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Union Leader: Mandi Whitaker, 29, who was recognized by the Union Leader as a New Hampshire Hero in May, is facing eviction and possible homelessness. Whitaker pulled 20-year-old Victoria Howell from a burning vehicle moments before it exploded; Howell was the passenger in a car that crashed on Lowell Road in Windham on the evening of April 23, 2017. Whitaker, who attended an award ceremony at the State House in May, was visiting a friend at the time of her heroic actions.
“I would like to think that I did what anyone in their right mind would do,” she told the Union Leader in its May 6 issue.
Now, the mother of two is afraid she might end up in a homeless shelter with her 9-year-old Natalya and 2-year-old Makenzie. Whitaker has lived at her duplex apartment at 94 Wason Road Unit B since 2015. She said she renewed her lease in 2017, but she said her paperwork was lost due to a clerical error. She said the property management company has changed numerous times, and she’s dealt with six or seven individual landlords in the past three years.
“And in between, I got lost,” Whitaker said.
The property is owned by the Department of Transportation and is currently managed by Innovision Realty Group. Whitaker said it was previously managed by Great North Properties Management. The rent is $1,200 per month, Whitaker said. But she said she stopped paying the rent in January because she was confused and overwhelmed by the process after the change in management companies.
“I didn’t even know where to send anything out,” she said.
Whitaker has also been unemployed for about two years, but has worked odd jobs cleaning houses or walking dogs. She cohabits the apartment with Will McLean, 29, and his daughter Lillyen, 10. McLean is also out of work due to a disabled hand, he said. And he said he recently lost his savings due to a car accident in June. He said the accident was caused by a drunk driver, but the investigation is ongoing. She’s struggled with poverty and homelessness in the past. Whitaker, who has no family in the area, said she and her first daughter stayed at the House of Hope in Lowell, Mass., about seven or eight years ago. She worries if she’s forced to stay in another shelter, they’ll have to get rid of their dog, Skylar.
She also wants to stay in the Hudson area because her and McLean’s kids are enrolled in special education programs, and she doesn’t want them to have to change programs. Whitaker said she is due to appear in Nashua District Court on Wednesday at 1 p.m. She’s obtained a lawyer pro bono and hopes to get more time from the court.
In the meantime, Whitaker’s friend Brittany Hale has reached out to the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission and the office of Rep. Annie Kuster in the hopes of finding help. Hale said Whitaker can do all kinds of jobs and is experienced with masonry and tree work.
“Mandi’s not your typical girly-girl,” Hale said.
The problem with finding employment has been finding something with the availability of affordable child care, Whitaker said.
At this point, Whitaker said she’ll most likely have to be out by mid-August or Sept. 1, according to her lawyer.
“I’m scared,” Whitaker said. “I don’t know what to do.”
Is there any sob story the mainstream media won’t fall for? Granted, this woman is a hero for saving that woman’s life. Great thing, no doubt about it. But that’s not a “get out rent free” card for a year. This might be the worst excuse for not paying your rent ever….
“I didn’t even know where to send anything out,” she said.
I gotta try that one sometime. Apparently if you don’t know where to send your rent check you just don’t have to pay. It’s totally NOT incumbent upon you to get on the phone and figure that shit out yourself. You’d think with all her free time spent not working she could at least clean the place up a bit.
So many of these things in this article sound so shady that it’s amazing the Union Leader didn’t bother doing some more research on it. Almost as if they would rather just push a narrative that an evil bank is forcing a hero single Mom and her two kids out onto the streets. Here’s some things they basically glossed over:
- She’s been unemployed for two years, and the reason she can’t find work is because child care is too expensive. In other words, she faces the dilemma that every single working parent in America faces on a daily basis. Except we spoke with people who know her and she has worked in insurance during the last two years.
- She has a “service dog.” For what? What could she possibly need a service dog for? Nothing is more abused these days than the “service dog.” Every ratchet in America is using this as an excuse to bring their dog on the subway, or get around no pets policies.
- She’s “struggling with poverty” yet she can afford tittoos
Weekend getaways to Maine
Camping trips
Parties at the apartment she’s not paying rent to live in
Renting houses at Lake Winnipesaukee
Cosmetic work done like microneedling for a face tattoo, which costs around $300 per session and usually involves 4-6 sessions…..
