Social Justice Warriors

The Lone Amherst Volleyball Player Who Stands For The National Anthem Told ESPN She Was Scared To Do So, SJW’s Have Made It Brave To Show Respect For Your Country

It’s a sad day in America when a high school student has to feel nervous about being ostracized for standing for the National Anthem.

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Back in October we wrote about a young woman named Megan Rice, who attracted headlines because she was the only member of the Amherst High School volleyball team that stands for the National Anthem. The rest are all oppressed and don’t have it in them to stand:


Well her story caught the attention of ESPN, and they did a story on her here. Megan’s Dad is a cop and her grandfather is a veteran. So she chose to honor them, rather than do the new trendy thing that all her friends were doing. This part tells you everything you need to know about what is wrong with the atmosphere that social justice warriors are creating:

“The team’s idea to start kneeling during the anthem began at a sleepover earlier in the season, one that Rice couldn’t attend. But she said she came to the decision to remain standing easily.

“I definitely thought about it a lot,” Rice said, “but I never thought that I would kneel.”

That doesn’t mean she wasn’t worried about how some of her teammates might react.

“At first I was kind of nervous, like, ’Oh my god, what are my teammates going to think?’” Rice said. “They’re really passionate about this, and I respect them for that, because they all are passionate about the issues they believe in.”

She was nervous to stand for the National Anthem. That’s all you need to know. This is the type of political climate that Colin Kaepernick has created for high school kids. The poor girl has to worry about being ostracized because she’s showing respect for her country, its veterans, and its law enforcement officials.


And understandably so. Social justice warriors have shown us time and time again that they will not tolerate differing opinions. She’s living in the most backwards town in Massachusetts. A place where people will look down on her and call her racist for not kneeling during the Anthem.

Her friends on the team did end up sticking by her decision:

“I was fine with it. It isn’t a knock toward her, we don’t hate her because of it,” teammate Teya Nolan said. “We respect her, and we feel that just because she didn’t kneel doesn’t mean that she doesn’t support what we’re doing.”

But why should she even be in the position where she needs her teammates approval to stand for the National Anthem? Did any of these kids think about how their teammate might feel about this? Her Dad is a cop. They know this. And they’re protesting the institution of the police. Did they ever think that this might be hurtful to her? Because this team is almost all white kids. None of them know the first thing about racism or oppression. But they do know that their friend’s father is likely to be offended by their actions. And they did it anyway, because their desire for attention was more important than team unity.

Even the coach said she was worried that her teammates were isolating her:

“Coach Kacey Schmitt, who also didn’t participate in the anthem protest, said she initially felt concerned that Rice would feel isolated from the team.”

Anyway, the team ended up going 20-0 this season and she was one of their best players. It’s just sad that these brainwashed teenagers have created this toxic environment where it takes an act of bravery from a high school kid to show respect for her country. They all have the right to do it, no one is gonna debate that. But the people doing it obviously have never once thought about what Megan Rice’s father does on a daily basis to put his life on the line to protect them. He’s just another Nazi with a badge killing innocent black people, and the only way to cure this is to participate in a SJW viral trend that a dumbass Castro-supporting backup quarterback started doing for attention.



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21 Comment(s)
  • Trent
    February 23, 2017 at 7:52 pm

    I think it’s dumb these attention whores got a spot on ESPN. That’s just feeding the troll. They are white teenage girls who’ve had everything fed to them on a silver spoon and they want to kneel for the anthem because of ‘oppression’ .. or because of a debunked Black LIES Matter myth that white cops are shooting black innocents

  • February 4, 2017 at 8:29 pm

    Good for her. I am proud of her for standing up for what she believes in. I also think that she spent more time thinking about her actions than her team mates thought about their’s.

  • denise
    February 3, 2017 at 11:21 am

    The rest of the kneelers are sheep, followers and probably get their news from Beyoncé.

  • FatFingr Lou
    February 2, 2017 at 7:12 pm

    If you want to punish someone with a big mouth, kick them in the wallet.

    CA and our local dim bulbs think they can secede and sustain their lifestyle without repercussion.

    Let’s have a social experiment!

  • WHAT?
    February 2, 2017 at 3:33 pm

    America is not a perfect democracy. If there can even be such a thing.
    But Americans have always strived to form the perfect union.
    We have stumbled side to side down that road leading to the perfect democracy.
    We have picked ourselves up time after time and continued on.
    We are guided by that most precious of documents, The Constitution.
    But even that is not perfect. It has been amended a number of times.
    Go to Washington. Go to the Jefferson Memorial.
    Marvel at the brilliance of the Patriots that formed this country.
    Go to the Lincoln Memorial. Look into the sad gaze of the man that preserved the union.
    Go to Arlington. Watch the solemn changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
    Look out across the row upon row of graves of Americans that gave their last full measure so that we could be free. Free even to burn flags and kneel at the National Anthem.
    We will always be a beacon to the world. Not because of people that burn flags and kneel for the National Anthem, but in spite of them.
    We will always be a beacon to the world because there will always be an American willing to stand.

