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World famous rapper 50 cent was in town this past weekend to promote Effen Vodka, and despite being on the tail end of an illustrious career, he was greeted by thousands of adoring fans. Some went so far as to sleeping over in the parking lot of Billy’s liquors in Abington (an otherwise anonymous run-of-the-mill packie), just so they could secure a spot at the beginning of the line to meet him. Other crazed fans literally broke down in tears of joy upon meeting their “idol” and “favorite all-time rapper”.
Some fans confessed to traveling several hours in hopes of meeting the G Unit star when they learned of the rapper’s scheduled appearance, and every single one that was interviewed unanimously fawned over Fitty, using terms like “obsessed”, “in love”, and one Brockton resident even proclaimed, “I love everything that he does” while fighting back tears.
From the Brockton Enterprise:
People were able to purchase a 750-ml bottle of the vodka for $26.99 or a case of six bottles for $150. Although everyone had their picture taken with the rapper, purchasing the case allowed fans to take a picture with 50 Cent on their personal phones.
“He was so nice, talking to us, smiling the whole time,” said Michelle Petrosevich, 25, of Rockland, after she got her bottle signed. “It was better than I expected.”
Oh, he was nice to you? Yea, funny how people will be nice to you when you’re paying $150 for some Vodka.
Look, I have absolutely nothing whatsoever against Fitty cent. He overcame a brutal childhood, his mother was murdered when he was 8, he went on to become one of the most successful rappers of all-time, he was extremely polite and congenial at this appearance — all the power to him. However, for a town like Brockton – that has unparalleled problems with gang violence, and drug and alcohol abuse – to get this excited to meet a former gang member/crack dealer that is here just to sell you his vodka, the irony runs pretty deep.
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16 Comment(s)
And once more, TB makes fun of poor white trash, and Spurts immediately makes it about race.
Everyone has a right to their opinion, but to me, the article is a spoof on who we tend to idolize as a society. People of all races were treating 50 cent as a hero and a savior, when in reality, he wasn’t there to help anyone’s life in any way, he is a former crack dealer/gang member that just wanted to sell his vodka. It would also be fair to assume that most of the fans there were from Brockton, only because Brockton is by far the most populated city in that area, ten times bigger than Abington.
Man, I read through this article a few times, and I fail to see how anything written could be misconstrued as “racist”. The author never even says anything degrading about 50 cent or anyone there. Why do certain people constantly seek out racial conflict where it does not exist?!
Yes, you’re right, you fail.
Well, from all of the news photos I’ve seen it looks as though an awful lot of white, suburban, middle-class folk came from all over to be in Abington for the event. Of course, that story won’t fan the flames of hatred you’re looking to cash in on, so you’ve presented this fiction instead. That’s the classic poop smooch TB game.
I look forward to the NWA movie review they’ll put together.
Once again, the only person making this about race is you… the racist.
Hahaha… I know, TB didn’t say “nigger” so there can’t be any racism woven into the fabric of this article, right? Thanks for speaking up on behalf of not-very-bright Turtlebots everywhere.
No Jeff, TB didn’t say that word. You seem to be the only one using it freely.
But we “turtlebots” are the racists. LOGIC.
Imagine that, Old Balls Baldino commenting on the race and socioeconomic status of customers instead of the story itself. Whats wrong Carlo? The Senior Short Bus doesnt go to Abington?
“…you’ve presented this fiction instead.” Which part is fiction? The part about 50 being at the tail end of his career or the DIRECT QUOTE from the newspaper? The World famous part? The fact 50 is actually a pretty nice guy in person? Did you sit on your balls again when Joyce came home for her lunch our to feed you your oatmeal so now you are all grumopy? Your troll game is getting weak Carlo. It must be past your mid-afternoon nappy time. You know how you get crabby when you miss your 2nd nap of the day. Dont worry though, Joyce has a meeting to go to tonight so you will get your meds early before she leaves. Sweet dreams Old Balls.
Which part is fiction? Gosh, your comprehension skills suck. The part about this being all about Brockton is the fictional part, asswipe. The event took place in Abington. The only direct quote from the real newspaper article is from a 25-year-old woman from Rockland, who, with a name like Michelle Petrosevich, is most assuredly white, and undoubtedly far more representative of the demographic that actually attended this event than are the three gentleman in the photo with the Brockton caption that TB saw fit to attach to the article as a dog whistle.
Yeah Michelle’s are always white. Ask the First Lady, she’ll co-sign.
As much as I hate to agree with that race baiting shit stick, he meant the “Petrosevich” part.
Yeah, I got that.
50 Cent and Matt Light should have a vodka challenge.
And get Sammy Hagar in there with some tequila.