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If you’ve been on social media in the last 24 hours then you’ve been bombarded with the new BOMBSHELL story the media has chosen to focus on.
And I mean EVERY media outlet. Go to CNN, NBC, CBS, or pretty much any other Facebook page of a well established and widely read media entity, and you will see this story everywhere. When I first saw the headline I had the same visceral reaction many of you had, which is exactly how the media wanted us to react – the kid looks like the ultimate chud.
Then I watched it.
The MAGA-hat wearing Covington Catholic High School students mocking Elder Nathan Phillips at the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington are direct descendants of the white privilege that empowered white kids to mock Elizabeth Eckford at Little Rock Central High School in 1957. pic.twitter.com/tQroBf6aPb
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) January 19, 2019
That’s it??? Just to review what happened in that video:
- Man plays drum
- Boy stands 18 inches away from man playing drum
- Boy looks at man
- Others in crowd cheer on boy looking at man
That’s it. That’s the headline news. At no point did the man with the drum attempt to leave. At no point did anyone physically touch him. At no point did anyone chant “build the wall.” I was honestly disappointed that nothing else happened because that was boring as shit.
Nevertheless all you had to see was a smug face, a MAGA hat on a white kid, and an elderly Native American man, and the mob had made up its mind.
Harass the school.
Label everyone in the community as a rapist.
Try to harass the school’s sponsors.
Get really mad.
Hit children with chairs.
Dox them all.
Punch a kid.
Say things like, “I’m 100% against violence, but I want to commit violence on that child’s face because I don’t like the way he looks.”
I don’t think she understands what 100% means. Or violence.
The blue checkmarks were levying threats too.
Call them all racist and blame it on Trump.
Racist little white punks in #MAGA hats spawned from the seeds of white supremacists harassed, mocked, and ridiculed a Native American elder. They were students from Covington Catholic in KY who had just attended the #MarchForLife.#TrumpsAmerica pic.twitter.com/ZQee0VIwGN
— Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) January 19, 2019
Use your platform to accuse the entire community of abuse based on unconfirmed anecdotes you heard from strangers that fit your narrative.
The more I read from alums of Covington catholic about the abuse, bullying and cruelty there, the more I come to believe that the students thuggish behavior is a feature of the school, not a symptom. Just like with all Trumpism – based on bullying, arrogance, and hatred.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) January 20, 2019
Electrocute them.
I'm suddenly in favor of building a wall…around Covington Catholic High in KY. And let's electrify it to keep those disgusting punks from getting loose and creating more vileness in society.
— Stormy Daniels (@StormyDaniels) January 19, 2019
Accuse their basektball team of promoting white supremacy.
Covington Catholic high school basketball team celebrates win by making 'white power' gesture pic.twitter.com/TVuHDcikQs
— All Human Life is SACRED every person (@JonneePAc) January 20, 2019
Expressing joy that high school kids fear for their life now that the media has irresponsibly made them America’s most famous racists.
And of course do what they did to Kavanaugh – get ahold of the yearbook.
Anna Merlan is the Jezebel feminist who wrote this story after someone had the audacity to suggest that the UVA rape on campus story in Rolling Stone might not be credible.
Now she’s trying to use her platform to dox and ruin the lives of high school kids based on a 60 second video she saw of a kid staring at a Native American elder. This is the media.
But wait, it turns out the victim actually approached the students while banging on his drum.
“Covington Catholic student bothering elder man” yet here is evidence of the man approaching them during their school cheer not disturbing anyone. Doesn’t make sense pic.twitter.com/SRYRJOIoKf
— Maria Judy (@mariajudy_) January 19, 2019
Oh look, he approached them. Banging on a drum. An adult instigated a group of teenage boys chanting and dancing by encroaching on where they were standing. Then he played the victim when one of the boys stood in front of him and stared at him, thus giving him the attention he obviously wanted.
Then he continued to bang the drum in the kid’s face.
Consistent with the student’s story, the tension begins to build as Phillips beats the drum in the student’s face for several minutes. When an argument breaks out between a student and a Native American, the student with the drum in his face turns back and tries to defuse it. pic.twitter.com/LvTpUADKD7
— W. Ghoulie (@SportsBuckeye) January 20, 2019
Again, he is an ADULT approaching a group of high school kids. But because he’s diverse and they’re not, he’s the victim.