Going out to dinner and trips to Legoland….
Renting homes in Maine for the holidays….
And all the while she stays woke as fuck…..
She can afford to do all of this stuff, but the Union Leader had no interest in it because the MSM is in fact fake news.
- She also “cohabits” with a 29 year old man named Will McLean who evidently is a single Dad, and of course is out of work due to an alleged car accident with a drunk driver, which has cost him his “life savings.” Because that makes sense. How do you lose your life savings from a car accident in which you were hit by a drunk driver? Unless of course you were the drunk driver, which costs a few grand in legal fees. Maybe it happened, maybe it didn’t, but the Union Leader did zero research to see if this was actually true. Can he walk? Do his hands work? If so, you can get a job. And if it happened in June then what was his excuse from January to May for not paying any rent? By the looks of his Facebook page Will McLean plows in the winter and actually has people working for him as well.
In late December he got a gig as a mechanic….
“Limo landscaping tree removal”?
No clue what that is but it sounds made up. He does evidently drive limos though….
But I guess he can’t now because of that DUI. Keep in mind, he never said who the drunk driver was in that accident we can’t find anything about. However, if you got a DUI and you drove limos for a living, that would be a problem now wouldn’t it? Just sayin.
Now he works for Aspire Lifestyles, which by the looks of their Facebook page appears to be some sort of Czechoslovakian pyramid scheme that hasn’t posted in over two years.
Sounds legit.
- Ratchets love to play the “you can’t evict me because my kid is in a special needs program in this school district” card too. I’m seeing this more and more. I agree that stability is good for a kid, especially if they have special needs. So you should probably be a responsible parent and take steps to ensure that you’re not constantly moving from town to town instead of using your kid as a free rent card.
- We also spoke with people who know her and they’ve told us that she has had a job at an insurance company in the last two years. The Union Leader did nothing to see if this was true.
- She collects more than $1,000 a month in child support for her kids. Couple that with the fact that she qualifies for every form of assistance ever, and she should’ve had a couple G’s rolling in every month with no rent to pay. She should have a nice nest egg saved up. But instead she got a face tattoo.
- The Union Leader also must’ve missed this GoFundMe she created for moving expenses:
So she went 8 months without paying a $1,200 bill while collecting child support and she still needs other people to pay for her moving costs and a down payment on a new place. Naturally she hides behind her kids and the service animal, because no one is going to donate to a tittooed Trashuan on her own.
Here’s the craziest part – she won in court. Why? The state (which owns the property now) made a clerical error and overcharged her by $75:
Judge Julie Introcaso vacated the state’s claim of damages in the amount of back rent because their demand was “defective” due to an amount written in the claim was $75 over the amount due.
Keep in mind, she owes over $10,000 in unpaid rent. And she has an able bodied male roommate and/or boyfriend who never paid either.
This is why the world needs Turtleboy. Because without it all you would get is fake news.
35 Comment(s)
That microneedling/collagen stuff didn’t work judging by her picture! Maybe she should sue and get her money back…and then use that money to pay her bills.
Where *did* that 10k go?
Well, the CIT procedure (collagen induction therapy) alone costs a few grand.
I’m guessing the boyfriend got a new blade his truck for plowing season. She probably spared no expense (so, that’s a few grand). Fuck the kids – dick comes first.
That doesn’t leave much. Now she’s broke again. See how fast money goes?!
She certainly knows how to prioritize…
$1,200 rent for two adults who don’t work, are shacking up, and have three children living with them.
How about…move out from the boyfriend’s house, so you can get a smaller apartment, at less cost?
(Oh wait, silly me, I doubt anyone other than tax payers are paying her rent.)
Can’t find a job? How about learn a new skill set at home on-line while at home with the 2 year old, while the older child is at school?
The biggest thing that caught my eye is that she has no family in the area. If I had no family in the area, couldn’t find a job, was looking at moving to a homeless shelter because I couldn’t figure out to pay rent and take care of my children, I’d use the tattoo fund to move someone a whole lot cheaper to live than New England.
Then again, I’m not spending money on tattoos, bust implants and deadbeat shackups.
When did begging become socially acceptable? I missed the memo…
Plus, the fact that she is 29 years and whining that she doesn’t have “the luxury of family for monetary support.”
