Contrary to popular SJW belief, it is not a hate crime to drive around a college campus with a flag supporting the winning candidate for President.
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Boston Herald: Two Babson College students accused of racist, homophobic slurs while celebrating Donald Trump’s victory at Wellesley College were cleared of the most grievous allegations against them in a campus police probe that Babson refuses to release, school officials told the lawyer representing one student. In the letter obtained by the Herald, attorney Jeffrey Robbins — who represents accused Babson student Parker Rand-Ricciardi — tells Babson lawyers he is “gravely concerned” about the way the college has handled its disciplinary probe into the incident, which set off a social media firestorm.
The pair were accused of everything from spitting at Wellesley students to hurling racial epithets in front of a building where black students had gathered on Nov. 9, the day after Trump defeated Wellesley alumna Hillary Clinton in the presidential election. Edward Tomasso, the other accused student, later apologized on Facebook and asked people to stop sending him death threats. The two had not been charged with any crime.
Robbins, a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter and occasional Herald columnist, writes in his Dec. 5 letter that Babson’s dean of community standards, Colleen Ryan, is pursuing charges of disorderly conduct and harassment against Rand-Ricciardi despite public safety probes by Babson and Wellesley not corroborating key allegations against him.
“(Ryan) informed me that the public safety investigations conducted by Babson College and Wellesley College had been completed, that they ‘did not corroborate claims of homophobic comments or racial epithets,’ but that she was not ‘satisfied’ with the investigation and was seeking to re-open it,” Robbins writes.
So…..what laws were broken here? Two guys are happy their candidate won. They get in their pickup truck, drive around with a flag supporting their candidate, rub it in the faces of the obnoxious SJW’s who supported the losing candidate, and now it’s a hate crime? Why? Because the losers hated it? Makes sense.
The most egregious part about this is that these two were suspended from school despite no evidence of wrongdoing. Just a couple claims from some whiny SJW’s that they said something homophobic and racist. A month later the thorough investigation reveals that they didn’t actually do any of these things. Who didn’t see that one coming? Pretty much every single one of these Trump inspired “hate crimes” has turned out to be a hoax.
Here’s where these two ding-dongs fucked up – they tried to apologize:
Rule #1 – never apologize to social justice warriors. It’s pointless. No matter what you say they will turn it against you. They will not accept your apology because they have zero interest in getting along with you or finding common ground. The only thing they want is your head. They cannot be negotiated or reasoned with. This is why Turtleboy Sports exists – to declare cyber war on these people. It’s the only civilized way to deal with them. Here’s how their apologies went over:
Driving around with a Trump flag is now a premeditated hate crime? Of course it is.
“You will live with this shame forever.” Imagine Trump turns out to be a really good President? What a shame that would be.
Oh wait, you mean his lawyer knew that an angry mob of SJW’s would leave threatening messages and prove to the world who the real assholes are? And then you did exactly what the lawyer hoped you would do? Yup, that’s his fault. Definitely.
There are segregated dorms at Wellesley College, but the kid with the flag is the racist one? OK.
“As the mother of a Wellesley student.” Stop right there. Translation – “as a rich white woman who can afford to send her kid to a predominantly white, extremely expensive private school, I am offended by your flag and demand you write a check to the ACLU.”
These two idiots are young and stupid. They don’t know any better. They haven’t been battling these kind of assholes for nearly as long as the rest of us. They tried to kiss their asses by calling themselves, “insensitive.” They acknowledged their “white privilege.” They even legitimized the “grieving” and “hurt” that grown adults couldn’t get over because their candidate lost an election.
But none of that was enough. Because it’s never enough.
Anyway, they’ve basically been exonerated and their only “crime” was driving around with a Trump flag. No laws were broken. No hate crimes happened. They’ve apologized for hurting people’s feelings with their lawful expression of free speech. And yet they’re still suspended from the school. This is why Trump won in the first place.
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14 Comment(s)
Well,Babson college,would ya?
Trump should have these two young Americans to the White House for dinner. Heck if Obama can have the moms of kids who pointed guns at cops there and the parents parents of military deserters there our side can have decent students that love their country over for dinner.
Couple of kids having some youthful fun. As usual, the bummers intervene to squash their fun. Bottom line, they broke the PC rules for this situation.
I read all of these blogs you write and think to myself…WHAT F$%KING PLANET AM I ON?!?!
That’s ok J.F. Lot’s of special needs folks get confused from time to time. They say that masturbation is a great way to relieve stress… So, why don’t you go fuck yourself, and calm down. Then maybe you won’t be so confused anymore!! Sound like a plan there, snowflake?
You’re call me a snowflake?…guess my comment wasn’t clear .I’m on these kid side..these people calling these 2 racists is fucking ridicules! Fucking SJW..can’t stand them…So stand down tough guy…I think we’re of the same opinion.
You are correct… I did take that the wrong way. I apologize. I accept full responsibility, but not the blame… 😉
Thanks Duke…let blame it on these liberal hippy pukes that are offended by EVERYTHING!!! It makes me crazy..the comments these people make..Between these 2 kids that did nothing, the poor lady that owes the antique store with the non “swastika”..god we’re fucked! I want to kick these people right in there safe space! Long live Turtle Boy for exposing these whiny bitches!
Of course some of the SJW names are Dolio, Tchad and Chet. Of fucking course.
Suspended?? WTH????
What about defamation of character??
These schools may very well have to pay large sums to these two. As is often the case on campus a rush to convict is often accompanied by large payouts to the accused.
Rule #1 is “Never Apologize to an SJW”. I need that on a T-shirt.
That is surely a good way to lose. Rule # 2, the most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia” – but only slightly less well-known is this: Rule # 3 “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”!… I follow these rules… and therefore win… Here is a letter and a rosewood engraved pen I found:
Worcester Telegram & Gazette
Dear Mr. Larson,
July 2, 2012
Your letter to The People’s Forum has been selected as the Letter of the Week.
Your engraved rosewood Telegram & Gazette Letter of the Week pen is enclosed. We hope you enjoy it.
Chris Sinacola
Editor of the Editorial Pages
Of course now the T&G is just an apologist for the undemocratic Democratic Party!
Paul Larson
I do love ‘The Princess Bride’ 🙂