitt stealing shit. Sad!