    God Bless America

    • My name here
      August 2, 2017 at 2:15 pm

      Beautiful written. Do you mind if I share.

  • One girl with a with respect
    February 2, 2017 at 1:02 pm

    One thing is never brought up. Where are the parents for these kids ? They allow them to behave this way ? One can blame the kids to a certain degree, but they’re still immature kids. Most of it is the parents fault, not all, but most. How did they bring them up ? The parents need to be ashamed, simple as that. Take a look, at how they turned out.

    • Llc
      February 2, 2017 at 4:55 pm

      My kid would be so embarrassed as I raced from the stands & escorted him to a swift standing position with my foot up his ass.

    • Dm
      February 2, 2017 at 10:19 pm

      Clearly you have never met an Amherst parent

  • Dick Dover
    February 2, 2017 at 12:58 pm

    Good on her, her “teammates”aren’t really her teammates. But she still plays the game despite the dumb dykes

  • paul
    February 2, 2017 at 12:35 pm

    Sadly it is not the kids, I bet none of them could give a rational reason for what they are doing. The parents, the school and the coach are to blame for allowing this to go on. If they had any balls at all it would be stand or be benched. If they still don’t stand or have enough players standing then forfeit. i would bet these kids would stand. They are only for this cause if it doesn’t inconvenience them.

    All these kids want to go to college, it would be to bad if their transcript from the school called them out as trouble makers.

  • paul
    February 2, 2017 at 12:34 pm

    Sadly it is not the kids, I bet none of them could give a rational reason for what they are doing. The parents, the school and the coach are to blame for allowing this to go on. If they had any balls at all it would be stand or be benched. If they still don’t stand or have enough players standing then forfeit. i would bet these kids would stand. They are only for this cause if it doesn’t inconvenience them.

    All these kids want to go to college, it would be to bad if their transcrip from teh scholl called them out as trouble makers.

    February 2, 2017 at 12:06 pm

    Either STAND YOUR ASS UP for our National Anthem or get the fuck out you ungrateful pathetic wastes of oxygen. Show some RESPECT for the men and women who have given their lives for our freedoms. All I have to say is you should be really fuckin happy I’m not president. Time to make it mandatory for everyone to join the military for one year when they turn 18.

    • White Pride White Power
      February 2, 2017 at 9:21 pm

      The government should FORCE people to stand for the anthem! Anyone who doesn’t should be EXECUTED as a TERRORIST!

      • Jimbo
        February 2, 2017 at 9:40 pm

        I smell a Dramacrat. Sheeitt must suck the Hilldawg lost.

  • Cracker Jack
    February 2, 2017 at 11:55 am

    The real injustice here is the unwritten law that female volleyball players sport the tiniest, tightest, camel-toeeist shorts. Who can concentrate on the ball? Seriously though, Megan is a hero, brought up correctly in the hostile foreign land of Amwurst.

  • February 2, 2017 at 11:25 am

    Megan Rice is a HERO…Bottom line. I am glad she stuck to her guns. I am shocked that the coach(?) in the picture is not kneeling–she has Amherst Aging Hippie written all over her. Amherst truly does suck. I am originally from a nearby town and there is not many places that are safer, whiter, and free of oppression than Amherst.

  • Justice
    February 2, 2017 at 11:20 am

    “Social justice warriors have shown us time and time again that they will not tolerate differing opinions.”

    SO FREAKIN’ RIGHT! You aren’t entitled to your own opinion anymore. All whiny, wimpy, wuss copycats.

    What did Kaepernick actually accomplish with his little hissy fit act? NOTHING! ZERO! ZILCH! Fucktard.

  • UsualSuspect
    February 2, 2017 at 11:16 am

    The SJWs and the left will be the downfall of America. Look at the UC-Berkeley fiasco over Milo speaking. Left-wingers obstructing free speech in the name of free speech. Maybe California will secede, all the snowflakes can move there, and the great quake will happen ridding the planet of this vermin. California dreaming on my part.

    • Talisman
      February 2, 2017 at 12:26 pm

      They will ultimately be a bump, and then a grease spot in the road I believe. I too worried about the same thing, but have since changed my opinion after watching them over the last 18 months. They are over estimating the support and sympathy for their ever increasing lunacy and protest du jour.
      When Obama was elected, folks that didn’t vote for him said “oh well, fuck it” and went back to work and lived as best they could, while exercising their frustration at the ballot box when possible. AND we were told to STFU and get over it. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, they don’t much like it, do they? If they want to stumble around chanting like a hippy cult, or shit on the anthem and the troops, fine. But the militant crazies should really be cognizant of the fact that, the more unhinged they become, and the more they use terrorist tactics, that shoe gets closer to being used to stomp the dog shit out of them.
      The Scunion awaits

    • Trump trumps asshats
      February 2, 2017 at 2:40 pm

      Trump noticed. He inferred that UCB must not want any more fed $$$.

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