Video Of New Hampshire Swamp Donkeys Yelling At Cops For Arresting Baby Daddy At Camper Fire Elicits Brilliant Facebook Commentary From Legal Experts
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Editor’s Note: It appears as if the subject of this blog has removed the video from their Facebook page. That tends to happen after you get exposed on Turtleboy. No worries, we uploaded it to Youtube, but unfortunately the camera is sideways. Oops!!
Someone sent us a video posted on Facebook today in which the camerawoman and others are alleging police brutality in the lovely town of Winchester, NH. We’ve never heard of Winchester before, but as soon as we saw where it was close to on a map, we had a general idea of what we were in for:
Yea, it’s near Colrain. That’s never a good thing. It’s in the middle of nowhere, right near the Vermont and Massachusetts border, so you just KNOW that Winchester is gonna be stacked to the brim with gravy dumpsters and other such glutton receptacles. Here’s the video that was posted on a lovely woman named Sheena Dingman’s page, of her boo getting arrested and resisting arrest while doing so:
I don’t know how anyone can be a cop these days. This must happen all the time, and it really doesn’t happen to any other people who work in the public sector. Every slack jawed yokel in that town was apparently down there yelling at them as they tried to do their job. Imagine a judge had to deal with a courtroom full of these rubes yelling at him during a trial? Imagine a firefighter trying to put out a fire and every person in town on their third set of teeth was in their face telling them they’re doing the job wrong? Here’s a quick collection of the well thought out, insightful things these dingleberries were yelling at the police as they tried to do their job:
“That is police brutality”
“That’s just wrong”
“This is bullshit”
“I’m videotaping it”
“Three cops to do that? Really?”
“No Mom, I don’t care, that’s not right”
“I’m not fucking doing nothing”
“Where’s the Lieutenant”
“Is that a Hinsdale cop?”
“I want a state cop out there!
“Why is a Hinsdale cop over here?”
Yea, because a bunch of Kevin Federline and Anna Nicole Smiths in training have a right to demand which police department will have the honor of arresting their bruncle. That’s how low and order works.
The best part was at the end when one of them calls 911:
“Yes, we have an emergency. We have three police officers here brutally beating someone here in Winchester.”
Hello, 911? Yes, we need some first responders down here immediately? Oh wait, what’s that? They’re already there? Yea, well, I don’t like them because they’re arresting my trashbag second cousin. Hello? Hello??
Everyone’s been sharing this blindly this morning as an example of police brutality:
Gardner and North Adams. Shocking.
The only thing better than the commentary heard in the video, was the commentary that shortly followed on the Facebook post, starting with the perp himself:
He had no right to kick you in the f******? Did he just censor himself from saying fupasloth? Because I can’t figure out what word would make sense in that context. Either way Kristropher with a K, trying to get away from them while they cuff you is like the definition of resisting arrest:
When someone else showed up to dispute his claims of not resisting arrest, Kristopher responded in a calm and rational manner:
Yea, “stuped dume cops!!!” Just because you “were in a bad” doesn’t mean you can arrest people!! As you know, we have our own issues with grammar and spelling at Turtleboy Sports. But two words we ALWAYS make sure are spelt correctly are “stupid” and “dumb.” Because there’s nothing more ironic than not knowing how to spell “stupid” and/or “dumb.”
At least Kristopher has never been arrested before, so when he fights this he’s gonna have a pretty strong case based on his stellar reputation in town.
Kristopher also can’t wait to find out why he’s such a “peas of shit ass hole”
So doing some digging on the Facebook pages for these walking stereotypes was a little confusing. At least when trying to figure out the age old trailer park question – who’s fucking who here? Pretty sure we’ve got it figured out. Sheena Dingman (the camera woman) appears to be in a relationship with Kristopher:
Because his driving skills are irresistible:
What’s not to love?
Those socks complement the discarded cigarettes and broken dreams on the New Hampshire dirt all around them.
Oh, and naturally they’ve made the wise decision to reproduce.
Several times. I wouldn’t recommend going through the Dingman’s photo albums. It’s a popsicle headache of a Colrain-style family reunion.
And yes, that is a juice box.
So why was Kris arrested in the first place? Because apparently someone “started shit with him down town,” and when the cops tried speaking with him, well, “we all know Kris” doesn’t like to be calm:
It’s not his fault though. The cops should accommodate his inability to act like a normal, civilized human being.
