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Protests and demands still all the rage these days on college campuses. Any reason will do really. And at UMass Amherst this week they chose to go after the Commonwealth Honors College, because only 5% of the students in that particular college are black. Just so you have some background, the Honors College is in a newly developed part of campus with really nice dorms.
To get in you have to have insanely good grades. Basically it gets top notch students to come to UMass instead of wasting their money going to places like BU. Here’s why this became the focus of the latest hippie campus protest:
The rally began at the center of the Commonwealth Honors College area with organizers and honors students commenting on the severe lack of diversity and racial sensitivity within the honors college. Many of the organizers, who themselves are honors students, were vocal about their feelings of isolation while living in the area. Noel spoke of his time living in both Oak and Birch Halls. He recounted a story of being called a racial slur by another student while onlookers laughed.
“CHC has an issue with diversity,” Noel said. He continued by saying that less than 25 of the 500 students living in Oak and Sycamore – the two freshman dorms in the honors college – are black.
“Where are my black scholars?” another protester said.
The walkout, which took place outside of Roots Café, featured other speakers who shared stories of racial inequality and a lack of diversity on campus. The issue of racism on the campus was framed as stemming from the lack of diversity. After speakers had a chance to share their experiences, the organizers of the event began to change locations. The crowd, which was comprised of students of many races, joined in chants of “If we don’t get no justice, we don’t get no peace,” and other calls for action.
The group walked through the Honors College, as students watched intently from their windows. From there, Tchouanguem, a policy advocator for Student Bridges, led the group with a megaphone in hand toward the W.E.B. DuBois Library. The group gathered in the lobby and marched through the ground floor repeating their calls for action. The walkout continued to the Student Union Building and the Campus Center before making its final stop at the Whitmore Administration Building, home of the Chancellor’s office.
Stacy Tchouanguem, who took the lead in speaking to Kennedy along with Zareb Noel, said little progress has been made since she arrived on campus four years ago and demanded an immediate outline of steps the University has taken to increase diversity and transparency between administration and minorities on campus.
The Chancellor also admitted the University has fallen behind in certain areas and issued two immediate plans of action. The first was the immediate allocation of funds to both graduate and undergraduate student government organizations to allow for funding of organizations that promote diversity, while the second implemented an initiative as part of the University of Massachusetts Amherst Diversity Strategic Plan, to monitor the progress of diversity efforts undertaken by UMass.
Demands. Marches through libraries. Alleged anecdotes of 60’s style racism that are taken as fact. All these things are so hot on college campuses across America. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – colleges did this to themselves by giving into these whiny naninburgers. What we need are college presidents who tell these entitled, privileged, whiny little babies the truth – if you think we’re racist monsters here, go somewhere else. See ya later.
But instead they kiss their asses and form “diversity strategic plans” and start funneling more money into organizations that “promote diversity” – whatever that means.
Look, diversity is a great thing. I’m a product of the Worcester Public Schools and I genuinely think exposure to diversity helps shape your world perspective. But the Honor’s College isn’t 5% black because their admissions process is racist. It’s 5% black because those were the only students of color who met their rigorous requirements for admittance. What are they supposed to do? Lower their standards for students of color so more can get in? Isn’t it even more racist to tell black students that you’re lowering the bar for them in order to increase diversity?
Oh yea, and did I mention that 5% of the entire student body at UMass is black? Which means the Honor’s College’s black population is exactly proportional to the rest of the campus.
But then again, these are facts. And facts are stupid things that get in the way of a good protest. Now give me the megaphone and sign my list of demands or I’m gonna march through the library and make sure you can’t study!!!
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29 Comment(s)
All you fucks are narrowminded. All turtlefucks bitching about PC and it resonates with people? If you don’t understand the advantages whites are given over blacks. You’re probably racist. These generations of racist shit bags will all die off in a few decades and maybe this world will finally move forward.
The perception that certain groups get preferential admission based on race means their diploma comes with an . asterisk. Sadly even if it was achievement.
Hey people of color, I lived with affirmative action and that was Bullshit. Here’s how it works if you don’t have the grades You Don’t get in. If you had the grades and were purple with green dots you get in. We don’t lower the standards so you get diversity. That’s socialism we are a capitalist nation ( I think) so instead of protesting and whining. Open a book and study Harder. May PC die before me
Princeton University was also under assault by the blacks last week despite that fact that it awards 230 bonus points to all black applicants’ SAT scores. I believe this practice actually proves institutional racism because it can only mean that Princeton thinks blacks are too dumb to ever gain admisssion without a heavy thumb on the scale. I suggest that this matter be corrected, and that blacks be given no SAT bonus points. I demand justice now!
