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We haven’t talked much about Tom Brady being suspended again for four games because there’s really not much to say that hasn’t already been said. Roger Goodell is an egotistical chucklefucker. And there’s not much anyone can do about it. Even though Tom Brady literally did nothing wrong, and even the biggest Patriots haters admit that he is getting fucked over hard, Goodell won’t rest until he kills the guy who brought more revenue to his league than any other player. So the only recourse the people have is to fuck with his Wikipedia page:
It’s a small victory, but it’s a victory nonetheless. Roger Goodell isn’t human. If he dies then no one will cry for him. He’s worse than a child molester and there is a special place in hell just for him.
Anyway, I blame the Kraft’s. Are Patriots fans ever gonna get off Bob Kraft’s junk? What has this guy ever done for you? Ya know why he’s won four Super Bowls? Because of Tom Brady. Without Brady the Kraft family is shit. They’re just another NFL franchise that never won anything. Now that Brady is once again being suspended and Goodell is doing his victory lap, where are the Krafts? What are they doing about this? The man who made them who they are (TB) is being sacrificed by this asshole and they’re just gonna sit there and take it? Pussies. Sell outs.
Fuck each and every fan boy out there who continues to call him “Mr. Kraft” like he’s your 8th grade chemistry teacher. He hasn’t earned the title. Tom Brady has. He’s one of the owners who hired Goodell. He pushed to keep him on despite Goodell’s complete mishandling of several domestic violence incidents with players. He initially took the suspension. He forfeited tonight’s first round draft pick. And all these Jerry Thornton fan boys continue to heap praise on him. Fuck Bob Kraft, fuck Roger Goodell, and free Tom Brady.
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12 Comment(s)
That was me. Taz was still sleeping.
Oooops forgot my man Taz again. That was me.
It was all a ploy to save Belichick’s ass. If he got tied into this somehow he would be out of football at least one whole season if not more. Politics, trickery and deception at it’s finest.
I didn’t want to admit I knew what NAMBLA ment.
Your being a little rough on Kraft. His money,along with some of ours if I remember,built Gillette Stadium. Don’t you remember the old piece of shit Schafer stadium? His cash built the teams we’ve all loved throughout the years.
Goodell is a piece of shit. He reminds me of a politician. A lier and corrupt.
Gillette stadium was privately funded, no public money; not sure if the NFL chips in on stadiums. Most of the money was Kraft and his friends.
Nobody pointed out the “CEO of NAMBLA” part?!?!
That shit is CLASSIC.
Coming to the podium, for the first selection: Commissioner Hamsterbum!
First 4 games – ARZ MIA HOU and BUF.
Only team in our first 4 that concerns me (IF we dont have Brady) is Arizona. They are a well balanced team with a solid D (at least they were last yr).
Houston Phins and Buffaswallow? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
That’s okay, because when the collective bargaining agreement expires, we won’t be seeing football for quite sometime.
Afuckinmen (Free Mr. Tom Brady)