Mainstream Media Fails

The Sun Chronicle Gives Josh Abrams the Validation He Is So Desperately Seeking, Proving Once Again That Turtleboy Is the Only Media Outlet That Does Thorough Research

Seriously, does anyone fact check anymore?



This morning as I was waiting for las tortugas pequeños to get off to school, I scrolled through Facebook and came across this post.

Are you fucking kidding me?

FOXBORO — The First Amendment is apparently alive and well in town.

The group Accountability For All recently conducted First Amendment audits of Foxboro Police Department, approving of the way the department handles First Amendment issues.”

The “group” consists of Joshua Abrams and his trash bag girlfriend Danielle “(Allegedly) Hot Tow Truck Girl” Bognanno. If you’re new to Turtleboy or have been living under a rock for the last few months, you can catch up here and here. He’s a violent, unemployed felon who also happens to be a drug addicted deadbeat dad and currently has several open court cases, while she is facing multiple felony charges stemming from an incident at The Encore hotel.

My favorite video is this one that he sent to his then girlfriend, saying that his mom gave him $300 to buy a bag of drugs.

Josh would later claim that he was referring to marijuana, but I suspect he was getting something a little harder.

Strange bruises, Bitchtits. Either way, purchasing a bag of devil’s lettuce outside of a Lowell Dunkin Donuts would still be a crime. Just sayin.

‘”Officer Mattson of Foxboro PD did AWESOME! We need more like him!,’ the audit group said on YouTube.

‘They give Foxboro Police total thumbs up on how we address the First Amendment, which is a credit to the agency,’ new Foxboro Police Chief Michael Grace said.”

Chief Grace is a 20 year veteran of the Foxboro Police Department, but has only been Chief for three weeks. I’m sure he didn’t want to pass up on the opportunity for some good press so early into his tenure, but I wish he would have said who Abrams really is. There’s no way he doesn’t know, right? The rest of The Bristol Crew and I have spoken to many officers from several different departments throughout the Commonwealth and they all know of Accountability For All and think Josh is a joke. If Chief Grace wants to last a long time in his current position, he better start reading Turtleboy.

“’They go around to make sure police departments and other agencies and their standards are holding up First Amendment rights,’ Grace said of Accountability For All. ‘They just show up.’”

Actually, they go around being rude and abusive towards LEOs and other Civil employees in the hopes of instigating a reaction which they will then escalate and use to try and cash in on donations from their gullible YouTube subscribers. You can sugar coat it all you want to, Chief Grace, but we won’t.

The Sun Chronicle is certainly no stranger to getting only half the story. After all, they, like most of the mainstream media, tried to paint Franklin Baxley as the victim of a racism after he posted a viral video of a white woman calling the police on him at an Attleboro dog park. However, Bristol Turtlechick exposed the real story in a multi-part series detailing that Baxley was a violent criminal who tried to destroy the life of this pediatric oncology nurse for the heinous offense if standing up to a misogynistic bully.

“The audit was streamed live on YouTube Oct. 14 and has received over 3,000 views.

Accountability For All has 13,100 subscribers.”

It’s interesting that they mention how many subscribers the AFA YouTube channel has, because or latest video had some interesting comments on it.

It’s certainly an interesting theory and would seem to make sense. His subscribers flattened out in the weeks following our live show detailing HTTG’s charges at Encore and repeatedly calling Josh’s own credibility into question. Then last week he slowly started adding new subscribers. I certainly can’t prove that he’s buying subscribers. I’ll let you all draw your own conclusions.

The fact that any media outlet, even a small time newspaper, is legitimizing these criminals and their behavior is scary. I’ll leave my personal opinion on First Amendment Auditors our of this, but the fact of the matter is that “Frauditors” like Josh Abrams don’t actually care about the First Amendment or free speech. They hide behind the concept in order to try to line their pockets, while shutting down the free speech of those users who post negative comments during his live streams. He’s a fraud who gives all Auditors a bad name.

I encourage you to contact Sun Chronicle reporter Stephen Peterson and ask him why he didn’t research this story fully. Also mention that he should cite Turtleboy Sports in any follow up article. You can email him here or visit their Facebook page.


28 Comment(s)
  • Silly pants
    October 24, 2019 at 10:30 am

    TB says: “Seriously, does anyone fact check anymore?”

    Did YOU fact check ages of the young westerly girls you had on your show, silly?

    October 22, 2019 at 11:49 pm

    Speaking of the first, some shit dick Dorchester hack wants to sign law over the word bitch. Imagine that, he wants you to do jail time over calling someone a bitch. Six months for calling someone a bitch but hey, larceny and drugs are less of a priority than calling someone a bitch. In Dorchester of all places lmfao, this shit really does write it self.

    I thought if you were a gangstar, gangstar, especially if you have been to jail & are from the hood and someone calls you a bitch. you’re supposed to slap the shit out of them? Not very thug Lyfe yo doggie dog of Dorchester!
    What’s this world coming too when even the hood gets soft.

    ratchet rollins trying to prosecute a bitch beef but wont do it for drugs and larceny. Yo, bitch, whutzzz youzz ins fa bitch! Calling someone a bitch. Aww bitch, come here & hold my pocket, bitch!
    Hahahahahahaha I’m done, I’m going to bed! This is way too much excitement for one night!!

    Look into it, he back pedaled onto his “constituents” What a coward bitch he is. Someone called him bitch his whole life & now hes taking it out on us. What a flake!

  • Journalism 101
    October 22, 2019 at 6:37 pm

    TB says Seriously, does anyone fact check anymore? Pot calling the kettle…

  • fresher news over at tex barry’s
    October 22, 2019 at 4:34 pm

    the sun comical ,blows like all of the rest of the political puffers of shitty news

  • I remember the Sun Chronicle
    October 22, 2019 at 4:20 pm

    We would wrap up whatever fish we caught in it.