Then there’s this video, once again showing the Native American dude approaching the group of CHILDREN from afar, and banging his drum. They respond by dancing, which is what people often do when there’s a good beat.
This video seems to back this student's statement.
"Here’s the entire unedited video with original sound of the Covington High School/Nathan Phillips encounter via – watch, listen and decide for yourself. "
— Diane Rivero (@rivero_diane) January 20, 2019
Oh, and he wasn’t alone either, as his buddy tells the other kids, “you white people go back to Europe, this is not your land.”
Adults taunting and harassing kids, followed by kids acting douchey and arrogant. That’s what happened here.
The evidence was overwhelming.
More Media Lies
There was no #MAGA mob hounding a Native American
Mult Native Americans instigated an incident walking into a peaceful group of kids & taunting one chanting & drumming inches fm his faceNo one said "Build the Wall"
& if anything
That kid deserves a peace medal pic.twitter.com/lPbPtQtTh7— Jim Hanson (@Uncle_Jimbo) January 20, 2019
We now have a 2 hour raw recording of the MAGA kids incident.
We can see
No chanting "build the wall" as far as I saw
Native group approaches about an hour after the kids were already there
"Black Activists" are Black Hebrew Israelites yelling Fagg**https://t.co/WmHAmsYOH8— Tim Pool (@Timcast) January 20, 2019
Witnesses (other students) dispute everything the mainstream media has been saying. According to kids, and confirmed in the video, you can hear the kids chanting their school cheers, when a group of four or five African-American men start berating them and the “victim” chooses to walk towards them and taunt them with his drum.
Response from Cov Cath student who says he was present at the event in question in Washington.@Local12 pic.twitter.com/nqLD1pJY2u
— Adam Clements (@AClementsWKRC) January 20, 2019
The kids start dancing because….they’re kids.
— Joey Salads (@JoeySalads) January 19, 2019
Just finished talking with Kids who were at the protest.
They were there for “March for Lives” not protesting against Native Americans.
Read their responses. pic.twitter.com/kg6GtvZGRL— Joey Salads (@JoeySalads) January 19, 2019
And wouldn’t ya know it? The “victim” is a professional protester who loves the media spotlight.
Oh the #CovingtonCatholic "victim" is from the occupy movement….https://t.co/6fqelus8Lp pic.twitter.com/LQcBgoG6ec
— Rosie memos (@almostjingo) January 20, 2019
Here’s the exact same guy making a claim of harassment from Eastern Michigan students (for dressing like Indians) back in 2015:https://t.co/gJrLaZQvbA
— Lou [BTC] ⚡️ (@LouPalumbo) January 20, 2019
When I first saw the video I thought it was just another stupid media freakout over nothing. Turns out the victim is actually a world class douchebag. He is an ADULT who intentionally provoked a group of teenagers who were minding their own business, being loud, and chanting their high schools cheers. He didn’t have to walk up to them banging his drum, but he did so anyway. He repeatedly banged his drum in a kid’s face, and the kid responded by looking at him smugly. Then he ran to the media and cried about it like the whiny little bitch that his. Now the kid has been doxxed, it will now be much harder for him to get into college or obtain employment, and he will be a meme for eternity. And the ONLY reason this is a story is because the kid is white, and he was wearing a MAGA hat.
The mainstream media is the enemy of the American people.
59 Comment(s)
Everytime I hear the words “white privilege” this is what I think: (1) a guy that is there for his kids and wife, (2) guy that works extra hours to make sure food is on the table (3) working when you are so sick your clothes are holding you up (4) touching base with school principal and teachers to make sure sons are doing well in school (5) pushing through workday to make sure you are there for your kids practice(s) (6) picking up the slack around the house when wife has a “work conference” away from house [because my wife’s employers are cocksuckers and her fellow managers want to drink booze and have a good time on the owners dime – and call it work] and my favorite (7) leave work in an instant, take your kid to the ER because of a sports injury while at school because your wife “can’t make it because I am at work”.
So excuse me when I balk at your white privilege comment.
Senior Chief Shipley gots this phoney Vietnam vet good on YouTube today
antifa thugs assault an elderly woman in boston its a non story, teenager stares at a man who got in his face biggest story in the nation.
The Covington basketball team was giving white power symbol from the bench… Are these people also saying every time a three-point shot is taken the ref is signaling “white power”?
