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Update on the confederate flag story from Greenfield:
We called out Rod Hart on his Facebook page and asked how a teacher at Kennedy Middle School in Northampton who posts something like this,
would have any right to criticize another public servant for doing something offensive inside his own home. Because what Rod Hart did is a million times worse. He works with 8th grade students. How can any kid in his class think they’re going to get a fair shot from him now that they know he admits that when he looks at them he is thinking, “shut the fuck up” and “sit your ass down?”
We also emailed the principal of his school, Lesley Wilson (we urge you to do the same), and asked her how any Jewish or Christian student in his class can EVER think that they will get a fair shake with him as a teacher, knowing what he thinks of their religious beliefs:
We also asked her why a teacher in a public school would post a picture to Facebook of himself groping a half naked cutout of John Cena in his classroom, and willingly admit that he keeps the cutout in class during lessons despite the fact that he gets distracted by it.
We anxiously await her reply, because this is a link to the Northampton Public Schools teacher’s contract. It reads as follow in regards to complaints:
2. Complaint Against a Teacher. Any complaint against a teacher requires that the teacher must be informed of all details as promptly as possible in order to defend himself/herself. The above information shall be furnished by the appropriate supervisor.
Well, now that there’s been a complaint, the collectively bargained contract requires the principal to bring this to Rod Hart’s attention. We posted on Rod’s publicly viewable Facebook a couple times and asked him why someone with so many open ethical conundrums on his own Facebook page would think it would be wise to try to publicly humiliate a cop for having a flag inside his private garage. He never responded, blocked us, and now his Facebook page is almost completely private. When you click on the link to his original post about his neighbor, you get this:
LOL. Looks like he’s been riding the turtle.
And the more I think about it, the more I realize how terribly selfish it is for the Hart’s to drag this kid into the public spotlight. When you Google Hugh Hart’s name 10 years from now, this story is the first thing that’s gonna come up. And it all could’ve been avoided if Rod just went over there and talked to Sergeant McCarthy like a man. But instead he went to the media, and here we are. He brought this on himself.
And look how often he feels the need to point out that he adopted a black kid:
“As the parent of a Black son.”
“How to keep my Black son ALIVE.”
Don’t you see what he’s doing here? He’s using his adopted son’s race to turn his neighborly feud into a media spectacle. I feel like if he was offered the opportunity to adopt a white child he would’ve turned it down. How’s he gonna police the inside of the police’s homes with a white kid as leverage? This is borderline child abuse. No kid deserves to be treated like a pawn in his Dad’s game of PC revenge.
And according to this site, Rod Hart has sent a request to the mayor to be appointed to a vacant seat on the human rights commission that Sergeant McCarthy serves on. He had received more than 150 Facebook “likes” concerning that request by noon on Monday.
Look, we didn’t wanna do this, but he gave us no choice. You don’t get to call a sergeant in the Greenfield Police Department a racist and a redneck if you have skeletons in your own closet. Sergeant McCarthy isn’t a danger to Rod’s son Hugh, but would you want your kid taught by Rod Hart? What if you were Jewish? What if you were a cop? How can you ever expect your kid to get equal opportunity in a public school with this type of teacher?
I’m wondering where this all came from, because it certainly wasn’t random. It’s not like he drove by his neighbor’s garage one day and saw this out of the corner of his eye:
I guarantee there’s more to this story, and here’s my theory. Before Rod shut his Facebook page down he made it clear that he finds Republicans disgusting. Which is fine, because lots of normal people find Republicans disgusting. But I’m willing to bet money that Sergeant McCarthy had a Charlie Baker sign in front of his house last year at this time. I guarantee this comes down to politics. Because if you are a hardcore liberal with an adopted black son, living next to a white republican cop, it’s like a recipe for for a hilarious movie script.
Turns out Turtleboy was right….Again. Here’s some stuff form Sergeant McCarthy’s Facebook page.
He’s active in local town politics:
He was very active on election day:
Amongst his Facebook likes is former Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner:
Maybe he just likes the Boehner fresh tan and not his politics. LOL. Maybe.
But the biggest telltale sign that Rod Hart thought his cop neighbor is a racist? He wears a cowboy hat and has facial hair:
Liberals hate cowboy hats and facial hair. That’s just scientific fact. We’ll let you know if we hear back from the principal.
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21 Comment(s)
When did it become legal to peep in other people’s property? Isn’t this trespassing? The homeowner, a police officer, didn’t have any suspicious activity and the flag was hanging in his garage (I would prefer it hang from the front porch).
This whole, in the wake of California, and if the neighbors would have reported their APPARENT suspicious activity, there may have been a different outcome. But this police officer hadn’t given his neighbors any reason to suspect suspicious activity. And hanging a Confederate Flag in a garage IS NOT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY, but peeping in other people’s property is.