Let’s check out some of the other brilliant commentary, starting with “Christina Marie:
Ahh yes, Internet lawsuits galore!! May we recommend Atorney Richard N. Vulva? Good thing Christina is a legal expert:
After all, she took a couple imaginary criminal justice classes at that community college she talked about signing up for, but never got around to doing because she didn’t wanna miss the latest episode of Teen Mom:
If this isn’t the face of a legal expert:
Then I don’t know what is.
Oh, and good news, looks like she might be pregnant…..again.
Now you saw in that video that one of the firefighters on the scene tried interfering with the arrest and was told to back off by the cops. You don’t see stuff like that very often. Luckily there was an explanation – the firefighter was “there father”:
Not sure whose father he is. But it’s Winchester NH, so father, brother, and cousin are all interchangeable anyway.
Upon further investigation the firefighter appears to be Tabitha Dingman’s father:
She was the other Dingman in the video yelling at the cops for doing their job. And she’s a real peach:
And just like the other Dingman, she has great taste in men:
As you can see from the latest images from Winchester prom:
A couple of swamp donkeys madly in love. Ain’t life beautiful?
And in the least surprising news ever, the Dingman’s after big fans of Hampton Beach
And they like to bring “sum family” there for week long getaways.
According to Tabitha and all her friends who were urging her to share her video with the local News stations, her brother in common-law was arrested for refusing to answer the cop’s questions:
Of course just like with 99% of these cop block videos, the part that led up to the arrest is not shown. They always start filming right when the dickbag gets arrested.
According to Tabitha, the firefighters and police were there because of a camper fire:
Because the odds of the Dingman family and their sperm donors eventually being involved in a camper fire are higher than the Patriots making the AFC Championship game every year.
Evidently the cops wanted to know who started the fire, and naturally Kristopher wouldn’t answer their questions. Because that’s normal. Instead he turned it around on the cops and started asking THEM questions:
Because that’s how normal interactions with the police usually end up going. They ask you where you were when something happened, and you turn it around on them and ask them where they were when the thing they’re investigating happened.
Then another Dingman made her grand appearance and urged family members to start sending it to the news:
Unfortunately it got to Turtleboy Sports first, so they’re probably regret making this rash decision to contact the media. Or not. They don’t exactly strike us as people who mind having their dumpster fire lives put on public display.
After the video was posted the floodgates were opened for other Internet lawyers and experts in police takedown tactics:
Well, as long as you didn’t think they needed backup, that’s all that matters.
Yea, they can’t touch you unless they’re conducting arrest. Oh wait, he was being arrested in that video. Oops!!
Well, as long as Brieanna sees it that way, that’s all that matters. Because her opinion matters.
It’s considered assault and abuse of power!! Even ask Liz Koski!! She never misses an episode of Law and Order!!
Emotionally traumatized? LOL. Good one. Newsflash – something like this more than likely happens at least once a month to the Dingman family. They’re used to it by now.
Then there’s the “fuck the police” mafia:
Oh look, people advocating for cops getting killed!!
Kristyn Pike seems lovely.
Good thing her profile picture is of her and her husband baby daddy and their offspring. Because I know when I go onto Facebook I often see my mother writing “fuck the cops.” It’s perfectly normal.
Yea, it’s almost as if you sometimes get a ticket for a moving violation!! Fuck the po-lice!!
Finally there was Chris Michael Hutchins, who cleared things up for everyone by sharing his favorite link from Cop Block:
I know that in court the defense attorney will often use print outs from Cop Block as evidence. Oh, and Chris Michael Hutchins is basically the face of every person who has ever shared a link from Cop Block ever:
Sorry ladies, but him and his magical jort capris and flat brimmed hats are taken!!
Anyway, can’t see how they can possibly lose in court. They have a video of Kristopher complying with police officer’s orders, acting reasonably, and obeying the law. Case closed!!
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34 Comment(s)
First of all, whoever created this does not know their fucking facts about this town at all. You all are a bunch of shitbags saying shit like this. Look at the bad in the town, but god forbid you look at the good. Sure, there’s plenty of scumbags. I know, but most of the town is better than you think. I’m sure the people who created this are not anything special either.. they’d probably fit right in with the “dingleberries” we have here in the town. Get your fucking facts straight before you go and run your mouths you worthless douchebags
Dear Turtle Boy,
I am a life long resident of Winchester. I do not appreciate your assumptions about this town. You think you are funny and have a right to talk shit about an entire town. I am here to ask you to get out from behind the safety of your computer screen and come say all this shit you are saying about my hometown to my face. I already know you are too much of a pussy to do anything but hide behind ur keyboard
The pictures of all the people you listed remind me of the movie the hills have eyes. Or sloth from the goonies
Was Sheriff BobnMic at the scene or is NH out of his jurisDICKtion?
