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A year ago today (December 9) this happened somewhere on Vernon Hill:
Remember winter? I don’t, because we murdered it. Notice he hasn’t shown his face around here at all this year. Last year we were getting snow storms on Thanksgiving, and in early December cars were careening down Vernon Hill on black ice. Meanwhile it’s been nothing but sunshine and lollipops around the Woo and you almost forgot what month it is. November was such a pussy this year. I remember when Turtleboy used to fear November. Not anymore. What’s up now November? Not so tough any more are you? Now it’s December and this is what the 10 day forecast looks like:
Hey December – come at me bro!!! If you need me I’ll be outside doing yard work in shorts and a t-shirt. You won’t show up. You won’t…..
I don’t wanna turn this into a political thing either, but what’s up with global warming? One year we get pounded in the face with snow and black ice. The next year we’re barbecuing on Christmas. Isn’t this, I dunno, a natural thing? Ya know, some years it’s a bad winter and other years it’s not? Does everything have to be explained by politics and science? Can’t we all just admit that we are God’s chosen people in Massachusetts and sometimes he wants to test our faith by burying us in snow, while other times he wants to bestow amazing weather upon us, just to show us how much he loves us?
Fuck you winter. Get some!!
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2 Comment(s)
That video is from somewhere off of Lincoln St., not Vernon.
Why is the Thunderbuddy song from Ted stuck in my head now?