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Tiger Woods is finally back in a major tournament after missing the first two of 2014, and he brought some anger with him. During the first round of the British Open at Royal Liverpool on Thursday, Tiger stopped himself mid-swing and yelled “Jesus Christ!” at some photographers for taking some pictures at the wrong time:
If there’s any doubt whether golf is or is not a sport this confirms it right? What kind of athlete stops his performance because he heard the click of someone taking a picture? This is real life? People actually watch this and enjoy it? People are supposed to take this seriously?
Guess what? In real sports people taking your picture is the least of your problems. Imagine Tiger Woods playing in front of Jets or Bills fans? How would that end up? If he can’t handle the click of a camera then how would he deal with not being being able to communicate a play with his teammates in the huddle because it’s too loud? How would he deal with people yelling, “Remember when your ex wife kicked the shit out of you because you stuck your Johnson in everything that walked?”
Real athletes who play real sports are so remarkable partly because they deal with shit like on the regular. The ability to be able to filter out all the distractions in a hostile environment is something that the great ones all possessed. Michael Jordan couldn’t wait to send you child home crying after ripping his guts out with a game winning shot on the road.
The bottom line is that golf is a joke because of the quiet factor. At real sports games you yell whatever you want. If you can’t get drunk and yell obscene things at the people you’re paying to watch, then you’re watching the ballet. Or golf.
P.S. All I can think of when I hear Tiger Woods say “Jesus Christ” is this:
Jesus Christ!!
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1 Comment(s)
In the name of Jesus Christ, please SAVE TIGER WOODS!