Turtle Rider Has Raised Over $12K For Decorated Marine Who Was Attacked By Black Lives Matter Punks That The Media Refuses To Cover

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So we were waiting to blog on this story at first because we didn’t wanna fall for it if it was a scam. The story and its lack of coverage was just too unbelievable to initially take at face value. A decorated American Marine named Christopher Marquez, whose life saving actions during the Iraq War are commemorated with a statue, was viciously beaten at a Washington D.C. McDonald’s by a group of black lives matter punks.



We heard this story several days ago when it was first reported by the far right Daily Caller. At that point no tapes were released and none of the major news outlets (NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC) had reported on it. We didn’t wanna fall for some far-right propaganda that turned out to be a hoax. It just seemed unfathomable that no one considered this newsworthy except for the Daily Caller. Here’s what happened according to their story:

A former Marine became the target of an alleged assault in a McDonald’s Friday night, as a crowd of youths cornered him and demanded he answer the question, “do you believe black lives matter?” Before knocking him unconscious and robbing him.

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Christopher Marquez, a veteran of Iraq and recipient of the Bronze Star for valor, said he was dining at a McDonald’s in northwest D.C. when a group of black teenagers came up to him and allegedly began harassing him about the black lives matter movement. Marquez ignored them which prompted calls and shouts that he was a racist.

Marquez left the establishment after eating, but allegedly sustained a sudden blow to the back of his head outside the McDonald’s, which knocked him unconscious. When he woke up, his pants were ripped and wallet gone, which contained $400 in cash, three credit cards, his VA medical card, school identification, metro card and driver’s license.

“I remember this group of teens harassing me while I was eating, they surrounded my table and kept on asking me ‘Do you believe black lives matter,’” Marquez told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Then they started calling me a racist. I can’t recall if they were saying anything else to me at this moment because the blow to my head really screwed up my memory.”

DeAnthony Mason, manager of the McDonald’s, reviewed security footage and told Marquez in a phone call Saturday that when he left the restaurant a teen with a white shirt struck him on the side of the head, knocking him unconscious. The other teens then converged on his incapacitated body, taking his belongings. The head blow Marquez sustained left his memory dazed, but Mason’s review of security footage helped him piece together what occurred.

Upon regaining consciousness, Marquez found a cab driver willing to drive him to his apartment across from American University, where he attends school. Workers in the lobby called the police on his behalf, who took him to George Washington Hospital where he was evaluated for several hours. Medical documents obtained by TheDCNF show Marquez was treated for head trauma and an eye contusion.

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Credit card transactions reviewed by TheDCNF reveal that the assailants charged over $115 on his various credit cards at a liquor store, Five Guys and Walmart. Mason, the McDonald’s store manager told Marquez that police have been looking for the group of teens for a previous incident.

“I believe this was a hate crime and I was targeted because of my skin color,” Marquez told TheDCNF. “Too many of these types of attacks have been happening against white people by members of the black community and the majority of the main stream media refuses to report on it.”

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That story in insane. And I’m sorry, when I first read it I was skeptical. As you know, we think the whole black lives matter thing is just a ruse for assholes who really mean “fuck the police.” So this would obviously be the perfect story to discredit what they’re all about. It just seemed like it was click bait for right wingers.

But it turns out it was all true. Here’s the video of what happened:

Disgusting. It was exactly like he said it was. They were harassing him inside the McDonald’s and when he didn’t say the phrase “black lives matter” he was punished by getting knocked out and robbed. I guess it’s not surprising really, this entire movement centered around the killing of Michael Brown, who had just robbed and assaulted a convenience store clerk.

Meanwhile this former marine served his country and put his life on the line so that people like these teenagers can be free. It’s disgraceful that this can happen to a veteran in the United States of America and it is ignored by CNN, ABC, NBC, the Department of Justice, and the President himself.

Tattoos Massachusetts

I’m just so disgusted with the Department of Justice in particular. This is the definition of a hate crime. A man with light skin color was attacked in a city in which he is a minority, simply because he didn’t pledge allegiance to a hate group that blocks highways and chants “death to cops.”

And where is Loretta Lynch to investigate this? This is the same DOJ that came to Goddamn WORCESTER MASSACHUSETTS this summer because people were butthurt about a blog. The same DOJ that went to Ferguson with the sole intention of writing a report that painted the entire police department as racist. The same DOJ that has pushed for the prosecution of six police officers in Baltimore who chased a repeat offender down and threw him in a paddywagon (if you wanna prosecute the driver it’s one thing, but the fact that 5 other cops are taking the fall for Freddie Gray is a joke). This is the same DOJ that announced that they will prosecute anyone who uses “Islamophobic” hate speech.

