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Everyone’s been talking about the Jamie Collins trade to the Browns today. Came out of nowhere. Not gonna lie, Turtleboy is extremely disappointed. But at the same time we do not run a successful franchise that has won four Super Bowls and has a winning record every single year. There has to be some reason why we gave him up for a late third round draft pick from the Cleveland Browns. And according to Fox Sport’s Michael Lombari, there was one specific play that got his ass sent to Cleveland:
Collins on the second play of the game does whatever he wants and Bills gain 28 yards. Been happening all year. It was not going to continue
— Michael Lombardi (@mlombardiNFL) October 31, 2016
Here is it. Watch #91:
See, that’s the shit we don’t notice because we’re not Bill Belichick. He clearly was supposed to contain on the outside, but he tried sneaking inside and doing his own thing and as a result Gillisilee gained 28 yards. The Bills eventually got three points out of that drive, but if they weren’t the Bills they probably would’ve gotten seven. Sorry, I love what Collins has done, but I trust Bill Belichick 10 times out of 10. If he thinks he’s better off with a less talented player who follows directions then I absolutely 110% trust him. Team players only. Plus, we were gonna have to pay one of these young defensive players eventually and we can’t keep em all. You need a shutdown cornerback like Malcolm Butler, which means we were either keeping Donte Hightower or Jamie Collins. It was only a matter of time. Just feel like we could’ve gotten more.
The bottom line is, do you honestly think Bill Belichick is gonna do something like this halfway through the season if he thinks it’s gonna hurt our chances of winning the Super Bowl? Fuck no. Winning Super Bowls is what he does for a living. He knows what a champion looks like, and recently it doesn’t look like Collins. Trust Turtleboy – he has a plan. I’m guessing that plan is he’s about to unleash the Mingo all over these bitches. Keep in mind, we got Mingo FROM Cleveland, and it didn’t cost us a third round pick. They’re the same prototype of player. Mingo time.
Oh yea, and Belichick could’ve traded his ass to any team in the NFL for a third round pick. But he chose Cleveland. What a dick move. Not sure what Jamie Collins did to deserve that, but the lesson here is, don’t fuck with Bill Belichick. If you do he will trade you to an 0-8 team just to prove a point.
That face you make when you get traded to Cleveland. pic.twitter.com/TqVefKfaIX
— Cleveland Sports Talk (@CLEsportsTalk) October 31, 2016
Jamie Collins, our thoughts and prayers are with you on this somber day for you and your family.
— Cleveland Sports Talk (@CLEsportsTalk) October 31, 2016
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4 Comment(s)
The Pats have a good chance of a fifth Suoerbowl this year. They will do it as a TEAM. Collins wasn’t getting the message that there are eleven members on defense and all have to play their ass off each and every down.
I’m sure he has a nice TV to watch the Pats win out the season.
I love how he kamikazes himself into Hightower’s rushing lane, and Hightower has to scrape down the line to cover Collins’ ass, and he gets popped by the Tight End for doing so. Enjoy Cleveland!
An athletic LB who free-lances. It might work on some teams, not the Patriots. Too bad
Happens all the time. Unfortunately, most coaches don’t have the balls to cut players that won’t stick to the playbook. They’re more concerned with being a “players’ coach” than they are about the franchise actually winning. Way to go Bill…Turtleboy, you’re absolutely right on the money about why your team dominates.