Sorry Indians, but ever since the dawn of time one group of people have crapped on or kicked out another group. That includes the Indians just as much as Mr. Whitey. So their claim that “this is our land” is a joke. Same goes for this BS narrative painting Indians as gentle and peace-loving (Read the accounts of the attacks during King Philip’s War to get a feel about just how “gentle” they were) Live in the past and you never move forward.
FYI the kid in question has surfaced posting on a few klan message boards. Nationalist, pro-white, and pro-racial cleansing. I stand with him. We must secure a future for white children.
Weird. Wouldn’t that be front page news on every major news outlet?
You wouldn’t just go on the internet and deliberately lie, Turtle Rider, would you?
Yet another reason why the media cannot be trusted.
Interesting how so many are saying that the kids should be punched in the face or kicked in the balls. There is no excuse for violence. However, these people need to realize that many of us are armed for just this reason.
It’s comments like this that make me hate gun-toting micro-penis men. You know why gang-bangers carry guns? Because they’re really just scared little pussies.
You know should carry guns? People who have an actual reason to protect themselves, not lame fags waiting for the chance to hopefully someday find a use for carrying a gun all those years.
The whole thing could have been avoided if he didnt cancel his buffalo hunting trip up at the big lake they call Gitch-EE-Goomie. Amzing what a weekend up there with a bottle of firewater will do for the soul. It would have lifted his normally Great Spirit
Chief Ring Go Moon better not come around here or he’ll limp off with a wounded knee…
Waaah waaahhhh he’s a Vietnam vet waaah waaaah
Trump’s been saying it since day one: FUCK THE TROOPS!
Enjoy not getting a paycheck you fag transgendered cucks!
MAGA!!!! MAGA!!!!!
Watcha’ doin’ Rabbi?
There are several big name lawyers who are willing to represent these students pro bono and will file libel suits against the MSM outlets. I hope they take the offers because they will never need to work a day in their lives again. I hope all of the twatter idiots who have called for doxxing and violence are sued as well.
Another internet libel expert. Although, if they get sworn afterdavids they might have a chance.
I know the law well enough and I know that proving libel is very difficult for public figures and these kids are not public figures, therefore it is a much lower standard to prove. You and your ilk have done more than enough to hang themselves in writing and in video. I know for a fact that the WaPo has already been served. Care to take a bet on this idiot?
150 years ago the noble savage would have staked the kid to the ground on top of a fire ant nest,than cut his dick off and stuffed it in his mouth as the squaws pissed and shit on him for a week.
The dailymail has an article with the American Indian and he claims he was SO SCARED, and he was just playing his drum and the kids came and circled him and wouldn’t let him leave yelling “build that wall.” The comments are so fucked up because of course nobody actually wants to look up the real version. Thank you TB for giving us real news.
I thought that’s what the Europeans did to the Natives.
for the left no one is off limits not even other leftists. and the targets are getting younger.
its not even political anymore. its terrorism.
Thank you SJW Hunter!
Why don’t the drum beating fool go drum at the fake Indian if he really wanted to protest something??
Kid’s mom said her son’s behavior was because of black Muslims. Is your organization also backing that sentiment? Disgusting.
Put the following in Youtube: UQyBHTTqb38
You can watch an hour and 46 minutes of the vile, antagonistic crap that spewed out of their mouths. I did. Save your pretentious virtue signaling for racism that isn’t manufactured by self-serving agitizers.
By the way, the word ‘agitizer’ is redirected in Google. Do you think the word all-of-sudden disappeared?
well, agitator is there.
The media will not rest until there is a civil war they are militant in they’re hatred of anything closely related to trump,they know they’re lying and they don’t give a shit. Can’t believe literally anything on the internet or news
Meanwhile Neo Nazi women were marching in Boston and ANTIFA was nowhere to be seen. They were apparently scared of the Nazi women.
Man, Turtleboy really has gone the pathetic route. Use to be fun reading about horrible people being exposed. Now, you’re just angry all the time and blaming everyone for their failure. You blame Twitter, Facebook, now Native Americans. Use to love reading your blog from Arizona. But all my Republican friends are right, you all gone soft and pathetic. Look like you lost more readers. I’m sure you don’t care. You always say you never care then whine on how you can’t use Twitter and so on. Hey, let’s all commit Genocide of Native American veterans. Turtleboy would so endorse that then cry how they wouldn’t.