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And yet these FRAUDS are nowhere for this one, despite the fact that the DOJ headquarters are literally right down the street from where this racial attack took place. Because it doesn’t fit their radical, bullshit, anti-police agenda. When idiots like Nate Pickens say that only white people are capable of racism, this isn’t some fringe opinion. This is clearly an ideology that the President and his Attorney General have embraced.

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Meanwhile if you Google, “Chris Marquez CNN” you will see that they have not written or broadcasted about this. When Turtleboy goes to planet fitness one of the default channels is CNN. I can tell you from experience that this network had some of the most ground-breaking round the clock coverage of all things Freddie Gray and Eric Garner. I guess their lives matter more than a decorated marine.

The Washington Post covered the story, but only because it happened in Washington D.C. Of course the Washington Post is a trash newspaper so they had to throw this in there as well:

Christopher Andrew Marquez — who attends American University and ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 2014 in California — said in an interview that the attack occurred after several black youths asked him whether “black lives matter” and then called him racist.

See what they did right there? They told you that he ran for Congress in 2014 in California and he lost. Think about that for a second. California is a very liberal state, so the average reader would assume if he lost the election it’s because he’s a far right conservative. Plus he served in the armed forces, which is an overwhelmingly conservative entity. This is why the Washington Post PURPOSELY failed to point out that he ran in 2014……as a democratHe’s more of a Scott Brown democrat, in that he’s liberal on issues such as immigration, but conservative on issues such as Obamacare. The district he was running in is rural and conservative so he got his ass kicked. Probably because this was his official platform on the economy:

“The best way to improve our economy is to get Americans back to work.”

With one-liners like that this guy could be running Marco Rubio’s campaign.

Naturally the Washington Post regulars were basically calling him a liar because nowhere on the tape do you hear audio of him being asked if black lives matter:

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So let me get this straight. Chris Marquez got his ass kicked, then woke up after being knocked out, and the first thing he thought was, “What a great opportunity for me to create a false narrative in order to further my anti-black agenda.” Yea, that’s what happened.

Gotta love how he says that it’s unfair to pin this on BLM. Yet people have no problem labeling police all across America as racist because of the actions (most of which were justified) of a few. Either way, black lives matter is a ragtag group that anyone can join by simply saying those three words in order. There is no organization or elected leadership or anything like that. There is no membership card. So we can definitely pin this “street robbery” on black lives matter, because according to the victim, that’s what this was all about.


Anyway, in more positive news, when you Google “Christopher Marquez” this GoFundMe comes up on page one. And I’m proud to say that it was started by one of the more outspoken turtle riders on the Facebook machine, named Danny Amoruccio – AKA Tracy Novick’s worst nightmare. As a turtle rider Danny knows that Turtleboy can be very skeptical of GoFundMe’s. That’s why he took every precaution to let people know that this is legit:

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He wanted to raise $400. Now look how much he’s raised in just three days:

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That’s insane. I couldn’t be prouder to say that even though Turtleboy has never personally met Danny A, the Turtleboy familly still feels incredibly proud to say that he’s one of us. This is the type of person that reads Turtleboy. A kind hearted, productive member of society who wants to help veterans and hates Tracy Novick.

Like we’ve said from the beginning, of course black lives matter. But these shitstains don’t. They have no shot in life. They will only do harm to society and will never contribute a thing. There is no hope for them because they are too old. The only hope for society is that they are locked up and incarcerated until they die. But we can’t do that because we’ve been told that it’s racist to incarcerate too many people. Ya know, school to prison pipeline and all. But the more stuff like this comes out the more people realize that black lives matter has been nothing but a violent hate group since day one. Their goal is to excuse lawless, violent behavior and pin all of society’s ills on the police. But stuff like this can cause them to lose the hearts and minds of average Americans, and thus the mainstream media is trying to cover it up because they don’t want Trump to become the next President.

We don’t believe it really matters who the President of the United States is, but one thing they certainly do is set the tone. And ever since President Obama said that the “Cambridge police acted stupidly” because they arrested his asshole friend in 2009, the tone was set that police cannot be trusted and any jamoke who screams “racism” will be taken seriously.


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Tattoos Massachusetts

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19 Comment(s)
  • BobnMic
    February 21, 2016 at 1:19 am

    *curtail and/or stop this movement (sorry)

    • BobnMic
      February 21, 2016 at 1:41 am

      From the

      “Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It is an affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.”

