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Turtleboy has seen one fisher cat in Worcester in his whole life. Those things are loud and scary, so we don’t mess around with them. But this week on the Facebook machine we’ve seen a lot of people sharing videos and pictures of fisher cats chillin in their backyards and stuff like that. But honestly, I had no clue what a fisher cat was capable of. Do they eat delicious children? How bout dogs? Who wins in a fight – a fisher cat or a coyote? Usually we just Youtube it to find out because you can find a video of any two animals fighting in Indonesia somewhere on Youtube.
So we looked into fisher cats and found out that these mamma-jammas don’t mess around. This video of a fisher cat hunting a squirrel on a tree is one of the most entertaining nature videos we’ve ever seen. Just be warned that if you’re rooting for the squirrel, you’re gonna have a bad time at the end:
That was awesome. The only thing it was missing was a soundtrack.
Those things are scary as hell. They’re fast, they can climb trees, and they use kamikaze tactics.
Seriously, how many times did that fisher cat fall off the tree and bounce back like it ain’t not thang? Some people might feel bad for the squirrel, but not Turtleboy. Squirrels are the dumbest animals on earth. It’s a miracle they haven’t become extinct. First of all, those bushy tails make them so easy to catch. Did they not hear about evolution? Secondly, these animals love living in cities, but they haven’t figured out how to not get hit by cars. Costanza had this same problem in Seinfeld. They run run into the road. They see you coming and look around. They act like they’re running to the sidewalk, then they stop on a dime and run right back into the road. Because apparently they want to die.
So I guess the moral of the story is that fisher cats are scary as hell and they would definitely eat Turtleboy Jr. for lunch. The less of these things we have the better.
Also found this video from 1995. Apparently this guy let his kid watch this happen. Same result.
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6 Comment(s)
One of those bastards broke in through the bulkhead, proceeded to crush all of the beer in the basement frig, screwed on the pool table, smoked all of the cigars in the humidor, ate every piece of food in the house, put a bunch of phone sex charges on my credit card, then shoved a full roll of toilet paper into the can, flooding out the basement. I chased him, but the tracks all ended at a bus stop. Damned Fisher Cat!
About 5 years ago I hear this screaming outside my bedroom window at 2 am. I head over to the front door and turn on the outside light and there it is sitting next to my wife’s car screaming. I shooed it away and went back to bed. Pretty crazy though.
My mom has outdoor cats. We got a fisher cat up in North Worcester near the Holden line and she still wouldn’t force the cats to stay inside. We lost our biggest cat. Mom is not a smart woman.
Fucking fisher cats. I have a couple around the house. Bastards are hard to find, even harder to kill. In 30 years here I have only killed one and tried many times. That one I shot right down the middle of my street, broad daylight, middle of a snowstorm. Good thing I have no neighbors, huh?
Come on TB. As a reporter, you need to check facts, There is no such thing as a fisher cat, it is a FISHER.
Where is Eddie? He usually eats these goddam things.