Stop this crazy political correctness that is KILLING our FREEDOMS as individuals! They are a gay couple with a black son, so of course the Confederate Flag must have made them feel threatened (soaked with sarcasm).
Charge the family with trespassing and peeping! Stop finding ways to be offended and let other people live their lives especially if they aren’t hurting anyone!
Very good article! We are linking to this great content on our website.
Keep up the great writing.
Not suprising to me…being a black male in Greenfield and being constantly harassed by police. Filed several complaints against Greenfield PD. Nothing was ever done. And the harrasment just continued. Got so bad I just left town.
So much for liberal and progressive. What a joke.
I love seeing this fruit get what he deserves. He’s been waiting his whole life for an opportunity to say “ooo feel bad for me I’m being persecuted” and is sick enough to involve his son in it. You know if the adoption agency said they found him a child named Russ from Nebraska he wouldn’t have wanted the kid. Adopting a black kid fits better into his victim.mentality. And anyways, hes from Greenfield, Ma not Alabama he’s never had to deal with bigotry in his life, just in his own mind.
Poor Hugh is a victim of his father. I was adopted and I’m sure glad it wasn’t from this clown. His father needs to shut his mouth and mind his own business
Take that kid away from them, they’re creeping around in his head. If that kid were my neighbor, and saw the remote control General Lee cars we have, he would want to play with them, but would be afraid to because of the idiots he lives with.
You won’t hear from the Northhampton Public Schools. In a round about way they will tell you that you have no skin in the game. You don’t live there, you do not have a child in the school system. You don’t count. They will gat away with that attitude because they are smarter than everyone else.
I emailed the Superintendent, and copied the principal and asst. principal to be sure it wasn’t “swept under the rug” by one. The superintendent emailed me back and said that as my letter had mentioned, I was one of many who contacted them about this man and that there is going to be full investigation into the horrible things he had posted on his PUBLIC social media account. He opened this can of worms for himself. I have no sympathy.
Turtle Boy, YOU DA MAN! Thank you for doing your due diligence and bringing the full picture to light.
The world is turning into a heaping pile of wet diapers that doesn’t have a spine and very few people have the fortitude to address a problem at it’s source for fear of confrontation.
They make a spectacle of themselves and express a very shaded and one sided story to drive home their point of a petty incident that Mr McCarthy would have dealt with in a very civil manner, I’m sure, if given the opportunity at the moment his neighbors were “offended”.
Instead, they have incited a racial war in our town for which there are no grounds for whatsoever. There was never an issue of our fine police officers, who put their lives on the line to deal with the dirty side of life, having any racial motivation or division until this asshat turned him into one.
If you feel like all police officers are out to shoot your child of color, move to a town so small they cannot afford one, and then we will all be happy. 😉
People need to wake up and see that your playing right into the game the Government wants you to play turning everyone against everyone what better way to do it by playing race against race. ALL LIVES MATTER not just one ALL. When the people of America wake up and stop playing this then we can start the right fight, fighting to get our country back.
I bet good old Rod and Todd have a rainbow flag and prominently displayed and if you’re offended, you need to be bludgeoned over the head by the LGBT mafia. Attention / Drama whores trying to relieve their white liberal guilt by ruining someone else’s life should be a crime. I actually feel sorry for Hugh to have to put up with their holier than thou BS. Something makes me think Rod was the whiny little kid always yelling “I’m telling”.
Each day I get a little bit older. Each day I despise liberals and politically correct shitbags just a little bit more. I’m in my 20s now. Wonder how much I’ll despise these secular progressives by the time I’m 30? Talk about an assault on American values.
What “American values” are you referring to? I’m just curious.
They both seem like a couple of – to borrow a term from Turtleboy – dooshnozzles. Did I spell that right?
I believe it’s douchenozzle lol..close enough 😉
Why am I not surprised!!!!!!!!
Consider this. Their kid would have never known what the Confederate flag allegedly represents if his sleazy gay dads didn’t indoctrinate the kid into the world of PC gayness.
OMG its a C-flag, everyone hide the blacks.
Please Greenfield, save my son from that piece of fabric.
Raise your hand if you carry a picture of slave owner George Washington on your person, or maybe in your home or office.
I guess the man is not supposed to have a Confederate flag on private property but I guess it’s ok when the gays and lesbians paint the crosswalks in Northampton with rainbow colors on a public way. Double standards. Gotta love it.
Fucking drama queens!
I hope his kid grows up into a thug and steals from his dads. Dads will probably just blame their own privilege, blame sons life on racist white people, and adopt another black kid so they can continue saving the world. Clowns
Not cool to be wishing bad omens on a child. Yes, what the father did was ignorant in my opinion, but he son is innocent. All your doing is helping spread the hate.
Don’t. Poke. The. Turtle. Need this on a t shirt stat.
Hey – I hate facial hair because mine grows in patchy! Not because I’m liberal!