      Ok the word “Demise” can have a few meanings but the phrase “deadly oppression” kind of narrows it down. Demise = death in this BLM mission statement. A reasonable person would conclude that this stretch of the imagination and reality. BLM is alleging genocide.

      Come on people. Like the United Stated of America is about to embark on a crusade to exterminate a particular race of people? You use the word systematically in you mission statement so I assume you are talking about the government in particular law enforcement. Come on.

      Bottom line BLM is that your act is getting old and criminals go to jail regardless of the color of their skin. And your skin happens to black? You get no pardons so give it up already.

      We’re all in this together.

      • BobnMic
        February 21, 2016 at 1:51 am

        Maybe another Million Man March of Atonement on Washington DC may be a way to get the very few radicals back on board with America. Or a Serious change In the Oval Office.

  • BobnMic
    February 21, 2016 at 1:16 am

    Enough is enough already. When is the government going to step up and either curtail and totally stop this movement that has risen to lawlessness and attacks on innocent citizens let alone a hero that served in our Armed Forces? Oh that’s right my bad – this administration could give a flying fuck and gives these criminals a mulligan on shit like this. This type leadership = Chaos.

    The democrats have lost control. If you don’t vote for change with regard to this and many other fuckups then are you part of the problem and not the solution.

  • Wwy
    February 21, 2016 at 12:22 am

    Never knew there were Iraq war heroes,never ever did Iraq pose a threat to America. That war was for Israel they should be donating,they love using American soldiers as human shields. Obviously the man didn’t deserve this but let’s not put a bow on the Iraqi holocaust.

  • pat
    February 20, 2016 at 7:23 pm

    its like trying to say marlo chris and snoop was part of blm.

  • pat
    February 20, 2016 at 7:22 pm

    i dont get how you turtleboy puts this on the black lives, just looks like some young black punks robbing a dude who was dress kinda nice. isnt dc like 75 percent black people.

  • Rational Person
    February 20, 2016 at 6:48 pm

    It’s unfortunate that the most eloquent voice of reason, Skeptical, has quit commenting on this blog. I miss his/her perspective.

  • Chris From Georgia
    February 20, 2016 at 5:38 pm

    The story was on Fox the other day. Makes my blood boil just thinking of those subhuman animals who attacked him.

  • juror seven
    February 20, 2016 at 3:10 pm

    Just wondering if that police officer that was shot point blank in Philadelphia by that Islamist terrorist is doing okay? Another case of denial by the great liberal establishment.

  • Michael brown from hell
    February 20, 2016 at 3:00 pm

    Good job my niggas,respect for everything you do in my name.

  • Rational Person
    February 20, 2016 at 2:52 pm

    Oh, come on. Do you honestly believe those little thugs were BLM activists? I don’t. I think they’re just a bunch of punks who wanted to rob somebody and they were all pumped up and used the BLM slogan as an excuse.

    I have a lot of misgivings about the BLM movement and I think Nate Pickens is a racist little opportunistic puke but I think we can expect more of these kinds of attacks as more bad guys co-opt “BLM” to use in their crimes.

  • Kimmie
    February 20, 2016 at 2:31 pm

    Dan A you have a good heart for doing this! When you take your train ride to deliver this to him, please thank him for his service! Maybe we could start a post on the TB Facebook page and we could enter our own KIND words and you could share them with him? Our Vets are coming home from that middle east shit hole and and are not given the standard of care and respect they so deserve! Job Well Done!!

    • Keir Darcey
      February 20, 2016 at 8:24 pm

      Don’t, “Thank you for your service.” Ask him what his job was, where he’s served, where’s his hometown, what he did before he joined. The “Thank you for your service” line is just ends your conversation with a bonafide bad ass. I still sometimes meet WWII vets on occasion. I clear my schedule just to shut up and listen to their stories for an hour. I’ve heard some humble people open up about terror filled moments with wry humor. It is almost always memorable. Ask questions, please.

      • Kimmie
        February 20, 2016 at 11:48 pm

        I didn’t even think the “thank you for service” had become so cliche, but now that you bring it up, it does make sense. It is overused lip service. but I do have a lot of respect and compassion for our Veterans & their families. My father in law was a WWII vet.

  • Sam Burnside
    February 20, 2016 at 2:08 pm

    Uggh. Tracy Novick…THAT BITCH!

    • Danny A
      February 22, 2016 at 12:09 am


  • Publius
    February 20, 2016 at 1:50 pm

    The media really seems to be covering up. Until the video is watched it is impossible to ascertain race of the thugs since mots of the media refuses to report it. And it is very very relevant.

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