Well here we go again. It’s less than one month until the fall semester starts at UNH, and officials at the college have issued a “bias-free language guide” in an attempt to teach students which words and phrases are deemed “offensive” and “problematic” by the school. Wouldn’t you know what word is at the very top of the list?! “American”. That’s right, it’s not a hateful racial slur that they condemn people for uttering. It’s “American” that they consider, in their own words – “a very problematic term which should never be used”.
Other “problematic” words on the taxpayer-funded school’s lengthy list include “mothering,” “fathering,” “healthy,” “homosexual,” “rich,” “poor”, “senior citizen,” “elders,” “senior citizen,” “overweight” (which the guide says is “arbitrary”), “speech impediment,” “dumb,” “sexual preference,” “manpower,” “freshmen,” “mailman,” and “chairman,” in addition to many many others.
The guide’s broad and extensive, 4,812-word attempt to police language includes an introductory quote by Melissa Harris-Perry and covers virtually every nook and cranny of radical leftist identity politics imaginable.
The word “American” is “problematic,” according to the University of New Hampshire, because it “assumes the U.S. is the only country inside” land masses — North America, South America and Central America — with the word “America” in their names.
The UNH language guide decrees that language users should say “U.S. citizen” or “resident of the U.S.” instead.
For skin color, the taxpayer-funded school in the Live-Free-or-Die state instructs speakers to say “European-American individuals” instead of “Caucasian.”
Also, employees at the University of New Hampshire present as passive-voice fact the notion that the concept of race “was designed to maintain slavery.
The goal of the politically-correct UNH Bias-Free Language Guide is “to invite inclusive excellence” on the public campus.
The university defines “inclusive language” as “communication that does not stereotype or demean people based on personal characteristics.” The university website encourages readers to understand that the guide “is not a means to censor but rather to create dialogues of inclusion where all of us feel comfortable and welcomed.”
Don’t worry all you incoming UNH freshmen, it’s never too late to transfer!!
20 Comment(s)
I can’t believe the author of this article went to the trouble of writing this whole long article without doing any research at all. This is literally the most ignorant article I have ever read. The “language guide” was written by a few people in the women’s studies program more than three years ago. This was posted to the UNH website as an opinion page. I am embarrassed for anyone who actually believes that this is UNH’s policy. People like Brockton Turtleboy should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone with half a brain can know that this was simply an opinion page written by a few people three years ago. The blind and ignorant news coverage of this “story” sickens me.
This is just pathetic!
I wonder if “bossy” made the list. I don’t understand how people thought that was offensive. A bossy broad is extremely appealing.
Posted by the president of the University today: (note that he wasn’t too happy about it either.)
Bias-Free Language Guide Updates
July 30, 2015
University of New Hampshire Statement
The associate vice president for community, equity and diversity removed the webpage this morning after a meeting with President Huddleston. The president fully supports efforts to encourage inclusivity and diversity on our campuses. He does not believe the guide was in any way helpful in achieving those goals. Speech guides or codes have no place at any American university.
President Huddleston has ordered a review of UNH’s web posting policies in the weeks ahead. He was surprised and unhappy to learn that the university does not have practices that make clear which web pages include UNH policies and which pages include content that reflects the opinions of some members of our community.
The university has more than 1 million web pages on its site; university administration was not aware of the “language guide” until this week.
July 29, 2015
“While individuals on our campus have every right to express themselves, I want to make it absolutely clear that the views expressed in this guide are NOT the policy of the University of New Hampshire. I am troubled by many things in the language guide, especially the suggestion that the use of the term ‘American’ is misplaced or offensive. The only UNH policy on speech is that it is free and unfettered on our campuses. It is ironic that what was probably a well-meaning effort to be ‘sensitive’ proves offensive to many people, myself included.”
— UNH President Mark W. Huddleston
It seems the everybody gets a trophy genre has finally advanced into the policy making realm… The PC police are running amok in this country… It is just amazing
So freshman is offensive now? So what the fuck are they supposed to call them – first year enrollees? Yeah that really rolls off the tongue. Or is tongue offensive, too? Should I say “muscle in the mouth used to manipulate food for mastication?” Gotta say mastication, because the word eating might be offensive to the bulimic. Or shall I say “vomiters of European ancestry?”
My first reaction was that this has to be a joke, but no several media outlets are reporting this. Obviously UNH has an overabundance of morons.
I am offended by the use of “new” to label a place that is hundreds of years old. It’s offensive to babies and anything that has recently been created or established. I suggest redwing to it as Hampshire of an Advanced Age or North Massachusetts.
UNH you guys are weird – very weird.
I would love to comment on this subject but as it were or so it seems I have an apparent “speech impediment.” Being rather “dumb,” and a “freshman” with loads of “manpower,” I gravitate toward the “overweight” in an effort to invite language that is a language guide “to invite inclusive excellence” on the public campus.
Holy fucking shit.
um but you know what the A stands for in USA, right?
I first came across this 20 years ago in Cancun. Referring to ourselves as American the Mexicans replied they are Americans too. I agree the language guide is fucked but American did make a half ass valid point.
If the author of the bias free handbook believes that the concept of race was designed to maintain slavery then I’d be fascinated to hear their position on things like affirmative action and college admission policies.
im proud to be an AMERICAN . oh no, i think i just said a bad word. GO FUCK YOURSELF UNH………………………….
“While individuals on our campus have every right to express themselves, I want to make it absolutely clear that the views expressed in this guide are NOT the policy of the University of New Hampshire. I am troubled by many things in the language guide, especially the suggestion that the use of the term ‘American’ is misplaced or offensive. The only UNH policy on speech is that it is free and unfettered on our campuses. It is ironic that what was probably a well-meaning effort to be ‘sensitive’ proves offensive to many people, myself included.”
— UNH President Mark W. Huddleston
If he really believes that he should axe the assclowns that came up with this.
Thank you sir for your response. You have restored my faith in common sense principals of leadership in post secondary education.
It pleases me that you responded to the issue. Perhaps the phrase “U.S American” could have been used and this drama could have been avoided. Just my thoughts on it.
Just emailed the UNH President and told him how f-ing nutty this is. Sadly school decision have already been made and deposits have already been paid this year.