Watching This Black Dude Knock Out A Transgender Antifa Chudstuffer In Yoga Pants Is The Most American Thing I’ve Ever Seen
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So there were a bunch of anti-Sharia law rallies around the country by conservative groups this weekend. Naturally a bunch of Antifa virgins showed up to silence them. Antifa is short for “anti-fascist,” yet the sexually challenged nudniks who choose to associate with this group don’t understand the irony of trying to silence free speech while pretending to oppose fascism.
Anyway, there was an incident in Portland, OR, in which a “transgender female” named Lucy Elizabeth Stone attacks a black guy named Demetrius Cooper, and then immediately regrets it:
Who was more annoying – the guy pretending to be a girl who attacked a peaceful protester, or the guy pretending to be a guy who kept waving the flag in the cameraman’s face?
I vote for the guy with the flag. It made me wanna smash things just watching him wave that thing. How did the cameraman not take that thing and shove it directly up his anus? Although I did love at the end after the guy pretending to be a girl got his ass beat, the cameraman threw his flag down on the ground and yelled, “Get the fuck off of her.”
Just keep in mind, a white MALE yelled the following at a peaceful black protester before assaulting him:
“Get the fuck away from our march. We got no fucking use for you.”
“We don’t need you here. We don’t have any fucking use for you.”
“Shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear a word you have to say. Nobody wants you here.”
So…..where’s the mainstream media? Why are you reading this on Turtleboy instead of watching Anderson Cooper talk about it? Imagine just for a moment the white person was a cisgendered male Trump supporter, the black guy was there protesting climate change, and the same exact thing happened. It would be headline news. “Trump inspires another hate crime. Icebergs melt twice as fast now.”
But instead all we get is silence.
Nevertheless, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as satisfying as the moment the black kid knocked this chick/dude out. This was the moment right after the Antifa virgin punched the black kid:
You know exactly what he’s thinking too: “You can’t hit me back because I’m a chick.”
But the black kids was like…….nah fam…..
And down went yoga pants!!
Here’s my question – when are people like Elizabeth Warren and Maxine Watters gonna be forced to denounce Antifa? I mean, Trump has to denounce the KKK and a bunch of other right wing fanatics he has nothing to do with right? How come our girls Lizzy and Auntie Maxine don’t have to answer for their people? What’s fair is fair. Just sayin.
P.S. – Resist.
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13 Comment(s)
That is one fugly tranny
This assfuck got what it deserves. It’s one thing to be a freak show, but when you’re a freak show AND an asshole, you deserve to get knocked out like this shimbitch did.
Having big floppy man tits does not make you a woman. Just saying.
Yeah but we know what happened next… the black guy got arrested. For assault and charged with a felony and its a wrap. Same ole story and its just bullshit.
I love how her wimpy friends all stood there yelling “get off her”. No one wanted to help their messy friend….cause what she did was get in someone’s face….then punched him. These folks are all about “peace” right? Peace at the cost of fighting. Makes zero sense.
Excellent, can go to sleep now happy.
I don’t get it.
When that high school kid knocked out the kid who was spewing racist bullshit, he was an animal because he resorted to violence over some words. But now as soon as it’s someone TBS doesn’t like getting knocked the fuck out, the guy throwing punches is suddenly a hero?
Seems a bit hypocritical…
FYI, both fuckwits deserved to get knocked out.
Editor’s Note: The Easthampton student who punched the other kid in the face for racist text messages wasn’t punched in the face first. The black guy in this video was. Smart people can figure this out on their own. Bowen Hardcase is not a smart person. He’s actually very, very dumb.
Masslive just got too boring for you huh.
Not sure if you missed it, but the he/she punched the black guy first… what then happened was called “inevitable justice”.
You’re too stupid to even argue with. You and your fascist ilk should stay mute in your safe spaces, nitwit.
Isn’t this particular group of antifa just a bunch of slow people?
The black guy was WAY too patient, he had cause to swing much earlier.
Blondie smoked one J and grew some titties, so he decided he was gonna be a girl. Or maybe his Risperdal caused his tittie growth and he figured he could be a great asset to the antifa frontline (since they throw their tiny females in front of all the “men”). Nasty loser.