What the fuck are you babbling about? This is exposing horrible people. You just don’t like that it is a bunch of lefties like you. Those kids did absolutely nothing wrong. You mean to tell me the opposing groups are not black supremacists and an “indigenous” supremacist?
You’re a dolt. It’s the SJW bloggers here that write those mean girl, middle school Fakebook ratchet drivel stories. To appeal to dumbed down, hypocritical and fake liberals like you. Sounds like you’re more of a HuffPo, Barstool type reader anyway. Go there to find your safe space, snowflake.
We could learn a lot from the Native Americans policies on illegal immigration. They welcomed everybody and ended up getting annihilated. We need that wall.
To say that you are reaching is an understatement. The native american did nothing wrong and did nothing to incite these disgusting little pieces of shit. I hope they get outed and have to hire security but hopefully get the shit knocked out of them first. Little cunts deserve it.
The “Native” knew exactly what he was doing. He operates like this all the time. What did the kid do? He stared… Oh how Fuckin terrible. Shitting bull knew he was pushing buttons, and he did his damndest to try…. Half of these demonstrations wouldn’t get one ounce of coverage, until an instigator shows up. Fuck shitting bull. I guarantee he gets every benefit the USA can hand out. He doesn’t complain about that,
Agreed. There was an unedited video filmed by one of the black agitators. That’s exactly what they did. They agitated. For an hour. I get that speech is protected in this country, even vile speech. The remedy to this is superior speech but that doesn’t make money and agitate, so the media isn’t going to show it. The “Indian” walks over to the center of this mass of chanting kids and the media gets their shot of a smug teenager being antagonized by a professional from the racist industrial complex. The media already has the script they just fill in the actors and images and ‘spontaneously’ this story hits the airwaves on all major networks.
Remember when Pres. Trump won the election and the word of the day on every fucking major outlet was ‘dread’? That’s fucking weird that all these news organizations keep using the same word in their broadcasts, isn’t it?
In the video you can hear the black agitator call out someone in Phillips’ group by name. They fucking recognized another professional agitator and it’s on video. Yeah, this wasn’t random. The media is perpetuating this narrative that racism permeates everything and they’re complicit in permeating everything they can to sew division in this nation.
Oh, yeah. Has anyone checked to see if Nathan Phillips’ service record indicates whether or not he’s a veteran? Every news outlet breathlessly states that he has been ‘identified’ as a Vietnam veteran. What the fuck does that mean? If he’s served his military service record is a public record. Just like a deed. All you need to do is file an FOIA to get it. But that’s not the best part, ’cause if this clown served and was discharged from the military as a Private after a couple years of service, I want him to explain why he was punished with a reduction in rank. Must be racism, right?
Nice microaggressions not capitalizing Native American and inferring that this man is too ignorant to understand what he was inciting. I dream of the day that racists like you cease to exist.
And I dream of the day people like you wake up and see things for what they are: a piddly little protest suddenly gets coverage because of some Asswipe trying to start something where there was nothing. Take your blinders off and wake up! Jesus man. T
You don’t have to be racist to see these kids were being baited by some asshole who loves to bait people for reactions so they can push their own agenda. Meanwhile he cannot detach himself from uncle Sam’s teat
Yeah. I totally nailed this. The guy was a Marine Reserve refrigerator mechanic that rocketed to the lofty rank of private in 4 years. I mean, the term ‘Terminal Lance’ is well beyond what this AWOL fuckwitt achieved. He was awarded zero awards. He didn’t even rate the NDSM because he was so fucked up.
Another violent leftist. Let me suggest a second scenario that probably didn’t occur to a muppet like you. The kid lawyers up and sues everyone who libels or stalks him. That should sort their hash.
The problem with you toddlers is that you don’t think through the consequences of your actions. Because, leftism.
First, stop calling American Indians Native American or indigenous. They could be called first settlers or Indians as their ancestors crossed a land bridge from Russia to Alaska a few thousand years ago. They are not any more native to North America than Europeans.
Second, with all these movements to tear down confederate monuments, will the libatards agree to tear down all Indian monuments? The injuns fought the US government too and have erected monuments to their war heroes. If the left didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any at all.
Chief race baiter, looks like a heroin addict diddler.
“Elder”. give me a fucking break. President Trump is an elder… Elder White Men get the knock out game played on them by pavement apes and their native drunk cousins the alcoholic Indians and afro Indian mashups called Latins.