These so called black scholors should study a little harder rather than trying to become professional protesters.
Imagine if white kids at a HBCU said there were too many black kids
Well here there fuckdarts – rather than sorrowing about your fucking skin color as a baseless excuse for failure, why not keep up with the Jones’ ( meaning normal people of every race ) and try a little harder to succeed rather than commit your free time for excusing criminals and making stupid protests about how bad it is being black. Get with it. Your plight will never be taken serious.
All of humanity MATTERS. Not just Black.
Grow the fuck up babies. Study harder and stop taking advantage.
Finally some college presidents are drawing a line, not umass of course, and telling these jids with hurt feelings, just deal with it.
Did the UMass police not have any tear gas and billy clubs to give these dick weeds a taste of the real world?
When do us short white guys start protesting the NBA for their lack of “diversity”?
talkin and sitting next to CHC student as I type. Confirmed, these protestors are lazy underachievers who DEMAND something for nothing.
True, but thats exactly how they will get something – for nothing (by merely protesting). Watch, UMass will have a “discussion on racial equality” soon, or maybe a “40 Summit”.
“If we don’t get no justice, we don’t get no peace,” Hence… no admission to an honors college. Any questions?
This was probably most of the protesters first time in a library.
Both my kids got into CHC after Worcester Public Schools. South fuckin’ High. And it was based on one thing: MERIT. You earn your way in by grades and hard work, motherfuckers, not by shouting in a fucking megaphone. Holy shit this state has gone totally around the bend. Cesspool.
So… Has anyone taken a look at the College’s Dean?? I’m guessing the protestors have no problem there…
Love the last 2 pictures, it’s like they just had a sale on megaphones at planned parenthood, now that’s racist.
There is no inherent value in diversity. None. Why do asians and african immigrants succeed where american blacks fail? achievement, that’s why.
Just like the boy who cried wolf, when an actual racial issue happens, no one will listen…..
Oh, another colege protest. Whatever……
Brains and grades matter.
Whine less. Study hard.
I think that we should start a movement about the lack of diversity at “Historically Black Colleges.” Where all the whiteys at?? Just imagine for a second that there were such things called “Historically WHITE Colleges.” There would be rioting in the streets. Where is the outrage against this contradiction, this double standard?
Agreed. Why is no one complaining about the lack of diversity at predominantly black colleges??
Ah, too true! There’s a ridiculous double standard here. Such a damned pity, after all of the efforts of the 1960’s and laws subsequently passed to address real inequities. This is “sport” for these kids. College admins (OVERPAID weenies!) lack backbone and common sense. Cheers,
That would be the W. E. B. DuBois Library, named after the founder of the NAACP and a charter member of the American Communist Party. These protests, coast to coast, are not spontaneous in the least, they are all being organized by organizations with socialist/communist roots, which are and always have been muslim based as well. All part of our “transformation”.
Evil delights in pain and destruction.
Evil seeks to provoke fear, anger, and hatred.
Evil seeks to divide us against ourselves.
We must not give into evil by giving it what it desires.
Never let evil provoke you to unnecessary violence or the persecution of innocents out of fear.
Use your intelligence and your heart so that you seek only to do good regardless of fear.
When fear is overcome. Evil is overcome.
Ask yourself, Ted and others reading if you are working on the side of good or evil. Be honest with your heart. If you are overcome with hate because of fear then you are letting yourself be manipulated by evil.
It’s so clear on both sides of the fence. I woke up and got off the Turtle, I don’t want to ride something evil. Likewise with the “hippies”. All of you promote the same agenda, just with different means.
WAKE UP GOOD PEOPLE. This is not what you want to be.
The side of good. Truth, Justice and the American Way bud. There’s no hate, just common sense. (You say you got off this site, yet here you are.) So you feel these “protesters” have legitimacy? That irregardless of their grades, they should be admitted to an Honors College base solely on the pigmentation of thier skin? Then I should prostest for the AMA to allow me to be a brain surgeon then. Makes as much sense.
“What we need are college presidents who tell these entitled, privileged, whiny little babies the truth – if you think we’re racist monsters here, go somewhere else.” You’re absolutely right but the likelihood of that is remote. We have to remember that most of the university presidents are cut from the same cloth as the faculty who support this type of bullshit. I have very little doubt that the term white male privilege was coined by some self-loathing white faculty member somewhere. So I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the president of UMASS bows downs and kisses the feet of these disruptive babies just like the presidents of Princeton, Towson State and Yale. It is a truly pathetic situation that colleges and universities have only themselves to blame.
If you required open heart surgery tomorrow, would you want the BEST surgeon, or the most DIVERSE surgeon? Thought so.