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A turtle rider posted this last week on our Facebook page:
“Can Turtleboy investigate why both Ronnie’s Seafood and Ice Cream locations have multiple rock structures that look a hell of a lot like dicks? Lol like is it just me? No?”
So someone sent us these photos from the Ronnie’s in Charlton:
That cannot be a coincidence. I can understand if you have one rock formation in the shape of a penis. But two? And that one on the top even has the purple helmet and everything. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Someone obviously erected these on purpose. That looks way too hard for one person to do on their own. Poor Ronnie’s Seafood is getting the shaft and they don’t even know it. Pretty ballsy whoever did this. Rocks don’t just come together in the shape of a tuna torpedo like that on grass. They’re put there by teenagers on weed.
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Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Bennie’s Cafe, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors,, The Gun Parlor Range, Attorney Anthony Salerno, Harris Auto Body, Rotti Power Equipment in West Boylston
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9 Comment(s)
Ok I’ll admit it. The jig is UP. I modeled for the top left picture. It’s why my voice is so low and rock steady…
Never heard of what pre teens do at night? Who can condom the rocks…. And I’m not kidding. True Story
I know the owners and I used to work there. I discovered it one day while scooping ice cream and busted out laughing. We called them the cock rocks . I won’t say who put them there but I know who did 😉
No, this could be a great archaeological discovery. The stelae of Ron’s Seafood erected by some ancient megalithic culture that preferred to ingest mollusks!
The kids will be customizing it for sure, guaranteed.
So this is what the “Bone Ride” TBs do in between road trips
Betcha if you paint them black you’ll have old Clive McFarland sucking one within a half hour!
better than playing with weeds while high on rock.
Cant you just appreciate art? Barbarians. 🙂