The Revere Gangsta Stripper Came On Turtleboy Live Last Night, Got Into A Fight With Fiesty Turtle, Explained The “Stripper Code,” And Defined What “Pussy Poppin” Means

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The award winning Turtleboy Live show just keeps getting better. Last week we had Tony DeYoung on and he got straight MERCKED by Gupta Patel in a rap battle. This week we had Fiesty Turtle on, and Lea-Marie Pastore, AKA the most gangsta stripper of all time, called in LIVE from the Squire Club in Revere in between lap dances, and her and Fiesty Turtle went at it. It was amazing. She also explained to us about how the “stripper code” works, and detailed exactly how she beat up four bitches in one night for fronting on her at the club. Starts getting interesting around the 5:00 mark:
A lot of people were asking what “pussy poppin” meant, since Lea-Marie seems to like that term so much. And she defined exactly what that term meant. And it was amazing.
Can’t wait to see who we get on the show next week. Tune in every Tuesday and Friday at 9:30. Bring the whole fam.
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11 Comment(s)
Fiesty Turtle was a POS. Lea MArie kept it real. Did she change what she was on the video? No. What you see is what you get, she is cool and confident with that. Fiesty Turtle attacking her for her being real is low no class. I don’t know Fiesty Turtle and won’t say any thing disparaging like she did. How the fuck does she know people think Lea’s ugly or the doesn’t make money? She doesnt, her attitude was again low no class. Lea, you are Boston gyrl, IDC if youre rough around the edges. Some of us dig that, other dont. Fiesty turtle should learn this about our town (and burbs) and accept there’s a role, a rule, and an action for all of us. Turtle boy was cool, he at least showed some fucking respect. I like TBS, keep it up, but give Fiesty a biiatch slap for her part of that interview, she has it coming. Maybe Lea marie isnt so angry, maybe fiesty is too fucking soft?
I couldn’t even listen to the whole segment. She’s a disgusting thug of a whore!!! I mean really, why the fuck does she talk like that??? Does she not know that she’s white?? I think she takes some kind of twisted pride in sounding like an uneducated porch monkey. Come on!! I’m guessing by her name that she’s Italian and therefore a disgrace to the rest us Italians. I’m fucking disgusted!!!
You guys should do a radio show. Start on 830 or 580. Let’s gooooo
It was hard to talk over the wacked out stripper… She would not shut the fuck up.
She was probably trying to defend what incredibly little honor, or shred of dignity, that she has in her pathetic waste of a life!!! Just keep arguing, Sweetie! Doesn’t change the fact that you’re nothing but a skanked-out whore, looking for your next “fix”. Please just go away, and leave the rest of civilized society alone!!!
Now now she’s, saying she’s a “whore” would indicate she does nasty shit for money! You can’t really say she…Wait where the hell was I going with this? Um yea carry on!
That’s the cocaine and the mental illness talking – it’s hard to carry on a civil conversation with that mixture going on
On a side note, I guess I no longer have to ask the Hubby to “pop the pussy”. Names a bit misleading!
Hey Fugly,…What about this code.. “Do not steal words from The Walking dead’s villians to try to sound hard!” Negan called, says “Bitch I “shut shit down” before it was cool! As did I “Put my dicks down Rick’s throat”. Find another leg to hump!”
i would pay her to keep her cloths onb
lighten up you guys she’s a national treasure!