Three children and their parents were found shot to death in their Abington home today. It’s a terrible tragedy, and not one that I don’t have anything funny to add to it. Turtleboy tries to write stories that we can satirize, or rip apart ratchets with. This isn’t funny at all. It’s just plain awful. But I do have some thoughts on it so I published it on TB Daily News instead. Click here to read it.
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27 Comment(s)
The comments are better than the article. Too bad the funny comments make us laugh in the face of this unspeakable tragedy.
Jesus christmas TB, i really bite my tongue over your aversion to any type of proof reading or editing but that double negative legitimately led me to believe you DID have something funny to add. In these types of stories its just cringe-worthy man.
I don’t see what the big deal is
You’ld have funny stuff you say if they weren’t white.
Wait whut?
Congratulations, you commented on the one blog (out of hundreds) where the wall couldn’t have potentially stopped the crime. Collect your participation trophy never.
BTW, will you finally give Trump a chance if we learn the CIA agent / “whistleblower” turns out to have previously worked for Joe Biden?
Who cares the american terrorists lost in Syria and are leaving with their balls tucked. When did TB care about innocent people. Hopefully they’ll shoot themselves like the losers in Iraq and Afghanistan. This guy was just being an American terrorist.
I never thought I would live to see the day a United States President would attempt to end an endless war (40+ years old), and the people would scream, “No! Kill more of our soldiers!”
Truly, ours is a backward nation & the people inside it sick.
“We can live in a country where the Second Amendment is respected, but we also have to live in a country where we make sure firearms don’t end up in the hands of the mentally ill.”
Honest question, who decides on one’s mental fitness? A liberal doctor, your liberal neighbor, etc.?
Look at your FB pages; they are shut down constantly, and without just cause, because some people are upset with your writing style.
What is to stop those same people from reporting you, without cause or merit, to the thought police about your mental fitness and gun ownership?
Very slippery slope.
Remember, Shall Not Be Infringed
Furthermore, the mental “health” people CAUSE more problems than they cure — actually, they never manage to actually “cure” anyone. They’ll hide behind confidentially, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that they were involved here.
Priests, Ministers, and Rabbis do a much better job — and without taxpayer money.
The father was served with divorce papers the day before the murders.
I’ve tried to “click here” several times and even refreshed my page. The link does not work for me. Can someone else try it and tell me if it is working for you?
Or you could just go to TBDailyNews and find the article at the top of the page?
This proves the average reader of TBS is dumb as shit.
Average TBS Reader
It actually proves that the poster is not computer savvy and shows that you have the analytical skills of a toddler. The average turtle reader is an unknown quantity, therefore your statement is as relevant as a fart in a hurricane.
If you want to fight me meet me at 120 Gaslight Dr. in Weymouth. I am a man and I have a job and a house.
1. You’re picking a fight because of a couple of stupid comments?
2. An apartment building is not a house.
1. nowhere in the post did fuckface O’Reilly state an apartment building was a house
2. you actually took the time to google the address hahahahahahaha
3. you are dumber than your ass is wide
get a job tubby
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
That’s pretty funny lol. I’m so stupid.
Yes, you can just go to the page on your own but the writer wanted to include a functioning link . So it is fine to let someone know it is not working as intended.
Didn’t work for me either
Awful. So sad. Tomorrow is promised to none of us! Act Accordingly!
Looks like 865,000 copies of Day is Done sold thru the US Book Depository. Most have reviews about the book as well. That seems like a nice lil chunk but maybe money was running tight. P.S. A woman would never do this to her children.
Women do that crap all the time. Plenty of women kill their kids.
Very sad.
Waiting for all the evidence and facts to get sorted out (Things might not be as they initially appear) but the end result is it will remain a senseless tragedy.
Kids, Christ. It’s an awful feeling when you think you’re about to be forced to take a young life but to do so willingly for some evil, deranged reason is something I could never completely understand.
Prayers for all that this tragedy has touched, including the first responders and investigators who go home with yet another piece of scar tissue on their psyche, no matter how professionally detached they could possibly be.
Let’s just not suppose anything. Let’s not critique books. Let’s not play M.E. on the basis of whose body was found where. Let’s just leave it alone and donate to a family who has to bury five of their loved ones. K?
You don’t have the money to donate 1$ to your kids who are in foster care. So fuck off. K?
You don’t know where to put the fucking dollar sign, you illiterate fool.
Click WHERE? Bad link