
The MIAA Suspended 6 Saugus Lacrosse Players From The Postseason For Smoking Cigars To Celebrate Graduation After Someone Narced On Them

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Four years ago before most of you ever heard of Turtleboy Sports we blogged about the Beverly lacrosse players who were suspended for their district tournament game after smoking cigars to celebrate graduation.


It was yet another example of the MIAA proving that they exist for the sole purpose of enforcing stupid rules for the sake of enforcing stupid rules.

Well, it happened again in nearby Saugus….

Six Saugus High School lacrosse players and one baseball player have been suspended from participating in tournament games for smoking cigars on graduation day. School Committee member Liz Marchese said that the postseason suspensions were handed down to at least six lacrosse players and one baseball player. She added that those were the seven Saugus High School graduates she knows had disciplinary action taken against them and that there might be more student-athletes who were punished.

Numerous members of the Saugus High School Class of 2018 lit up cigars at the conclusion of the graduation ceremony on Friday night at Stackpole Field. The Saugus Public Schools has a tobacco-free school policy that reads in part, “The Saugus Public Schools, in accordance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Educational Reform Act of 1993, Chapter 71, Section 37H, prohibit the use of any tobacco product within the school buildings, on school grounds, in school buses, or at any school-sponsored event. For the purpose of this policy, tobacco products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, and snuff. This prohibition extends to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Visitors include anyone not in the employ of the Saugus Public Schools, including delivery personnel, and anyone contracting with the school department to use the building. The consequences for violating this policy will be as follows for the different groups: student violations: student violations of the tobacco uses policy will be handled in accordance with the discipline code published in the student agenda books at each academic level.”

A rule in effect for Saugus High School stipulates that student-athletes are to refrain from being anywhere drugs, alcohol or tobacco may be in the vicinity. A violation is defined by the use, possession or being in the presence of drugs, alcohol or tobacco.

For a first violation of the drug/alcohol/tobacco rule, the penalty is as follows, “When the principal confirms, following an opportunity for the student to be heard, that a violation occurred, that student shall lose eligibility in accordance of the MIAA policy. Students found in violation of ’being in the presences of; will be suspended for two weeks of a season in which the student is a participant. No exception is permitted for a student who becomes a participant in a treatment program. It is recommended that the student be allowed to remain at practice for the purpose of rehabilitation.”

The suspended lacrosse players will miss a North Division 3 first round game scheduled against Pentucket Regional High School on June 4, Marchese confirmed.

Alright, so this is a little different. I’d love to rag on the MIAA some more, but this really had very little to do with them. This is the school self-reporting players to the MIAA for violating their stupid, silly rule that 18 year olds can’t smoke a cigar after graduating from high school. An even dumber rule that Saugus has is that you can’t be “in the vicinity” of people smoking. So what do you do if your Dad rips butts and pounds Keystone Lights? Get a restraining order?

You know those assholes in Franklin are a bunch of squares who live to get reports like this on their desk so they can suspend kids. It gets them aroused like nothing else. All the school had to do if they saw kids doing it is tell them to put it out so they don’t get in trouble. That’s what people with common sense would do.

Instead they snitched, and here we are.

With that said, there’s nothing you can do about the MIAA. You know how they do. You know they don’t fuck around. Just follow their stupid rules and everything will be cool. This exact incident played out four years ago in Beverly. At some point the kids have to take personal responsibility and admit that they fucked up.

But that’s not what is happening on Saugus School Committee member Elizabeth Marchese’s Facebook page:

I agree, the whole situation is bullshit. It’s a bullshit rule that shouldn’t exist, it’s bullshit the administration self reported this to the MIAA when they could’ve ignored it, and it’s bullshit that the kids even did it in the first place. So who is everyone mad at? Apparently the school for not reminding kids what the rules are ahead of time….

Huh? You’re fine with the rule, but you blame administration for not sending out a reminder email to follow the rules? Wrong. It’s actually the exact opposite. The rule is the problem, and it’s not the job of administration to hold your hand and make sure you’re following their stupid rules.

There’s a lot of that going around….

Oh yea, totally. It’s the school’s fault that you gave your kid a cigar, knowing full well about the stupid rule. Even though you have a mandated chemical health night just to avoid situations like this that you obviously didn’t pay attention during, it’s someone else’s fault that you ended up in this situation. Definitely.

A couple players chimed in as well…

I so wanted to have the kid’s back and destroy the MIAA going into this blog, but reading this shit I just can’t.

“If I was warned by a school official or the AD whose job it is to support and help his athletes, this would have never went on.”

Yup, that’s where you lost me kid. It’s not the AD’s job to “support and help his athletes.” Amongst other things it’s their job to make sure the bus gets their on time to pick your team up, to make sure the games are scheduled properly, to make sure the fields are in working condition, to coordinate awards nights, to meet with coaches, and to make sure each and every athlete has passed in and signed the agreed upon chemical health form that contains the stupid MIAA rules.

This is just more self-victimization when it should be a time for either blaming themselves or using this ridiculous punishment to go after the MIAA.

This guy’s got it figured out….


Yea, we should totally boycott. Boycott what exactly? Doesn’t matter. Boycotting is just what you do when you’re upset about something now.

The school committee member seems to be taking part in the whole, “the school should’ve done more” schtick….

Has Saugus lacrosse never been in this situation before? Has their season never extended this long? Because if it is a “tradition” then you would assume this would happen every year. So yea, maybe if the lacrosse team just sucks next year you won’t run into this problem.

The bottom line is the MIAA is a terrible, un-Godly organization run by degenerates making $200,000 a year to fuck over kids. Don’t give them a reason to fuck you over and they won’t. The kids are at fault for claiming to not know a rule that was made clear to them in the chemical health forms they all signed. The parents are at fault for whining about administration. Administration is at fault for self reporting when they didn’t have to.

Lesson learned – if you really feel the need to smoke a cigar and pretend like it’s not disgusting in order to celebrate the easiest thing you’ll ever accomplish in your entire lives (graduating from high school) then don’t do right in front of your administrators. 

Boom. Problem solved.

4 Comment(s)
  • vicxh
    June 8, 2018 at 12:55 pm

    Did the girls graduating also smoke cigars? Asking for a friend, Bill….

  • British TG
    June 4, 2018 at 4:25 pm

    Yeah, sounds like a load of bollocks to me. They’re adults celebrating. Seems a bit heavy handed. It can’t be much of a rule if no bugger seems to know about it.

    Our schools are very different. We don’t do the whole graduation thing at all. You don’t get that until you’ve finished university.

    Our schools also tend to be no smoking sites for anyone, but I don’t think any kid would think to have a cigar at the end of it- unless they went to a private school. Instead, we just had a leaving assembly and then went down the pub. It’s a tradition that appears to still go on.

  • Hughbo Mont
    June 4, 2018 at 2:26 pm

    Oh for fuck’s sake. Massachusetts. It’s expected.

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