Excuse me!! I have solved countless of murders in every state, thank you very much!! Are you blind? Do you not see my felt badge? That’s the good quality felt from Michaels, not dollar tree.
Except for that last lardass, all of the couples feature women who are double the weight of their significant others. I’m hardly a fitness buff, but come on ladies- have some respect for yourselves and put down the Doritos and Mountain Dew
That last guy, especially in the dark clothes and tie pic, seriously looks like he was out on release from the braindead institute. Who the f’ would actually choose to dress like that?
As a born and raised winchestarian the fools are way outta hand ,typical low class people who bring the town to its lowest levels as if the town needs help ,in winchester however we call this the weekend,forever will they rave of their fame from this.maury is to high class for them.
This article was awesome. But let’s get something straight…not all Winchester people are swamp donkeys (I love this term btw). The better citizens keep to themselves and go to work everyday and don’t hang out at camper fires or the local Mr.Mikes. But you did summarize this particular group pretty damn good. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
You are dead on. There are some great people in this town, but unfortunately they are overshadowed by these kinds of people. Its not because of a wealth gap either, it is a difference in respect for themselves and others.
A little difficult to follow the family tree but pretty sure Kris is his own grandpa. Could be the root of the problem. Hopefully, he doesn’t branch out. Holy crap, I’m rocking the puns today.
Fupasloth is one letter too long for that censored word. I think it may have been Faphole. Yeah…the officer kicked him right in his faphole. Now what part of anatomy his faphole corresponds to is up for debate. I guess we’ll never know for sure without followup investigation.
Okay I know many people are going to disagree here, but that police officer went WAY TOO FAR pushing the firefighter and putting his hands in his face like that. It’s a total fucking disrespect. Sorry, but not sorry. I don’t care what anyone here says, he had no right to treat the firefighter that way, PERIOD. It WAS an abuse of his power.
I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pro police and firefighter, but I won’t follow every single one of them blindly either. Let’s be real here, that officer disrespected the firefighter ten fold. Everything else I could give two shits about, but if he treats a firefighter that way, how do you think he will treat a civilian? Let’s be real here.
I know all of these people are probably (100% sure) losers…………………….but the firefighter is not. He risks his life the same way an officer does. An officer should not disrespect that way, period. The officer was angry, and couldn’t control himself.
Eh, maybe. They are really down on somebody, anybody, getting in the middle of a conversation, much less an arrest. I’ve personally seen varying degrees of this from yelling “get back”, like the one cop did, to drawing and using weapons. Even walking up behind them to see what’s going on is a bad idea. The cops don’t know his intentions and, if he continues closing and gets in arms reach, he’s lucky they didn’t go heavier.
I get that but it doesn’t change the fact that he completely disrespected him. He could have done it like a man, with respect. He put his hands in his face, yelled at hime, and pushed him back.
That man has no composure at all. There are officer’s who are put into extremely stressful situations and can still control their emotions. This man lost it over a simple arrest and some old fucking hags yelling.
Agree to disagree, Sir.
Maybe in years past, it wouldn’t have been as big an issue. But now, if it’s not another cop coming into the fray, it doesn’t matter if it’s a firefighter, or the mayor, they are going to react that way and it’s not about respect or disrespect, that’s what they are trained and instructed to do. So, while pushing and yelling at him may seem harsh, he also had no business getting in the middle of it. And the fact that he turned out to be a relative only makes the cop’s move the correct one.
Do some cops get stressed more readily than others? Sure they do. But the guy could have just as easily been calmly tased, baton’d or shot by a seasoned cop for walking up on them. For obvious reasons, they are jumpy, hyper alert and anyone with any sense should use some caution around them if an arrest is occurring.
Glad to see you posting more often
Meh, I get it, I do… I just think seeing him react that way makes me judge him quickly. I can’t help it. I’m a first impression kind of gal. No joke. The minute I talk to someone I will know if I will ever have a second conversation with them. I keep to myself so when I find someone interesting, it’s so rare that I am excited. Picky maybe? Who knows… I’m just going by what a person shows me. If someone acts like an asshole that way, I’m immediately judgmental and it’s quite hard to change my mind; I’m stubborn.