Another nice one, T-Boy.
Saying the media is the enemy of the American People sounds extreme, but in all reality, you’re providing us with 20/20 vision just in time for when we are going to need it in the 2020 election.
It’s also amazing that the kid giving the arrogant stare, which was more likely because he felt he was being challenged for doing nothing than anything else, looks like Martin Shkreli’s son, wouldn’t ya say? We’re SO damning of people because of what-it-looks-like rather than what it is…
It would be great to get an interview with the “World-Class-douchebag”.
MSM is failing if they don’t pick up on this as well….their “sizzle” and “no steak” bites them again….a Turtle-bite.
Firewater from the Bluecoats would have ended this problem.
I usually love Wheeler Walker Jrs gimmick. Too bad he doubled down on the dumb on his Instagram
He totally broke character and there’s no going back. He’s officially an SJW.
There’s a guy in the Lowell/ Dracut area thats like a Chief or some such, I used to see him at those dumb fucking ‘Pow Wow” events. All the attitude of the guy in the video, Blames the whites for shit in th 1800’s Looks to start arguments all the time.The kid did exactly what he should have, just stand and watch, because the old guy was definitly trying to get something started. I know with the Lowell guy, everyones an asshole except him. And if you ignore him he goes away…. this guy would have also, But he got what he wanted: ‘A heap big story on box in corner that shows pictures, and makes noise like thunder”
FUCK THIS GUY. He provoked a bunch of kids that were at the March For Life. Fuck him.
I’m surprised that Native Americans are cool with liberals. I would just expect them to be more sensitive about all of the confiscation, redistribution, and general contempt for autonomy.
Agree with the fact this guy walked up to the teens. He was trying to de-escalate a situation where a group of blacks and these KY kids were getting riled up on one another. Should his attempt at peace maker be accepted? No it doesn’t have to be accepted and he’s a dick for forcing himself on either group. There is however an Elder issue here. They should respect the fact that he was trying to play peace maker. The kid is young and to be honest, he could have done much worse then just stare back. So, NDN dude is the dick in this, but sadly, it is reflective on the fact that we, as a society, are losing our respect for our seniors (and not just a Native elder, but all elders.) Rant over.
That embarrassment to all veterans was NOT trying to de-escalate shit.
He’s a professional leftist activist and showed up with his camera crew posse to create a false narrative and hopefully provoke a physical encounter to be exploited.
Thankfully, he failed.
I have the utmost respect for my elders until they pull slimy stunts like this.
That one kid stood his ground and smiled, neither advancing or retreating. If it wasn’t for all the lefty media coverage and the mostly feigned outrage from all of Wokebeckistan, this would have been a non-story because the kid behaved himself, despite the urge to smack that drum prop out of the California animated raisin looking asshole’s hands. Raisin head and his drum are no better than the pussy hat/antifa/BLM pukes stuffing their bullhorns into people’s ears that they don’t agree with.
Don’t make excuses for idiots like that guy. He needs to be reminded how brittle the bones can get at his age for what harm could have and still might come for those school kids.
Another shot across the bow in the war on white men.
The Left continue to push this country towards some irreconcilable breaking point.
The warped MSM is only showing video that begins AFTER the man approached the teen(s). Per agenda, the whole story/video is not being shown. Per agenda, the pot is being stirred into a boiling frenzy. It distracts from the fake “Trump told Cohen to lie” story. The selective “reporting”, the fake news, the straight-up brainwashing being put out there by the MSM is putting this kid’s life in danger. Do the give a fuck? Hell no! The MAN, at one point, gets his “drumstick” so close to the kid’s face it nearly grazes his nose. I give this young man HUGE credit. HUGE kudos for patience and tolerance. I would have had a very difficult time not grabbing the drumstick and pushing it away from my face. Hate and promotion of divisiveness is the lifeblood of the left
Orange man bad.
Orange man Hitler.
This is problematic.
Need to edit the “African American” to “Native American” in your paragraph before the mudsharks run amok
Between the Tim Poole and Adam Clements tweets
I notice no mention of the “Indian means savage” from the Nation of Islam folk though….
The left media has been in a frenzy recently where even local news reports are tainted with anti—Trump rhetoric more than ever before. It’s absolutely unwatchable. Fuck this skinny Indian and his drum. What exactly is he upset about?
It’s anti-white rhetoric not “anti-Trump”
People are retarded.