Girl, you are twenty nine years old…you’ve been out of high school for around 11 years, and have brought children into the world. Grow up.
The yard around the duplex looks like a garage sale puked.
She has pinchable cleavage ….the taint is enchanted
“nanny dog” is all I needed to hear
Must be nice to be able to afford that procedure, meanwhile im over here with the worst discoloration that makeup wont even cover, working my ass off, and cant get it done. I pay all my bills, and seem to manage to take care of my 6 kids, yet i cant even afford that procedure…something aint right. And $1k in child support for 2 kids??!?! Whos dick is she sucking???
6 kids? Damn. Someone likes their ham sliced. You busy Saturday?
Nice tits. And moderately good looking (compared to most rachets we see on TB). Assuming she’s not fat, with those tats she has a future career as an actress in the adult film industry or a dancer at a gentleman’s club….
No, just work at home as a cam girl. Guaranteed she has an internet connection. Webcams are like $20.
NO SHIT….So sick of these these lazy lying blood suckers! Really surprised they didn’t hand her a section 8 voucher. Get a job, loser & your poor excuse for a man roommate too.
Property records are public records. She could have found out if she wanted to, IF that was the real reason she didn’t pay, but we all know vacations, cosmetic procedures, tittoos were more important than rent.
I bet her ex loves knowing what his child support really went to. Almost as much as we love knowing what our taxes went to. Because we all know she also gets welfare, food stamps, CHILD CARE ASSISTANCE, etc., that’s why she has a “roommate” and not boyfriend.
Couldn’t get childcare…. Doesn’t she live with a guy who DOESN’T WORK? Built in child care. Derp.
Nice titties!
“I’m scared,” Whitaker said. “I don’t know what to do.”
You may be scared, but you knew what to do.
So, if you were so willing to pay, that money must be burning a hole in your pocket. I’m sure you could have cut them a check for the $10K+ without a problem.
Two things on a female that kill a guy’s Hard on: FAT and Tattoos
She could of used that 10,000 in back rent she didnt pay on a down payment for a house. Lol. But blew it on shit she didnt need!!! Her priorities are fucked up… She has 2 kids who can’t get a job… She can go strip for money if she was in that much need. She looks like the type of chick who could go shake her twat for a dollar… Like shit. Stop blowing money on face tattoos and vacations. You got kids to take care of. And the room mate… What a shitty father. He could of been saving up too. Like wtf. How you going to have kids and not make sure their taken care of first!?
Well that was dumb.
Its like the media isn’t even trying anymore to vetting their stories
You’re just noticing this now?
She lives in a duplex apartment. So if she asked her neighbor where they send the check, this problem could of been avoided. Will see a junk sale going on here soon!
No one lives next door, and the property management has changed over 3 times in the last year…. in the meantime they lost all paperwork on the property and try saying no one ever lived here
What size are those? They look good.You should have spent that money on removing your tats, especially on your tits. So many easy cash opportunities exist for sluts like you. While your at it, get those plugs out of your ears and have them stitched up.
Makes sense a Mainer would find her attractive.They marry dogs up there.
“Maine Man Uses Loophole In Gay Marriage Laws To Wed Dog”
empirenews Aug 7, 2014
So what happens if he gets a huge spousal insurance policy on the dog and it dies?
I propose that tattoos be a disqualifier for all forms of public assistance. Deficit problem solved. Ratchet problem solved.
Don’t know what to do? How about YOU… should have paid your rent. Your both parents and you decided you didn’t want to pay and who is gonna suffer, Your kids!!!! Get the fk outa here with “I don’t know what to do. “ enjoy the shelter. You allowed this to happen.
The tattoos…always the effin’ tattoos.
And the pit bulls…oh wait, I’m sorry, ” American bully” “service dog.”
Hudson NH is expensive. And there’s no bus or train. Sounds like brockton would be a good fit. Try and get a place on warren ave.
Let’s keep her the fuck out of Massachusetts. We already have to deal with everyone in Brockton, Lawrence, Fall River, Chelsea, East Boston, Holyoke, etc.
Mass wouldn’t let her in. She’s a US citizen.
I see Rochester NH in her future. She’d fit in well over there, maybe even get an autograph from world renown rapper, tony deyoung, for her daughter.