  • randiguy2006
    Kiss already!!!!
    October 22, 2019 at 3:49 pm

    LOL. You are so jealous of this guy you cant stop posting about him.

    • Right?
      October 22, 2019 at 4:27 pm

      So much to be jealous of; jail time, court dates, known and well documented drug problems and a girl who prostituted herself, also well documented.

      I know I am putting away my NE #12 jersey and putting on a month old Puma shirt instead.

      Keep up the good work TB!

  • Judge dread
    October 22, 2019 at 3:09 pm

    ’They go around to make sure police departments and other agencies and their standards are holding up First Amendment rights,’ Grace said of Accountability For All.“

    What the fuck does that mean? The constitution is the law of the land, not their standards regarding the constitution.

  • Stunt Penis
    October 22, 2019 at 1:56 pm

    The Sun Chronicle wouldn’t know news if it hit them over the head with a brick. They’re a minuscule version of their former self, with their newspaper not even on par with “The Patch” these days in terms of content. They were sold a few years ago and axed most of their local reporters and staff, and have been attempting to change their subscription model. Like most newspapers, they’ll be out of business within 5 years, I predict, who needs them when you have Turtleboy?

  • MCG’s smoke detector batteries
    Trustworthy cops have nothing to hide from cameras
    October 22, 2019 at 1:18 pm

    This is fantastic. The police chiefs are finally beginning to understand that they work for the taxpayers.

    Enough of the civil rights violations where they dodge the cameras to hide their corruptive practices. Well done auditors. Well done Foxboro police

    • You Don’t Matter
      October 22, 2019 at 1:32 pm

      Shut the fuck up Josh. Get to the doctor before you die from whatever STD keatherface have your tiny dick

    • Russmo
      October 22, 2019 at 2:53 pm

      Please tell your mother I really love the way she sucked my balls last night

    • MCG’s smoke detector batteries
      October 22, 2019 at 4:21 pm

      Josh was live-streaming himself at the time that was posted. the kid must be a superhero to be able to respond simultaneously

      • Said Nobody
        October 22, 2019 at 4:43 pm

        Jeez Josh, you’re a crafty one. We all changed our opinion about you after that

    • itsjustme
      You have never paid taxes
      October 22, 2019 at 7:47 pm

      You have to actually pay taxes to be considered a taxpayer.

    October 22, 2019 at 12:51 pm

    Once your mother shit you out, I took one look at you and knew you were damaged goods.
    I had no choice but to abandon you on the spot.
    Please dont try to contact me because you are nothing but trouble and you turned out just like I suspected you would.
    You are a complete shitbag snd my instincts were spot on.

  • Yo Yo Yiggity Yo
    October 22, 2019 at 12:15 pm

    Not surprising for anyone who has had the misfortune of getting this joke of a newspaper on their doorstep. The Sun Comical hasn’t been taken seriously by area residents for years, and I highly doubt they care about the accuracy of their “reporting”.

  • Travis Rearick
    Juicin Jeremy is more interesting
    October 22, 2019 at 12:06 pm


  • Klancy
    October 22, 2019 at 11:57 am

    Foxboro Police DONT seem to phased. First they didn’t know who they were, then they did. Trying to save face, but I don’t think they give a fuck to be truthful. Let’s put it this way. Worcester is laughing their asses off at them.

  • WarWack
    October 22, 2019 at 11:57 am

    I want to see the humiliating porn from that horse-faced bag of stretchmarks HTTG. She is a doper, lost her kid, lives out of her car, been ostracized by her own family and whose own videos prove her to be a liar, thief and a coward. She has no shame. So what will running a train on some pipe hitting thugs or a donkey matter? She’d still show her face with cuck-bitchtits.

  • Bad Move Chief
    October 22, 2019 at 11:53 am

    An immediate vote of no confidence for the new chief from the police unions would show the new chief haw stupid this article in the paper is and his comment to them is absurd

    • Puppet Show
      October 22, 2019 at 3:22 pm

      Once again politics picking the police chief that will do all their bullshit and no let their cops be cops. Most police chiefs now are hand picked by politicians and are just puppets. I hope the Worcester chief has the balls to stand up for his officers. Fuck these trouble makers who harass those who are going to work everyday to protect us. We should start following these so called auditors around and film them. They wouldn’t mind us filming them leaving their kids in the car alone or doing drugs.

  • Debbie McCallister
    October 22, 2019 at 11:47 am

    Josh’s boobs looks like he nursed 10 babies. Get that man a very supportive bra! Also slam pig tow truck whore needs to invest in a night serum. WOOF!

  • Rico
    October 22, 2019 at 11:32 am

    TB should do a story on Josh’ mother who gave birth to him while working the old combat zone in Boston

  • Henry Hill
    October 22, 2019 at 11:28 am

    Why give any attention to this bald fat tub of shit who is going thru transgender surgery
    He will be able to save some money on the make over as he already has a set of big saggy tits

  • Nightmare On Scam Street
    October 22, 2019 at 11:26 am

    One of my channel commenters explained the AFA sub count. Josh has been banning people like crazy. They go on to make new accounts to see what’s going on. The original banned account stays in the sub count cos it’s still there. The new account adds another 1 to the sub count. So ban 1000 people and if only half of them the-sub you gain 500 subscribers.

    • itsjustme
      Keep up the good work
      October 22, 2019 at 7:40 pm

      Ironic because didn’t he just say to the cop in the Worcester video that he had over 100,000 subscribers and gets millions of views?

  • Christopher Lettiere
    October 22, 2019 at 11:12 am

    Sun Chronicle is getting torched (rightfully so) on their FB page!
    Excellent job, everyone.

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