Turtleboy’s Emergency Plan For Worcester Summer Of Love 2015

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So literally an hour after we broke the story about the home invasion where two people were shot on Flagg Street, the Worcester Police Department Facebook page issued a post about what really happened:

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What the hell is going on here? The Worcester Summer of Love 2015 clearly doesn’t respect geographic boundaries. And in true Worcester fashion, no one died, even though both victims were shot point blank. Also saw this sign on Salisbury Street the other day too:


AKA, “I surrender.” I’ve seen a handful of houses with the fantastic combination of Joe Petty and “for sale” signs. Shocking.

I don’t wanna jump to any conclusions or anything, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that this home invasion was not a random act of violence. It’s not like these guys were on their way home from church when they got shot. Not that anyone deserves to get shot, but at least little old ladies aren’t having their homes invaded. In other words, at least we’re not Brockton. Yet.

I think we can all agree that the real victim here was the dog. I mean, what the fuck dude? You’re shooting fucking dogs now? What kind of asshole shoots a dog. You wanna shoot these kids because you have a beef with them? Can’t say I condone that, but at least they were able to defend themselves. What the fuck is a dog gonna do? What did the dog do wrong? There’s a special place in hell for these ding-dongs.

Besides that everything Chief Gemme said was spot on. That video of those idiots harassing the Gang Squad outside of Tedeschi’s said it all. Those guys were grown ass men and they were still dressing like they were extras in a Coolio video from 1994. They were like, 38 years old, which is about 65 in Kilby years, and they were still trying to keep it real. You think those guys were giving up names? Nope. You think Jordan Berg-Powers and crew are gonna cooperate with the police? Nope. The hippies are too busy holding “don’t cooperate with the police” rallies.

And once again, this all comes back to the hippies and their anti-police nonsense. They’ve created an atmosphere where the police can’t do the job we pay them to do because they don’t wanna be the next star of Cop Block. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Brockton Turtleboy is gonna be writing a story shortly on these guys:


These dudes are called the Guardian Angels, and they’re basically an illegal vigilante group that goes around kicking the shit out of drug dealers. I think it’s time to deputize Bret Killoran as head of the Worcester chapter of the Guardian Angels and let him pick his crew of enforcers. Ya know who’s gonna fuck with this guy?

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Nobody. Boom. Problem solved.

P.S. It’s time for another Turtleboy ride along with the WPD. And what better time than the summer of love? Tomorrow night we’ll be doing it. Blog coming Friday.

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11 Comment(s)
  • Turtle Bro
    July 23, 2015 at 12:12 pm

    There have been a number of break in’s and robberies in the Flagg St. School area this summer. This isn’t an isolated incident on the west side. A personal friend was robbed while he was in the house. Luckily there was no confrontational incident. I don’t know the victims, but I wouldn’t assume the worst of their characters this summer.

  • GoWPD
    July 23, 2015 at 9:18 am

    The good part, is that we are not dealing with hardened criminals who are not afraid to go to jail. Mostly every thug in Worcester screams ride or die, till the cuffs are on. Then they call mommy or their baby mama, to come bail them out. Cut to some toothless wonder in house slippers, shuffling down to the police station to bail her baby out. Put pressure on these mini known felons. Do sweeps, and when thats done, do more sweeps. What’s the probable cause? Oh, about 200 shootings within 5 months.

  • MS
    July 23, 2015 at 8:41 am

    Story stinks to high heaven. It is also very strange this did not make the paper or anything else until it was mentioned here

  • Savvybear Turtleneck
    July 23, 2015 at 8:18 am

    I’m on team Bret

  • Chris From Georgia
    July 23, 2015 at 8:11 am

    Another reason why I’m glad to have moved out of Worcester!! The Good People of Worcester deserve far better.

  • Larry Mondello
    July 23, 2015 at 7:51 am

    Here’s another meandering thought. In 1794 Washington sent an army to put down the Wiskey Rebellion. Imagine if Obama did an an about face and brought in the 82nd Airborne to kick gangbanger ass on Kilby and other areas. Ain’t never gonna happen though, just a random thought over morning coffee.

  • Frogshit
    July 23, 2015 at 7:19 am

    Bottom line… Shit’s gotta’ stop.

  • Dave
    July 23, 2015 at 6:12 am

    Here’s a thought-brother #1 is angry and arguing with brother #2, #3 or both. Perhaps over the dog. He gets heated and shoots the dog while it’s near the couch, then #2. #3 fights for the gun, gets shot. They whip up the “”intruders” to cover it up. They are brothers. Who goes out for fresh air at 1 am in the middle of the week down the stairs and on the porch? Why didn’t he get shot? Just an alternate meandering thought. just seems a little fishy.

  • WA Nut
    July 22, 2015 at 11:32 pm

    I just want to know, was the “family dog” a pit bull?

    • WA Nut
      July 22, 2015 at 11:44 pm

      To clarify – It could be that the victims were just that – victims. Punks try to break in to first floor apt; see guy outside and then force him into his second floor apt. Maybe nothing dicey was going on in either apt. Maybe nothing was going on in the second floor, but they had the misfortune of living above an apt where something sketchy is (or was – ie: previous tenant) going on.

      However, to quote Howie Carr, “Not all pit bull owners are drug dealers, but all drug dealers are pit bull owners.”

  • handburner
    July 22, 2015 at 10:49 pm

    I’m all for new solutions but as much as I hate gangsters, I don’t think middle-aged guys in sweatpants and berets – unarmed, by the way – will scare the friendly neighborhood dealer. I believe Brockton had these guys come in some years ago, so hopefully my guess is way wrong and someone from Brockton can convince us this worked. The blood is on the hands of the court system, anyhow. Any legitimate crew of fearless men you bring in – the DEA, National Guard, Hell’s Angels, Dalton from Road House, Brock Lesnar, the Florida State football team – will scare these baby gangsters, but until judges find ways to lock them up for a long time, they’ll just scatter to another fucked up city within a short drive, recruit and come back to town. Put the pill-poppers in rehab and make room in big-boy prisons for the gangstas.

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