I’ve been here Talisman, lurking in the darkness…. 😀
He wasn’t getting involved as a firefighter, he was sticking his nose in it as a relative. Firefighters should get out of the way of the Police and do their own job.
The officer was unaware he was trying to help a relative so that is the officers genuine response to a FIREFIGHTER. You assume that was the fireman’s reaction because you’re in the fireman’s brain and know what he was thinking, well only because it fits your opinion. His reaction toward the firefighter was disrespectful, period.
Look at how fucking angry he was…. he couldn’t control his emotions at all.
How do you know the cop didn’t know he was the tough guy’s father? Seems like a small town where everyone knows everyone.
Talisman just explained why you’re wrong. Take your lumps and learn to post without letting your emotions get in the way of common sense and logic.
Wait… lmao
Yet him assuming the firefighter was only sticking his nose in the matter as a family member is logically OKAY? How does he know that’s what the firefighter was thinking?
Ohhhh I get it, youre just a fan of mine. Shut the fuck up and move along. How’s that for emotions.
The bottom line is that you never interfere with a detainment no matter who you are. How do you think the fire fighter would like it if the cop started messing with his hose because he thought the building should burn down?
The firefighter was his girlfriend’s father and was sticking up for him.
Was out with a friend of mine one night, his dad was a local deputy. We got pulled over and asked to step out of the vehicle. When asked for ID, he reached for his wallet fairly quickly and was rewarded with a baton to his forehead. Excessive? Maybe. The deputy apologized to him and explained why it happened.
Ever since that night, I have never had an issue with any cop. I’ve never been arrested and only detained. Some of them REALLY wanted to take me to jail, and certainly could have. After listening to what laws I broke and how they were giving me a break, they cut me loose with warnings because I was cool with them. Talking calmly, having a semi valid explanation for the infraction and showing a minor amount respect goes a long way with any cop. It’s really not that difficult a thing to allow them to do their job, even if they’re being assholes, and you’re most unlikely to win a fight. Be stupid, and you get special treatment.
The cop in this video is a pussbag. He definitely is a woman beater. Fucking coward back boneless jellyfish slug of half a man.
Karma is going to find this cop getting sucker punched in his spine like he just dI’d to the guy in the video.
Resisting arrest is bullshit. If you get punched in your spiNE you are not going to stay still so you can take another fucking hit.
Moron cops like this is what has people distrusting the police. Punk with a badge is what that cop is right there, he needs a dropkick to his neck.POS.
Enough with the bullshit, stop assaulting cops by holding them accountable or have more cops hurt.
They are paid by the guy that they are assaulting,fucking pig coward.
I didn’t move much after getting hit, Kevin. But you still kicked me in the head. You had help too! You couldn’t handle me on your own… So you had your brother and Jason help. You still needed a weapon too. Just end it all Kevin… Satan is waiting for you. You will burn for all eternity Kevin. There is no making amends for what you did. You can’t give me back my life.
Shut the fuck Kevin. The asshole being arrested deserved it. Notice how you don’t care how the Firefighter was disrespected (he did NOT deserve that) but you don’t care about that. You’re just too busy sticking up for a fellow criminal, ya fucking pea sized brain idiot.
Wait? That guy resisting arrest pays taxes and pays that officers’ salary. HA HA HA HA
Yeah right.
That’s hilarious, you calling someone else a pussbag and a punk on the internet. You’re nothing but fatass parasite of convict. A keyboard commando that breaks a sweat standing in line at a buffet and loves to flap his dick smoochers on Facebook. I’ve also noticed you have severe pecker tracks and cum zits on your face where your boyfriend has been cock slapping you. You should man up and go drop kick this cop.
What can one say ? The frosting on the cake, was the bent up hat brim. To reveal ‘ICP” , I don’t think they would even let him in, to their Juggalo parties.
Winchester is the only place I’ve seen in New England that reminded me of rural Kentucky…….
I was thinking South Carolina/Georgia.
Swear I started to hear Dueling Banjos.
Chris Michael Hutchins is a juggalo… Because… Of course he is. No one over 14 should be wearing ICP merch. Ever.
I’ll read the post in a second. But first, I just want to say that I’m partially here to expand my vocabulary. I’ll be using “Swamp Donkey” in a sentence at work at some point today. “Fupasloth” went over pretty well last week.